Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Battlemage Sellsword

Tags: #Character Build Spellsword  #Character Build Battlemage  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • May 11, 2013

    For the "Spellsword" pun, I always thought about the bound Sword.  See what I did there?  Sorry for exploding on your post, BTW.  I hadn't realized how close I was, and your words were merely the last straw.  I'll try not to do it again.

    Personally, I see "Battlemage' as more of an overclass to some of the more specific sub-classes that combine warrior, and mage.  A spellsword is more of a skirmisher, and a combo (Spell+Sword=Spellsword!)  A Sworcerer is a Steel Cannon, sometimes with Spell Absorption, but generally no weapons.  A Crusader is a paladin, or Cleric, right out of D&D.  So, when i have a build that uses Magic/Weapons in some way that's not covered by one of the other hybrid builds, it's still a Battlemage, of a sort.  Just like a Barbarian is a Warrior, but not all Warriors are Barbarians.

    Which is not to say in any way this is anything like the official canon definitions, just how I keep it straight in my head, which i can guarantee don't work anything like yours, or anyone else I've talked to.

  • May 11, 2013

    Agreed to both.  Presentation as THE Battlemage and not just A battlemage is what sent me flying off into a pissy hissy fit.  No excuse, that was just wrong, and I took a couple days off before i came back, and discovered i was Suspended for a week. 

    Good build over all, the only things I can't really Like it for are 1)  Trying to make it Definitive, and 2) the overspacing.  Seriously, you have a 3 line paragraph, followed by 5 empty spaces, then a title, space, repetition of the title, and a page dominating picture right after that.  I don't mind the pictures, but along with the spacing, over half the page is blank, with little bits of content thrown in.  Count lines, on some pages there's more space than text, and that's a bit too much.

  • Member
    May 12, 2013

    Hey Psi, 

    So it's ok... no issues. Life is stressful and I can understand when we tend to lose it, though how (and sometimes, for what), is important... so apology accepted!

    I will be responding to your other post on the minor changes I have done for this build.

  • Member
    May 12, 2013

    Hi Albino / PSI, 

    OK, so i have made some minor changes to the build to make is reflect the following:

    • The earlier portion on the battlemage specifics now include a more broader range and have made them open to interpretation (as opposed to making most of them essential), thus allowing this build to be played however anyone wishes, whilst retaining core aspects
    • A highlight on a section that specifies that some of the skills utilized as a personal preference on what i consider the best (therefore, making this build only)

    I don't really know about the spacing though.. it looks fine to me on the comp and the iphone i am using... Perhaps it might be useful if you specify where these space issues are occurring...that way, i can do something about it.


  • May 12, 2013

    No need, just apply the changes, or not.  That part of it was just optional advice, just a little unfriendly with residual rage.  I just discovered a new berserk Button, and am in the process of diffusing it.  it wasn't you, you just happened to walk in front of me somewhere between Berserker rage, and beast Form.  (Still an unholy combo.  oldie, but goodie!)

  • Member
    May 12, 2013

    Looks good for the most part. Not sure what Psi is talking about with regards to spacing, I don't notice any large gaps on my computer. I'd give you another like, but I already gave you one.

  • May 12, 2013

    I'll BRB, but for starters, right before Gear there's a long one, and most of the preceeding paragraphs are pretty widely separated.

  • Member
    May 13, 2013

    Hey PSI, 

    Am looking at it from my PC on the portioned area before gear and it looks fine. Could you please send me a screenshot of what it looks like on your PC? Not really sure what you mean...

    I'll try to check with the others to see if any of them face the same issue as well.


  • Member
    May 14, 2013

    When I think of Battlemages gamewise, I think of

  • Member
    May 14, 2013

    True enough.... battlemages can be interpreted in many ways, though the standard feature for most of them include some form of armor (be it via flesh spells or heavt armor), destructions spells and some form of melee (though it may be entirely optional on the third).