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  • May 11, 2016

    It's a fair amount to cover, so no hurries by any means! This is the first NaNoWriMo I event that I participated in, so I set a 15k word count for myself for camp and hit 16k, so that was cool. 

    But, idk, the 60k NaNoWriMo event in November is still pretty intimidating so I'm not sure about that one yet.

    And I'm still on the fence
    hippy..  ..hound

  • May 11, 2016
  • Member
    May 11, 2016

    I hit my target with about 3 hours to spare. Intense but well worth it. Congrats on the Nano Camp by the way. 

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    Well it's been a while since I was last in Tamriel Tales and I don't think I've ever used this thread but you know what they say, there's always a first time for everything 

    If anyone would be willing to go over the attached word document then you'll have my thanks.

  • May 14, 2016

    linked image seems not to be working, so let's try copy/paste.

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    Hey man, I did a bit of proofreading and gave you a couple of suggestions. I really hope they're helpful. I like this prologue a great deal - the protagonist is very unsettling. 

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    Thanks Rancid 

    Uh punctuation, I've never been great at that. Come to think of it in school they focused more on essay structure then anything else.

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    Bah, schools know nothing about English Language. Essay structure is all well and good, but what use is it if the students can't structure a sentence?  I spent half of middle school trying to teach my teachers.

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    One of my friends in my last couple of years was not a native speaker. She had better sentence structure then pretty much everyone I knew. I'm fairly sure that was because she was taught to use it without all the shortcuts that native speakers create and pick up when we talk (because we're lazy )

  • Member
    May 14, 2016

    Haha, I'm sure I wouldn't know about that.  I am surrounded by people who have English as their second language and yet have no idea how it works in writing. Then again, Pakistanis may just win the global award for the laziest race on Earth. 

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