Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Event: Reviews

  • Member
    January 10, 2015
    Especially with Event Builds. They ain't all bangers
  • January 10, 2015

    ...can a translation of "bangers" be supplied for the British-impaired? Is that good or bad?

  • January 10, 2015

    That is a great idea. If the nominator can supply a testimony for the build's excellence, it should help weed things out.

  • Member
    January 10, 2015
    A banger is a hit! Means it's good, usually in reference to a song or party but can apply to pretty much anything. And I'm American, just below ya :)
  • January 11, 2015

    Might be a little late for my opinion to come into equation but lets be honest Albino and Noodles are choosing the majority of the builds and unless we see a trend of their builds then I cant see anyway there can be any favouritism involved, which is very different from the HoF. I think self-Nominations should be viewed in the same manner as the Build Recommendations, you know more about your own build then anyone else (hopefully anyway) so you should be able to give a decent little description of your build.


    Just my opinion, probably wasn't very clear but whatever, its up to the Bosses anyway.

  • Member
    January 11, 2015
    I dig the idea. Build and gameplay videos especially from HeroicXCV and pcoutcast are some of my favorite aspects of the blog now.

    One thing. I understand to a point, but why limit the choices to Mythic and Legendary? I know, I know. You guys will probably pick from there anyway, BUT would be kind of cool to every once in awhile see someone review a lower ranked build if it was tucked away somewhere. Just food for thought. Again, the choices will still most likely come from those ranks but it might be interesting. Have builds be chosen from any rank. It would probably create incentive to make better builds.
  • Member
    January 11, 2015

    Henson is right, especially since the lower traffic on the blog lately. Take Oneness's Sorceress, its exemplar right now, but its worth much much higher than that. 

  • Member
    January 11, 2015
    Right now that can happen because HeroicXCV and pcoutcast choose their builds however they wish. If the event goes well, we'll go into the lower ranks in future iterations.
  • Member
    January 11, 2015
    I think it'd be pretty funny if only Alino's and Noodles' builds were chosen... :D

    I reckon Albino has a good chance, he has something like a 30th of the builds on the blog to his name. And I agree with Henson, we might as well have all ranks available, since if people are going to self-nominate we'll have a load anyway. That way, if a lower ranked build is chosen it'll give more people incentive to build, knowing that Bloodworks and Recognized hide some great builds.
  • Member
    January 11, 2015

    As long as you guys don't nominate my Thief or my Frost Nymph, I won't pick any of my builds.  I have a certain weakness to those two... You have been warned!