Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Nemesis

Tags: #Character Build Illusionist  #Character Build Summoner  #Character Build Vampire  #Rank:Legendary  #Hall of Fame Build 
  • Member
    January 31, 2014

    Vorador, I see wut you did der

    Nice Legacy of Kain reference :)

    would Fiery Soul trap and Absorb health also work for it?

  • Member
    February 12, 2014
    I picked up on the LoK reference as well. I believe that Fiery Soul Trap strengthens any secondary enchantment paired with it, so that's the combo I'd roll with.
  • Member
    February 14, 2014

    Instead of joining the stormcloaks, you could join the empire, posing as a new senior justicar sent from Cyrodiil to help deal with those pesky rebels. ("Don't worry about that little mixup at the border, those foolish humans didn't realize who they were dealing with. Here's my *ahem* orders"). This gives you perfect opportunity to get close to your prey before those stupid provincials realize what's going on and try to get a message off to the distant headquarters. And after they come after you for being dragonborn well, you can still operate as justicar while dealing with the hit squads, and covertly as a hunter. After all, if there's one thing an Altmeri understands, it's politics.  

  • Member
    February 14, 2014

    sounds interesting, do you have a link to support this?

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    For the PC users I have stumbled upon a mod that adds in the game a whole set of ebony-daedric stat level weapons that fit the Nemesis perfectly in terms of looks:

    I think this is the type of swords that a lot of melee vampires and Devil may cry RPers  would dream to have

  • March 17, 2014

    Sorin is more of a Nord if you ask me. But hey, I did met Sorin in BWC and he was a Nord. So it could just be me.

  • Member
    March 20, 2014

    So many of the modders try to kill the "bugs" which make this build great

  • Member
    April 24, 2014

    I found this build after starting an Altmer pure-mage thief, if there is such a thing.  Telekinesis and Quiet Casting were all I really needed until I found out you can't use TK to steal quest items...

    So I kind of lost my RP inspiration as a  master thief that relies on magic only, then I found this build!

    I have already perked majorly into Alteration and Illusion, using conjuration only for bound sword and soul trap.  Still, my conjuration skill is up there with my other two (~60).  I haven't summoned or raised anything and I haven't put any points into Enchanting as my bound sword was supposed to carry me through the game.  With no 1h perks, mystic binding seems to be less than ideal.  My enchanting skill is around 40 but I haven't used it for anything other than a waterbreathing enchant on my hat.

    I am dying a ton though, mainly because I'm a terrible mage and I'm not using summons or followers.  My illusion is strong enough for anyone but I get wrecked by Draugr super fast.   I think I will re-roll and try to focus more on enchanting and restoration in the early levels.  I don't think I want to be a vampire though. 

    After doing some reading it looks like Necromage is only good outside of combat with the undead if you decide to become a vampire.

  • Member
    April 25, 2014

    I have played a good amount of builds on this site and I think this one was my favorite overall.

  • Tom
    June 1, 2014
    First time I've tried playing a Mage build in skyrim as I normally stick to the assassin or warrior style builds, I love the backstory and role play elements mixed in with the pure Mage skills :) instant +1 from Me :)