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Character Build: Atmoran Totems - The Hawk

Tags: #Character Build Dual-Wield  #Character Build Spellsword  #Race:Nord  #Character Build Archer  #Rank:Mythic 
  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Can't wait to see what you've come up with, Teineeva!  Your Pilgrim idea is an epic one indeed. :)

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Thats why I'm thankful for the Helmetless Warrior mod

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Ah, yes.  I'm on PC, so I do use a few mods (lighting mods, UI mods... nothing too "crazy" if I'm working on a build for the site), but I haven't used that one yet.

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    It makes it so you don;t need a helmet for those perks

  • Tom
    May 20, 2015

    Mara is only a mother goddess to the Cyrodiils. To the Nords, Mara is just Kyne's handmaiden. Dibella has a higher standing to the Nords as Shor's Bed-Wife (i.e. his piece of ass on the side).

    The Lover Stone would be for Dibella, which is oddly appropriate considering the Temple of Dibella is so close to the Lover Stone.

    Nords aren't as fickle and soft as their southern cousins, remember. They embrace strong, domineering women. I love the ASoIaF reference with Mother-Maiden-Crone, but that's the wrong way to look at the Nords and their gods. Nords are inspired by the Nordic peope of our world (the Germanic peoples and their descendants). Don't think life stages, think positions in society. Jarl, Carl, Thrall.

    Jarls = Ruling Class.

    Carls = Free men and middle Class. Where do you think Housecarl comes from?

    Thrall = Slaves.

    Kyne is dominant, regal, caring. She rules, the others serve. She is Jarl.

    Dibella is a warrior and lover for her chieftain Shor, lesser than Kyne but she doesn't serve like Mara. She is Carl.

    Mara, who is Kyne's servant. She's nothing to Shor, just a lesser aspect of Kyne. She is Thrall.

    Kyne's a milf, Dibella's the hot piece of tail, and Mara's some serving girl.

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Good points.  Given her association with weather, though, I have a hard time viewing Kyne as caring.  Regal, absolutely!  

    The stones/birthsigns are hard to fit into this, partly because the numbers don't go.  There's 3 guardian stones/signs, each with 3 charges, and then the Serpent roving around out there, for a total of 13.  I guess if we toss out the Serpent as an outsider/aberration, and toss out the Guardians themselves, then we have 9 to match the totems.  But the Serpent seems a great fit for the Snake (for a few reasons), and other matches don't seem really precise.  Well, I guess the same could be said about the masks.  One does what one can. 

    Can't remember where I read this, but I know Mara was referred to as the "Tear-Wife" of Shor (probably in one of the 7 Fights of the Aldudagga, or Shor, Son of Shor).  That to me suggests the hearth, domesticity - the wife who mourns at home while her husband fights (and dies) in the wars.  There's a maternal quality there, too, I think.  

    There's also some interesting-looking reading I saw once over in r/TESLore which looks at the feminine aspects of the Nordic pantheon; one article focuses on Mara in particular.  I haven't read that myself, but I wonder how it bears on all this.  

    I'm curious about Dibella's role, too.  I mean, in Shor, Son of Shor she is literally dragged into a tent by Tsun/Stuhn, and Shor seems not to notice or care.  She's presented there in a fairly servile position, I think.  

    Of course, none of these things I'm referencing appear in-game.  But on the other hand, in-game references to the Nordic pantheon are pretty thin on the ground - we've got Varieties of Faith in the Empire, I think, and... that's about it.  For the totems, practically nothing conclusive.  So expanding into MK's extraludic (meh, it's a word) writings is practically a requirement.  

  • Tom
    May 20, 2015

    No! Don't throw out the Serpent. The Serpent is Lorkhan! (or Sithis, whom Shor is the soul of).

    There was a discussion in the Lore Group about Mara and the Ritual Stones in Oblivion and Skyrim, and it led to some bloggers trying to piece together any connections between the Divines and the Constellations/Stones.

    There simply isn't any sort of direct connection between any of them. Stones are powered by Constellations, and Constellations are holes in Mundus.

    The Guardian Constellations of Warrior, Mage, and Thief are overarching themes throughout the series. They are King, Watcher, and Rebel. Usually, it's Auriel, Magnus, and Lorkan with Lorkhan and Auriel switching between roles as King/Warrior and Rebel/Thief.

    The Serpent isn't a constellation, it's described as "un-stars", empty spaces between stars that moves through the heavens unlike the other constellations.

    But I'm getting off topic! I was looking at the names of the Stones and going off that.

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Nice job! This is one of my favorite builds I've seen so far! Is this tied to any lore? It would be quite interesting to learn more about it, so if you found the story about the totems somewhere, could you point me towards it? Thank you! Again, nice job.

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Well the problem with the totems is that they date from a time before the nords started to properly record their history. So there is actually little to no solid lore about them. All we know is that they were the old atmoran gods the nords brought back from atmora, that's about all.

  • Member
    May 20, 2015

    Teineeva's right - there's very little written about the totems.  However, our very own lore group here on the site has a fascinating article on the ancient Nordic pantheon, which makes connections between the totems, the ancient Nordic gods, and the Cyrodiilic pantheon.  

    In-game, there are some brief texts.  IIRC "The Dragon War" is the primary one - and it's written from an Imperial perspective - that suggests such correspondences can be drawn in the first place.  But it does little more than list the totems.  The brief riddle-text you find in Volskygge also helped nudge me in some directions.  

    My take on the totems happens to match with what you'll find in that Ancient Nordic Pantheon article - with some exceptions.  As to the question of whether it's tied to lore... well, maybe "inspired by" lore, with a hefty dose of personal interpretation, is a more precise way to put it.  :)