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A Roleplayer's Copybook: The Lazy Bard Challenge

Tags: #RP  #Story  #Challenge  #Writing 
  • Member
    October 20, 2018


    Edited the post Sorry ^^ He is alone in the Cave. The Vampire is dead and only Meeko and himself are there ^^ 

    I got infected by trying to wait out the storm and thought about it. I never actually Roleplayed a Vampire and this one is even good Aligned so this Might bring up some interesting Situations ^^

  • October 20, 2018

    I have played a good vampire. An interesting experience indeed.

  • Member
    October 20, 2018


    I might Add a few Things later to the Profile with a *Spoiler* sign and compile all the Vampire Characteristics there. 

  • October 20, 2018

    Nope, you can'tXP The profile is about the things that happened before. You can have Ostium discover the effects of his vampirism as he experiences them.

  • Member
    October 21, 2018
    Ostium woke up in a daze not knowing what happend to Him. Meeko laid next to him with his Head on Ostiums Chest. Ostium slolmely got up and saw the Man laying next to Him. He gripped his Neck in Shock. He could feel 2 small holes in his Skin. But he was not bleeding. He looked at his Hand and to his suprise it was paler than before. Ostium slowly came to the Realisation when he rushed over to the Dead Man and inspected his Mouth. Sure enough 2 long Fangs. Ostium reached for his Mouth, his Hand shaking in disbelieve. 2 Fangs. Ostium sat down on the Ground, Meeko looked at him and sat down next to Him

    "Im still me, Right?" A Tear running down his Face.

    A few Minutes Passed, Ostium was lost in Thought. He went through everything he knew about Vampires in his Head. He remembered an old rhyme about Vampires which a servant used to tell him.

    "The Dawn's a Vampires fear.

    The Sunlight burns the Skin.

    But one thing is Clear.

    They Drink Blood with a Grin."

    A silly rhyme but accurate non the less. Ostium looked outside the Cave as the Sun was crawling down behind the Mountains. He spotted a ruined Fort in the Distance. With Hunger in his Mind, He went off to seek out Blood.


    He wont feed on Innocents such as Guards, Civilians or Travelers.

    He wont endanger the Towns by living in them. Maximum is 2 days in a City or Village. When he becomes a Stage 3 Vampire he will leave Civilisations as fast as possible in fear as to what he might do when he loses Control.

    He will search for a Place to Live for now away from People.

    Ostium wont let Vampirism destroy his Life. He will keep on Traveling the World.

    I will do a seperate post explaining everything surrounding his condition and how the different stages affect Roleplay.

  • October 21, 2018

    The rhyme is especially cool)) But one question. How much time passed since he was bitten? I thought it takes a few days before you turn?

  • Member
    October 21, 2018
    Ostiums Vampirism

    When he feeds the Blood he drank will start to course through his veins. He will regain skin color and body heat. He will look exactly like a Human exept for the eyes but only a Trained Vampire Hunter would recognize him.

    Stage 2 his skin will turn paler and his body will become colder. He will look a little sick like he had a cough or cold.

    Stage 3 He will appear to look like a Corpse. Colder Skin and his Face will sink in a bit.

    Stage 4 His Body is now Pale. The blood left his system completly. He will be Cold as the Winter Wind. His Face will change. His eara grow a little pointy his fangs are visible and his Eyes will glow in an ominous Orange/Red. His Face will look like a Skull wearing a Skin mask. Sunken Eyes with bags under them etc.

    No breathing, No heartbeat, Potions are only allowed on him in Stages 1 and 2(with a few exeptions which will be explained when used).

    His judgement off the situation will degrade with each Hunger level. 1 and 2 will be just like he always is at 3he will start to make desicions he might not make normally at stage 4 he will become irrational Brutal and Mercyless. Sun damage gets worse per stage 1 is no sun smg 2 and 3 are medium high dmg and 4 is death when exposed for a few seconds.

  • October 21, 2018

    Wow, this is cool.

  • Member
    October 21, 2018

    I did the same thing like Harkon did. If you get bitten directly you will turn faster is the way i see it. He turned in about one and a half and sleept for days. So right now he is in stage 2, on the edge of turning stage 3.

  • October 21, 2018

    Ah, I see.