Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Revakriid

  • Member
    January 3, 2014
    Thanks for the reply! Normally I would power level enchanting at level 22 because thats when you are able to get the Banish enchantment from The Fletcher in Solitude but I think I can do it with rings/boots of sneaking. Thank you again.
  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    Teecam, how best to roleplay this? or do I come up with my own? :)

  • August 29, 2014
    Agreed teccam.
  • February 9, 2015

    It's been a year since anybody commented on this!  Let's fix that. :3

    For builds like this (or just enjoying the fun of shouts in general), how hard is it to bypass or disable the spriggan earth mothers in order to access yellow mountain flowers early? Would a poison like Canis Root, Imp Stool and Mora Tapinella be able to get me and my followers to victory, or am I better off just going through the motions of Dawnguard in order to get the flowers as early as possible?

  • Member
    February 9, 2015

    It's been ages since I've played this build, or any other that required collecting Yellow Mountain Flower. But from memory, I'm fairly certain I was able to just run right through the entrance caven of the glade, and make it to the interior without needing to fight the spriggans. Yeah, they are TOUGH if you're going in there at a low level, without 100% shouts or decent potions/gear.

    However, there's really not a whole lot of reason to go into the glade before you max out your Alchemy and Enchanting anyway. I mean, you could go earlier, and be okay with something like 50-80% Fortify Shouts, but that doesn't allow you to pull of chains and combos.

    When I played this build, I basically just ground up Enchanting and Smithing as quickly as possible once I finished the Companions questline. Twisted's skill leveling guide in T&T is a good resource for how to do that. If you don't go into the glade until you've maxed those two skills, you shouldn't have much trouble dealing with the spriggans, even without 100% Shouts.

    But again, I'm fairly certain I was able to just sprint past them, as their script to pull themselves out of the tree trunks takes several seconds and doesn't activate until you're within a few feet. The gate should be open from the moment you enter the cell; no need to kill them to progress to the glade proper.

    While I'm here, I'll mention that I'm gonna try to update the presentation here a bit ... Most of my builds now use a sans-serif font (Arial) for the body, and I'm probably gonna swap the first two paragraphs to be more in line with my other builds in terms of flow. Might redo the equipment spread as well, with a different font and border style, to be more in line with my usual style. No gameplay changes, but if anyone cares, I'm hoping to make it look a bit nicer within the next couple of days. 

  • February 10, 2015

    I see... I was hoping I could get ahold of a few flowers earlier on, so I can shout a bit better when I don't have the skills to support myself on various builds!  Well, if not playing DiD I guess a bit of sprinting never hurt anybody!  I have 'fond' memories of a cave full of what basically account to giant preying mantises with arthropod-like shells, a book of Ancient Knowledge, and lots of screaming in Gothic 3.  Aside from the going down without dying aspect, I guess it's high time I recreated the experience in Skyrim? >_>

  • Member
    October 29, 2015
    If I may ask... where is the gameplay section? Or did I miss it? :( The design is pretty nice, the presentation too. I like the skill combination. You're creating something big with just a few of them, thats impressive.
  • Member
    October 30, 2015

    There's not one, as such. This build was posted over three years ago, at a time when builds here tended to be much shorter and less structured. And it's intentionally simple too. Basically the gameplay consists of seeking out words of power, learning shouts, and employing them in combat. With 100% fortify shouts and a decent amount of defensive stopping power and physical damage output to complement your Thu'um, the gameplay more or less writes itself. Just go nuts with your favorite shouts, try new ones out, practice combos (there are a few listed here to get your started).

  • October 30, 2015
    Nuts is the right word to describe the build's gameplay for sure :P Edit: build never liked? For shame, wizard
  • Member
    November 3, 2015
    Thank you and sorry for that gameplay thing.