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  • May 5, 2016

    But still. God of Men. Demonized by Men. Fucked up as hell.

    Oh, and I forgot to link.

    Improved Emperor´s Guide to Tamriel

    I highly recommed reading this thing. Plenty of info for both new and veteran Lore scholars. And it is quite good read too, the author is very biased Imperial. And no, it´s not Phil

  • May 5, 2016

    Lorkhan is not exactly the god of men. He is the god of cahnge. And thus is revered by men. Redguards don't like him a great deal too, not really surprising that Bretons don't either.

  • May 7, 2016

    First MK:

    Every mortal in Tamriel has the potential to use magic.

    •Some have very little potential: in-game terms we could apply the notion that most non-gifted mortals have a very small magicka pool. It would take a lot of time and effort to increase one's potency. With determination, intelligence, and money any average mortal could become an average-to-good mage. But social structure and societal norms are going to limit the average mortal.

    •Then there are those with greater-potential. The people have a larger magicka pool to draw from, and perhaps are naturally inclined towards a particular magickal principle or law. Again, personal traits will determine the individual's interest in magickal progression. Some adventures or bandits may find it useful to know a fire-spell for warmth and defense/attack. Perhaps an entertainer would like to dazzle and trick his audience with illusion. Magic is versatile. I would say most mages like court wizards and College-attenders fall in this category. They can be great mages, but not the best.

    •Lastly, there are the Heroes and Truly-Gifted. Heroes may not always choose a path of magicka, but they could do so, and become truly great. Likewise the greatest wizards and sorcerers of Tamriel were born with large-magicka pools and a will and intelligence intrinsically linked with the Magickal Nature of the Aurbis.

    All of this.

    Plus the Sun just pours that shit into your pores.

    Now Lord of Souls quote:

    People without magical training are able to cast spells when in life or death situations. Colin describes it thus: “Feeling oddly detached, Colin closed his eyes against the [Daedra he is fighting] and reached into the middle of himself, where his little star was, the tiny piece of him that had come from beyond the world and even Oblivion, from Aetherius, the realm of pure light and magic.
    As pain and then cold gripped him, he made the star a sun.
    The force and light of it blew his eyelids and mouth open, and radiance shredded through the specter like a high wind through smoke.”

  • May 8, 2016
    Hm I wonder if Mannimarco mantled Lorkhan.
  • Tom
    May 8, 2016

    Maybe because of their elven ancestorship?

    Change it to their elven enslavement and you'd be more correct. Same thing happened to the Cyrodiils. Only the Nords retained humanities traditional gods because they're the only ones who haven't been enslaved by elves.

  • Tom
    May 8, 2016

    How? Manni did absolutely nothing that resembles Lorkhan. To mantle is to literally wear the robe, cloak, or shawl. In TES terms, it is to "walk like them until they must walk like you."

    Talos mantled Lorkhan.

  • May 8, 2016

    In what way exactly? In achieving CHIM? Because I don't remember Lorkhan betraying or covertly murdering anyone.

  • May 8, 2016

    I'm just wondering why both Mannimarco and Lorkhan are associated with the Third Moon.

  • Member
    May 8, 2016

    I've never heard of Lorkhan being associated with the Necromancer's Moon, in what way is he?

  • May 9, 2016

    In Khajiit religion they don't believe that Masser and Secunda are the remains of Lorkhan, instead they are the gods Jone and Jode. The Khajiit believe when Lorkhaj was killed his body was thrown in to the sky and became a third Dark Moon that can only be seen at certain alignments.