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Character Build: Rise of the Fallen

Tags: #Character Build Knight  #Character Build Necromancer  #Character Build Enchanter  #Rank:Legendary 
  • February 13, 2014

    Thanks Mark, that's nice of you to say! The thralls will level with you.

  • February 13, 2014

    Thanks Sleuth, the thralls have actually got a whole secret life that they go wandering on when not with your character. I had one of them do a lap of Solstheim at one point, was watching his little marker, he came back in pretty bad shape...

  • Member
    February 13, 2014

    Awesome build!! I'll have to cancel my current telvanni play through to give this a shot.

    Was only a small thing but i loved the names you gave each piece of armor, I'm a sucker for that kind of thing tho. +1

    Also what was the third follower in the video, i aw Lydia and Vorstag but who was the 3rd one?

  • February 13, 2014

    It's Golldir in the main video, he's turned out to be pretty good. I want to try Stenvar at some point and give him the Ebony Blade to play with...

    The only problem with using the misc followers (lvl 30) is that they are never immune to a Deathlords disarm shout which means I have to re-equip them but it's a small thing, it only happened twice over three playthroughs...

    Thanks Ramah!

  • Member
    February 13, 2014

    I've never used thralls, how exactly does equipping armor and weapons on them work? Do you have to kill them and place it on their body before resurrecting them or is it like the fllower menu?

  • Member
    February 13, 2014

    Also the sheer perfection of your presentation makes me doubt I will ever be able to produce a build. The intro of your video alone... magic. 

  • February 13, 2014

    You should always use conjure flame atronach or even just the simple familiar spell to dismiss your thralls. Don't go fighting with them, especially once you have the savage strike perk...

    Once they are on the ground you can do whatever you like with their equipment.

    Just DO NOT mix it up!! If you end up with four sets of identical blades armor in your inventory you will never put humpty dumpty back together again and you will have to start over.

    Use enchanting to rename pieces of armor, even if you just add a '1' or a '2' after the orginal name so you can easily re-equip your minions...

    I'll be doing a quick video about this because I foresee people struggling.

  • Member
    February 13, 2014

    What exactly would be the trouble with mixing up armor sets? They're going to be identical aren't they (maybe i missed something in the build)

  • February 13, 2014

    It goes back to the original build concept. When you create a Dead Thrall they can only ever use the original armor they were 'born' in. You can't make a set of daedric armor and put it on a bandit chief, they will just re-equip their steel armor...

    Thralls are very specific about 'their' set of armor. A Faendal blade thrall will not wear a Vorstag blade thralls armor, Faendal WANTS to wear the set of blades armor he spawned in and no other...

    If you go fast looting your thralls inventory and go on a mass smithing session at a forge without planning ahead you're going to have big problems when you go re-equipping them with the improved gear.

    It's like trying to put a jigsaw together without the picture...

    You have to work carefully and treat each thrall seperately. Especially if you haven't re-named their gear. Stick your own armor in a random barrel or something so you don't get things mixed up.

    You can work fast once you get used to it and you only really need to do it 2 or 3 times over the playthrough and that's only if you're obsessing over your army like I do.

  • Member
    February 13, 2014
    And that's why you wouldn't use Yamarz...