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  • June 3, 2015

    For me personally, after a significantly event in the story, I would consider doing the following. 

    1. Making a blog post that lists the chapters of a particular arc, organizing it as I saw fit. A sort of summary of blog posts, I guess.

    2. Linking the blog post then to the TOC and labeling it as a particular arc. 

    Dunno, I'm not at the point yet, but I have to consider it, as like Sotek, my narrative's pretty chapter heavy. 

  • Member
    June 3, 2015
    I dont really foresee any issues other than the length it will reach. I do understand that this is your topic of concern. Im not 100% sure, but you might be able to shorten it up by cutting your chapter summaries out and pasting them into a mouseover tooltip. Doing this will keep all info within the same page without arcing and you can avoid lengthy chapters.

    Dont know if thats possible to create with an html link but it might be worth looking in to. Here is a helpful link to get u started.
  • Member
    June 6, 2015

    I'll have a look into this and see if it's an option.

    I am curiouse as to what content can be posted as a blog. I know it's 500 words but does that mean I could have say as an example a blog entitled U.O.T.W. Book 01 Soul Storm. Then list the first 50 odd chapters (or there abouts) with the summeries for those chapters. it woud be over 500 words but then again it would be 50 odd links.

    If that could be allowed then the link from my TOC would be a link to that blog rather than each chapter.

  • Member
    July 6, 2015

    Hi hello everyone i am writing a story that spans the entirety of Tamriel and occurs in the events post-Skyrim. Basically its four storylines that intertwine and eventually collide, with the 4 main characters being the Dragonborn, The Listener (Dark Brotherhood), a descendant of the Nerevarine and a final character that is my own creation, being the embodiment of Talos reincarnated on Earth.

    The story plot, is, in the simplest form, an unprecedented, coordinated attempt by a group of the Daedric Princes to take over Tamriel. 

    and as usual, these 4 will eventually try to stop them. hehe what do you guys think??

  • Member
    July 7, 2015
    Sounds decent, but ambitious. As someone who writes a story with 4 different character perspectives, I will tell you that this can be challenging to juggle if you have little experience.
  • Member
    July 7, 2015

    It definitely will be challenging, and there is still a lot of holes i need to fill. any help on techniques to pull off writing 4 perspectives concurrently?

  • Member
    July 7, 2015
    Hey there Story Corn... err, Tamriel Tales. So, getting straight to the point, I'm in the planning stages of a story that I've had in my head for a while now. I've got somewhat of a snag based on the actual lore, though. Winterhold. Why the hell haven't they rebuilt, and why are they still mad, when the Great Collapse happened roughly eighty years ago? In-game, they act like it happened just last year or something. So is this a case where I should outright ignore the lore? Any opinions would be appreciated.
  • Member
    July 7, 2015

    Third person perspective lends better to multiple viewpoints. It still helps, though, to have a good sense of how differently your characters talk, think, and perceive the world around them. Give your characters good history.

    If you want to practice their dialogue, try writing mock scenes in 1st person from the perspectives of your characters, having them talk in their voices. It's important to try and make sure your characters don't come across as being too similar (though this is much easier said than done).

  • Member
    July 7, 2015

    It's up to you, man. Personally I like to change lore elements if I don't feel they were thought through well enough, though it can be a fine line to walk. 

    Whatever you decide to do, do it because it makes the story better. That's what's important.

  • Member
    July 7, 2015

    There's an old saying Breaker, Lores are made to be broken. In my story Winterhold has a smithy and a stables. One thing which might be a nice touch to add is a short paragraph about the rebuilding of Winterhold.

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