Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Oracle

Tags: #Character Build Monk  #Character Build No Crafting  #Character Build Unarmed  #Race:Redguard  #Rank:Mythic  #Hall of Fame Build 
  • Member
    June 3, 2015

    OMG A final fantasy tactics build?! I'm having too much nostalgia right now!!!

    Infinite +1s from me

  • Member
    June 3, 2015
    A Final Fantasy fan on Skyrim Blog? You rock!
  • Member
    June 3, 2015

    I commented on this build before asking about the stave damage but I would just like to say I started playing the Tang Mo build today and well.. got bored as I've been playing Skyrim since it came out and standard combat doesn't do it for me anymore. But tomorrow I'm going to strat this build and one thing thats grabbed my attention is not only the fact that its an unarmed monk, and I've never played using unarmed but this build doesn't perk a single enchanting skill which I love as leveling them crafting skills are a pain in the *ss!

    One question but on the perk spread the number of perks only goes up to 37, is this a mistake or just level you got to? If so would there be any other skills that when added to the build wouldn't make it a new one or break it?

    I'm looking forward to playing this tomorrow, Good Job!

  • Member
    June 3, 2015
    I'm glad you like it! It's a very fun build indeed. One of my favorites in terms of active gameplay. I don't think I would add a skill but you could definitely fill out the listed skills, particularly Block. Block Runner and all the right side of the tree right up to shield charge would add some awesome utility abilities. You could also throw a perk into Adept Illusion for ultimate crowd control. A few perks in Stealth could help the Crouching Tiger stance but it's not necessary. If you make it up past Lvl 40 you'll know what you need. Hopefully this one will keep you hooked. Let me know how it goes :)
  • Member
    June 4, 2015

    Just starting the build now and I have one final question for you. So I've had the idea that instead of playing as a redguard I would play as a Khajiit for 2 reasons.

    1) The idea of playing as an unarmed monk Khajiit with the right robe/clothing combo would be awesome.

    Now the 2nd point is that the unarmed damage would help greatly, but would the khajiits +15 points of damage to unarmed make the builds unarmed to overpowered or would it just replace grabbing the "Fists of Steel" perk?

  • Member
    June 4, 2015
    It would replace Fists of Steel if you didn't want to go the Heavy Armor route. Khajiit would make a great choice for this build really. You'll start strong and wouldn't have to use Fists of Steel but the option would always be there if you needed more offense. You could also get more AR with the Mage Armor perks. I say go for it!
  • Member
    June 4, 2015
    I was thinking of perking Mage armour and more perks in the block tree to give the unenchanted staff more power! I also considered archery but then it would be used a lot more than unarmed knowing me and using unarmed combat is something I've never done, again well done on making this build
  • Member
    June 4, 2015
    Thanks a lot Jono! #punchcat #getpaidandgetrowdy
  • Member
    June 6, 2015

    I have been playing this build for the past 2/3 days and I'm loving it! Playing as a Khajiit with Temple Priest Robes sounds weird but feels amazing. I still haven't come round to getting the marked for death shout and I'm level 46! I also haven't really found a point where I've needed it, I can take out most enemies easily and when it comes to harder enemies or bosses it just comes down to which spells I use and how I play making it feel really rewarding using loads of combos to finish of my enemy. I've still got another 8 hours or so to play before I've completed everything I can without it getting boring, as every build comes to a stopping point:(

    After a month of wanting to play skyrim but not had the right build to play this one has done it for me and put me back in the skyrim mood!

  • Member
    June 6, 2015
    Stellar! I'm glad you got swept up in eem! That's one thing I try to bring to all my builds, a combination of interesting gameplay and roleplay that allows the player a new experience and pinnacle immersion. Check out some of my other ones on my profile page :)