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Character Build: Rise of the Fallen

Tags: #Character Build Knight  #Character Build Necromancer  #Character Build Enchanter  #Rank:Legendary 
  • February 11, 2014

    Did you strip/fast travel? Works every time for me...

  • Member
    February 11, 2014
    Yeah, I can tell you didn't do the bottom one or the second one, they're not your style. But the top one is yours, right? That's a seriously cool image, especially those Draugr eyes. While I am not the biggest fan of the main quest, I'm not that bothered by crafting unless it's used in excess (which it isn't here), and I'm a sucker for a good conjuration build. Also, a couple of questions I've had in my mind were: did you become a Vampire? It seems like this has a kind of undead vibe and was wondering whether you became a vampire. Also, why not enchant the shield twice? Since you have Extra Effect you might as well enchant it with something else.
  • February 11, 2014

    Sorry, what have you actually done?

    You need to:-

    • Induct a follower into the blades
    • Mark them with a ceremonial axe or sword
    • Kill them
    • Strip them of everything other than the ceremonial axe or sword
    • Make them a Dead Thrall
    • Fast travel to a new location Whiterun -> Winterhold for example.
    • Thrall should spawn in a complete new set of armor.

    You don't always even need to fast travel, just walking out the door of the Riverwood Trader will sometimes cause them to re-equip. I'll do a short video and link it in the build somewhere, wish I'd been able to do that with the whole 'Advanced Atronach' thing months back.

  • February 11, 2014

    If you're currently staring at an undead naked blades follower they will definitely duplicate themselves a new set of armor. Just play normally for 10 minutes and they should sort themselves out...

    In the video Lydia is wearing a set of duped armor, she's not actually a member of the blades because I wanted to save myself a blades membership in case anything went wrong with my thralls. (you only get to induct three followers)

  • Member
    February 11, 2014

    I think I'm gonna roll a redguard for this and go with your suggested choices for thralls though instead of using lydia as a follower as I saw in your video I'm gonna grab the female redguard housecarl in falkreath :)

  • February 11, 2014
    The intro from the video got me hooked and I stayed. Will never regret seeing the whole video nor reading the rest of the build. This opens so many possibilities! Being as awesome as it is I would love to play this! Mason, this is just brilliant! +1 seems too little, but hopefully enough for more to come!
  • February 11, 2014

    For a main follower try this guy for a few levels...

    Check out his list of perks!! He's an animal! I gave him a pair of unenchanted blades swords and he one-shot everything...

    Probably the strongest follower in the game. Expensive to get though, he has a 'double damage' perk so he's essentially in 'Berserker Mode' all the time.

    He doesn't specialise in heavy armor though and it does actually make a big difference if you don't give a follower armor they are skilled in.

  • Member
    February 11, 2014

    Nah, I thought it would just be a fun name change for a little while. I'll change it back eventually though.

  • Member
    February 11, 2014

    Good lord he is a beast O_O

  • February 11, 2014
    Probably having the problem of the raised followers level cap. Since (as Mason said) some followers cap at lvl 50 or more, those followers can't be raised again after you leveled past the cap of Dead Thrall making them unraiseable perhaps?