Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Arcane Bladesman

Tags: #Character Build Spellsword  #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Bound Weapons  #Rank:Legendary  #Race:Altmer 
  • Member
    January 14, 2012

    I had an Electromancer and a Pyromancer for awhile there but it pissed me off so much and I found I had more fun raising everything in my path. It drove me mad after a few tight dungeons where they wouldn't follow me around corners and I screwed around for 50% of my time trying to get them to follow me.

  • Member
    January 14, 2012

    oh man, that is cool. Is it high on the conjour perk tree, like, the last one? or a spell(tome) you have to read? and UNLIMITED people? level of Skyrim to engage in.

  • Member
    January 14, 2012

    It's a master level spell, with 15% cost reduction and 100 skill it costs roughly 510 magicka to cast. It counts towards your summon cap of 1 (or 2 with twin souls) and takes about 5 seconds to cast, and can be interrupted. It only works on people (player races) and they have to be below level 40, so no Arch Electromancers for you!

  • January 15, 2012

    What about bound bow and archery would those be good to have or would they be a waste of perks?

  • January 15, 2012

    Not a waste, just maybe not needed. This characters ranged offence comes from Destruction, adding archery would maybe leave you with conflicting choices during combat.

    Also i get a kind of 'fast and furious' feel from this build, sitting at the back shooting arrows would nerf him somewhat.

    Also welcome to the group!!

  • February 19, 2012

    wich stone lord?

  • Member
    February 19, 2012

    I used Mage, although Lord would work pretty well too. I tend to stick with the skill rate ones.

  • February 23, 2012

    I love this build so far I level up a lot faster due to all the different skills it uses in combat.

  • February 23, 2012

    Sounds like a fun build, I might give it a go.  I'm going to have to wait a bit, because I already have a few characters using conjuration with a weapon at the moment, but none are quite like this one (one is more of a melee fighter, while another is a stealthy archer-type, and yet a third that combines conjuration (the weapon perks only) with destruction).

    I like the destruction in the primary for this build.  Destruction works well with the conjured blade.  Opponents often go into 'block' or defensive mode in melee combat.  That's the perfect time to hit them with a spell.

    I'm suprised that you don't have 'soul stealer' in your perk list.   This is an easy way to trap souls for enchanting.  Of course you do have enchanting as a minor skill rather than a major.  I'll probably change this build a bit for my character to include some enchanting.

    Nice build - thanks.

  • Member
    February 24, 2012

    I tried the Soul Stealer perk but I absolutely hated it, crappy enemies souls being trapped in all my good gems - and besides, soul trapping normally gives more conjuration XP. Although it's a pity I can't get the banish/turn perk now