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How could The empire beat the dominion without skyrim and hammer

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:25 PM EST

    I'm saying out with Colovian empires. Give us a Nord and Dunmer Empire.

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:26 PM EST

    That too. And I'm not saying side with the Empire. I'm saying side with the Nords i.e. Stormcloaks and just kill everyone that they both don't like. Maybe after the Empire and Dominion is dealt with they could ask the Nords to return the favor and help them finally get revenge on the Argonians, also. 

  • January 28, 2014 10:29 PM EST

    Have you seen contingent of altmer battlemages do a beach landing? How do you know if they'll do well?Maybe theyll all die. Maybe they'll take a port city.  I do know this. By the time they take a port city, imperial forces will muster, and they will not be able to go further inland. It wouldn't be profitable, and the far seeing Altmer know that. 

    The only way that they might get a foothold, is political instability in the empire, like they did with Chancellor Ocato. That's really their only game plan, and if can see it coming, you know a trained official or someone with experience in the area would see it coming from a LONG way off.

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:29 PM EST

    Well at least you agree that it isn't racist. 

    And I wasn't saying I don't like them as a race. In fact they are quite interesting. I just don't like playing one because I like magic a lot, and a Redguard mage is wrong to the point that it is almost lore-breaking for me. 

    • 360 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:29 PM EST

    plz no
    plz no end to colovian empire
    btw thx, I forgot how that was spelled and was too lazy to go find out, will edit that

  • January 28, 2014 10:31 PM EST
    I know. I was being sarcastic (although I do actually think not liking the Redguards is a tad dumb :P).
    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:34 PM EST

    Not if all the officials are either corrupt or under some Illusion spell. The Altmer are masters of Illusion and mind-manipulation after all. 

    All I'm saying is that they committed genocide on you, so why not commit genocide back? Except do it better and actually get them down to about a thousand of them. Then make them have children, kill the parents when the babies are born, and train the new ones to follow your doctrines and your gods. 

    After a while you've got a new Altmer race that is raised Nord, and the problem is dealt with. 

    Just don't let them find out about what you did to their ancestors and you're good.

    And this is my attempt at being an evil bastard. What do you think? Was I evil enough? 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:35 PM EST

    Then fine, a Dunmer-Nord alliance would be sufficient. 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:37 PM EST

    The Colovians had their time. Empires rise and empires fall. 

    And in this case, the Colovians are not just falling. Shor and I are tripping them. 

    • 360 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:40 PM EST

    I'd say that is just about right

  • January 28, 2014 10:42 PM EST


    I wouldn't do genocide because they would just demonize us later for it. I would either 

    1) make them unwilling to attack, effectively neutering them. 

    2) Let them come back to my empire willingly, so they will shut up about past grievances when they join. If they want to leave, let them. At this point, the Empire is doing fine without them, but there would be harsh polices towards them unless they stay in the empire.  

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:45 PM EST

    If you kill them all there wouldn't be any of them left to demonize you. 

    And wait a second. Am I being the brutal one and you the compassionate one? Something is seriously wrong. 

  • January 28, 2014 10:57 PM EST
    You're a Dunmer. Brutality is natural to you.
  • January 28, 2014 10:58 PM EST

    You are the elf after all. 

    Mass genocide is usually unpopular within any society. I don't want to loose face. They need to understand that if they want to be a member of my Empire, that they will have to behave, so that we call can profit, and live peacefully. 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 10:59 PM EST

    True. Especially the Telvanni. 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 11:00 PM EST

    But if they are all dead they won't be around to have negative opinions of you, and the Dunmer certainly won't, and I'm sure the Redguards and Khajiit wouldn't be complaining. 

  • January 28, 2014 11:02 PM EST

    No, the bleeding heart Imperial would be the one. 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 11:03 PM EST

    Well in my scenario above we wipe out all the Colovians as well, so that wouldn't be a problem. 

    • 557 posts
    January 28, 2014 11:05 PM EST

    You are right. The Argonians would stay in Black Marsh unless the Hist told them otherwise (or unless they were directly threatened). 

  • January 28, 2014 11:11 PM EST

    It would be the Nibeans 

    • 338 posts
    January 28, 2014 11:24 PM EST

    Whatever. Execute Order 66 on the whole lot of them. 

    • 89 posts
    January 29, 2014 12:01 AM EST

    The empire should play to its remaining strengths. Tensions already brew in Valenwood. Incite rebellion there, and you find yourself with an empire of Bretons, Imperials, Dunmer, and to a lesser extent, Argonians. Two out of four are sneaky bastards, while the others are mage races that can also make strong warriors. Rebuild the army with Breton and Imperial legions, but focus on special forces. Fight a war in the shadows, undermine Thalmor objectives, win the war the Blades couldn't. Operate within the Summerset Isles themselves. Beat the Thalmor at their own game. Both the Shadowscales and Morag Tong are now officially illegal for fear of them. Surely there are a few rogue assassins out looking for work.

    • 338 posts
    January 29, 2014 12:05 AM EST

    More than a few.

    • 29 posts
    January 29, 2014 1:52 AM EST

    To quote Thranduil, "A hundred years is the blink of an eye to an elf." With politics being the way they are, it is extremely difficult for the Empire to do anything but wait, but on the other hand that's all the Dominion can do as well, because they don't breed have the numbers.

    I think that GWII will happen in a couple hundred years. By that time, both sides will be at their strongest (numbers wise), but the new empire might have become lazy and complacent. They might have forgotten what the elves are capable of. The elves, of course, won't forget the Great War and will start with the upper hand.

    Or maybe the empire becomes stronger than ever, unites the races of Tamriel and proceeds to kick the elves butts .

    Only time will tell.

    • 6 posts
    January 30, 2014 7:27 PM EST

    I don't think the Empire can do it with Skyrim and Hammerfell. There are a few simple facts that has to be brought up in a question like this, starting with the Mede's being repeatedly warned that the Aldmeri Dominion potentially posed a threat to the Empire. Both the Blades and the Penitus Oculatus warned the Medes in the course of the 150 years before the war broke out.

    Despite this, the Empire was completely unprepared for the Great War, and suffered great losses throughout the entire conflict. Only by, as it does seem from Hammerfell being abandoned and the Forsworn taking control of Markarth again, gathering virtually all forces available and marching them down and surrounding the Imperial City, taking the Dominion invasion army by surprise, was Titus Mede II able to turn a complete loss to just a major loss, with the signing of the WGC. In the process of this, more than half of the Legion was put out of commission.

    Turning it around, Summerset Isles is one of the most difficult nations to invade in all of Tamriel, so much so that the only time it has been conquered from the outside is by Tiber Septim when he unleashed a giant time-shattering stompy robot powered by the soul of a uber-powered undead Nord king. A robot the Empire doesn't have control over anymore, mind you.

    Best the Empire could do, and even that is questionable, is to drive the Thalmor of the mainland. However, any further effort to attack the Dominion would ultimately be futile. Summerset Isles is as close to an everlasting fortress as you get.

    And now, looking at the actual situation the Empire is in, they have lost Hammerfell and might lose Skyrim. And they have the Thalmor being given freedom to operate with official sanctions from the Imperial Government. A government whose history is such that they are only ever able to keep the Empire going efficiently in the times of a strong Emperor. And the Medes don't seem to be very strong Emperors, and their whole ground for being on the throne to begin with was because the High Chancellor of the time thought Titus Mede I to be a fitting puppet.

    Add in that the Empire is so set in its ways that it cannot even make itself let go of a province it can't even send a proper Legion to keep when the local Jarls start to openly rebel against them. Instead of cutting their losses and move on, they have to waste what littl resources they might possibly be able to spare on a fruitless stalemate that leads nowhere until a demi-god intervenes and decides who wins.

    Add in the most recent development of the leadership of the Empire(Dark Brotherhood ending), and that even generals of the Imperial Legion has to be careful not to offend the Thalmor(Tullius sometimes appear in the quest Diplomatic Immunity), and you really have a problem on your hands.

    Then look at the general history of the 4th Era: The human nations become weaker, while the Dominion becomes stronger. The tide has shifted. Without the Covenant with Akatosh, and now the banning of Talos, the Empire is weakening their own mythic strength more and more. And all the while the Thalmor continue to push the Aldmeri forces against them.

    In short, the Thalmor beat the Imperial Bureaucracy once already. Allowing more time to pass and giving them more influence and official powers to work with is playing the same game as before. And as someone very smart once made clear to us: The definition of madness is when people continue to do the same thing, over and over, expecting a different outcome.