Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Events

  • TED
    June 3, 2014

    Hi Albino, co-host Billy Mays here to respond to the points you have made!  I can live with replacing the "post your entry on this date" rule with something that's more suitable.  It would be interesting to find out how fast some of the other participants were able to completely finish both the play-testing and build write-up.  This way, we have a better way of deciding what to do with a time rule.

    Thanks for plugging my build!    In regards to that, I overlooked my schedule before I decided to join the factions event.  If this happens with another builder for the next Event, Tae and I might allow it to wiggle in.  It'll just have to depend on when we talk.

    To be fair, Mason's hiatus unintentionally caused this to happen.  I believe it could have been avoided if a deadline was established beforehand.  Hopefully we'll address this with the proper actions soon.

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    I kinda dig no deadline rule, that way you can get resurrection build a month later  On the other hand it sort of removes the specialty of the event builds as one may post his build months later in the event tag and has it visible through there

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    I'd plug anything of yours Billy :P

    Yeah, Mason's hiatus didn't help things, but I still think relaxing or eliminating the deadine rule would be a good move overall.

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    Yeah, it'd be kinda silly if someone posted a Resurrection build in August 2015 or something like that :P

    That's why I proposed relaxing the deadline as an alternative. If next contest's deadline is say, July 9th, give or take a day, then we could adopt the more relaxed deadline of the second week of July. People who miss that deadline (within reason, of course) could still have the event tag (again, see Onenessy's Ancestor Moth build as an example).

  • Member
    June 3, 2014
    I think the best way to go about this would be to have a deadline week. For example, all builds can be posted from the 1st of July until the 7th. Any others after that won't be able to use the event tag
  • Member
    June 3, 2014
    I know, but making it clearer would make everything a lot easier to manage
  • TED
    June 3, 2014

    I'm cool with a deadline week.  Everybody else that isn't down with that, I have a GIF for you to watch!  :P

  • Member
    June 3, 2014
    I dub thee the official gif of the character building group.
  • June 3, 2014
    So anyone got any cool suggestions for the next theme?
  • Member
    June 3, 2014
    We've got a few ideas in mind, but we're not saying ;) Joking aside, if anyone has some suggestions for a theme, post it here!