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Straag Rod (The Turning Wheel): Book 1

  • December 8, 2015

    I know, I acknowledged the silliness of it later on. It just caught me on a bad day. 

    You think that a tantrum? I was restrained. Very restrained. 

    I am entitled to them on occasion, no? 

  • Member
    December 8, 2015

    Oh Lissette, it matters not how restrained is the sulker - it matters only that the sulker is sulking. 

  • December 8, 2015

    I'm not sulking anymore though. Like I said, I got over the pity party pretty fast. Within minutes of the original pity party. Hence, why I said, pity party over.

    I'm just bummed that I lost editing time sulking. Have had to play catch up today. If I want this PDF out by December 18. Yes, I like that date. Not Hanukkah, not Christmas, but the end of my term, which is cause enough for celebration in my book. 

    I shall make a pretty postery thing later. 

  • Member
    December 8, 2015

    I know, I know, I can tell well enough that you've recovered.  Good on you for recognising your own overreaction. I can't do that.

    That certainly does sound like a good reason to celebrate! I can't wait for the PDF. 

  • Member
    December 8, 2015

    It was an overreaction, I admit, but it's an overreaction I think many writers can understand. Likely not JUST this small point in lore made you question your continuation in writing this story. It's a massive story, as large as a true novel would be, and to write so much can be both exhilarating and exasperating. I can understand that you've nitpicked and carefully situated your story in such a way, it fits the Elder Scrolls lore perfectly. To discover that all that hard work may have wasted away by one possible misplaced or misconceived point in lore can be, well, crushing. But, again, as everyone suggests, it is stepping over the boundaries to merely trash the story. I know the point has been made, and it doesn't help much to repeat it over and over again, but I had to put in my two cents because I wouldn't be me if I didn't.  You've got this, Lissette. Just take a breather once in a while so you don't drive yourself to exhaustion!

  • Member
    December 8, 2015
    Psh! Pif! Ph! How DARE you develop interesting characters! EXPLAAAAIN YOURSEEEEELF! At least you can recognize that it was a pity party. Step one of recovery is recognizing you have a problem! In all seriousness, it's not like we don't know that writing this must be stressful, especially when trying to be as lore-acurrate as possible, simply because it's freaking massive. I think that right now a lot of us are having our pity parties. Can't wait for the PDF!
  • Member
    December 8, 2015

    Tru dat. I've been wondering how far I can push the magic mechanics, ended up just yelling, "F#$% this, I'll write what I want!"

  • Member
    December 8, 2015

    It may be easy to say this was an overreaction but then again I know you poured over a year into your story and went through several lore storms to get there. You have prided yourself with being as close to lore as you could and even went to great lengths to achieve this.

    As you are aware, I too have strong feelings over certain criteria on my own story and there is no doubt that my story means as much to me as Straag Rod does to you. I don’t know how I would feel if I were in your predicament.

    It’s not important that we or even you see whether you over reacted to this situation. What’s important is that you made a decision which in my opinion works. We flesh out chars and if that means we break away then so be it. We have to break the mould sometimes in order to give the characters life and give our stories that sense of realism. At the end of the day that’s what you did. You gave prominent characters lives of their own and breathed life into the land of Skyrim. There is no doubt that Straag Rod is better off for it.

  • December 9, 2015

    Actually, I think you've done a great job with your spells so far. I change the magic mechanics somewhat in Straag Rod as well. Make it more to reflect, I think, a real life situation, rather than gameplay. Like fire actually burning and shit like that. 

  • Member
    December 9, 2015

    *Hands Lissette some Sujamma*