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Event Profile: Va'rrin-dar

  • Member
    June 14, 2016


    Va’rrin-dar was born on a cold dark night (as all the nights in Elseweyr at the time) in a family of a wealthy owner of a sugar plantation near Mistral on the Kenarthi’s Roost. His father’s wealth allowed him and his 4 brothers to get the education not readily available for the most of the Khajiiti children - learn the history and culture of the Khajiiti people, written and spoken Ta’agra, mathematics and astronomy, as well as a fairly extensive guide to the most common herbs found on the island. However, Va’rrin always felt that he is being looked down upon. Teachers demanding more and giving less, harsher punishments...  Little did he know how lucky he was that he did not meet the fate many other Khajiiti children born during Void Nights faced - they were being abandoned or even worse, sold into slavery. But a child’s mind did not fully comprehend the situation and at the age of 15 Va’rrin has left the ancestral home of his family to seek his fortune outside of father’s influence. Unprepared for life without his family’s wealth, Va’rrin soon found himself on the streets of Mistral, living the life of a petty thief. But he was not someone to give up so easily. In a few years he had raised to a new status - a job of an extractor, a person who can get in and get out with the requested item without any witness. Selling his services as a mercenary, Va’rrin however, never stopped his research into the workings of Nirn. Journeys gave him the needed research material and needed thrill. Decades has passed, a Great War has ended and the face of Nirn has changed forever. Today, Va’rrin-dar is headed to Skyrim in search of an ancient knowledge of the old Nords...


  • June 15, 2016
    Born during Void Nights huh? Intetesting backstory, Vaz. :)
  • Member
    June 16, 2016

    Agreed! Looking forward to seeing where this goes. 

  • Member
    June 19, 2016

    C'mon Vazgen. Where are ya dude?