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  • Member
    February 5, 2016

    jeeze, I didn't need you life story

  • Member
    February 5, 2016

    My life story?

    Starting your life as an egg isn't what it's cracked up to be...

  • Member
    February 5, 2016

  • Member
    February 5, 2016

    Yep, thanks everyone/Lissette!

  • Member
    February 6, 2016

    So I just finished my next chapter after saying I'd write it multiple times in the past two weeks (you can ask Sotek about how many times he and I spoke about that...) If you find anything that's vague, not descriptive enough or what have you, please do let me know 

  • February 6, 2016

    Only a few minor things mechanically speaking. That Xian sure is a powerful guy. 

  • Member
    February 6, 2016

    He has a right to boast right  

    If he's too powerful that's something I want to avoid and/or tone down

  • Member
    February 6, 2016

    Some of the wording gives Xian that ‘god like’ aspect. Have a quick look at this part as an example…

    At the mention of the Reachmen the driver visibly flinched. “R-right. Sorry.”

    “Just keep the horse moving and your eyes. I’ll keep you two from harm.”

    “You sure?” His voice was on the point of going shrill. The voice whinnied her own opinion, seemingly agreeing with its driver.

    Here's my amended version. It gives away some of Xian's power making him less 'god like'.

    At the mention of the Reachmen the driver visibly flinched. “R-right. Sorry.”

    “Just keep the horse and your eyes moving .”

    “You’re right” His voice was on the point of going shrill. The voice whinnied her own opinion, seemingly agreeing with its driver.

    Now you don't have Xian being in the power place of protector, thereby weakening him, in the eyes of the reader.  The actual benefit here is that it don't actualy affect him just the perception.

  • Member
    February 7, 2016

    So, I got chapter 3! If anyone could take a look at it, much thanks!

    Or, should I say, 'much tanks'?

  • February 7, 2016

    Actually what contributes to the God like characteristic in my eyes isn't that, Sotek, it's the description of the carriage driver and his horse. This is a Nord carriage driver. Been doing this for years, probably before the Dragonborn even showed up? Now, all of the sudden he's scared of his shadow and his voice is shrill? That frankly doesn't make sense to me. Also, a horse would never, ever be comfortable around a driver who showed fear. The horse could have the jitters, but it's the driver's job to keep him/her calm even if he's scared to death. 

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