Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Prototype

Tags: #Race:Nord  #Character Build Barbarian  #Character Build Villain  #Rank:Recognized 
  • July 12, 2014

    Im pretty impressed by this. Usually the walking death-machine type characters fail miserably but you've taken that tired, overdone concept, and overhauled it into something truly awesome. Great work. 

  • Member
    July 12, 2014

    That's actually quite the complement, because that's what I sought to achieve. 

    Thanks CND, and by the way I have to thank Fisher. He gave me an idea (the Ring of Namira) that I just started (console commanded in the gear to see if it would work) and it is a lot of fun to play.

    Hopefully I can make more builds that change up the scene, it is my desire.

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    You did say you were working on something but your hint hardly did justice to the final product. This build is pretty damned cool and looks great fun to play. I like no nonsense melee and mixing it up with a little magic never hurts! Also it's very imaginative

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    Thanks, Phil, but right now I'm actually pretty sad. 

    For the first time in 40 levels, Meeko is dead. T_T 

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    I'm not a dog lover either in Skyrim or real life so I don't think I've brought him along for walks in-game. Now if Beth had given us a pet fox or saber cat I'd have had them follow me everywhere

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    I'm actually a huge dog guy, and instead of bringing him along on walks I doubled his size and took him along with me raiding bandit camps. The chief killed him. D:

    So I went and destroyed Whiterun. Classic Prototype behavior.

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    You're a huge dog guy? I'm picturing a werewolf  

    Epic in-game response: Raize the place, kill all the things!

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    Hahaha, good one. Didn't see that coming, should have lol.

    It was the camp by the Western Watchtower in Whiterun. So when I fast traveled back to unload, my Prototype just broke down and went on a killing rampage. 

    I did more damage with that one character to Whiterun than my Stormcloak could ever do. XD

  • Member
    July 13, 2014


    So is this based on the game Prototype because if it is I think I have an interesting idea for this if you're willing to listen.

  • Member
    July 13, 2014

    Actually, I've never played Prototype. It's not based on anything, really, except the racism of the Thalmor and the byproducts of it.