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Character Build: The Lost Dragonborn

Tags: #Rank:Bloodworks 
  • Member
    May 22, 2015


    The Lost Dragonborn is an inspired character mixed between the first and last. This features the 'Best' gear to what a dragonborn would use but this character has something special. I went with a two-faced theme called 'Hero by day, Villain at night'. So this may be two builds in one technically but hey, value boys! P.S. I DON'T HAVE ANY IMAGES, SORRY! :( [yet]

    The Lost Dragonborn was an anomaly in Tamriel. He was created by Alduin as a tool to take out Miraak as he turned on the dragons, but was beaten to it by Valhok. After Alduin discovered his failure, he sent him through time and live to death. He was banished to the prison inside the white gold tower at the correct time of the oblivion crisis. The Lost Dragonborn was crowned the sixth ever champion of Cyrodil, he wanted to head to his home to Skyrim and live the rest of his life in peace. Sadly for him, he was caught on the border and taken to helgen for execution. During the assault, Alduin and the Lost Dragonborn stared at each other in the centre of each others eyes for no more than a split second, sending chills down the dragons spine and eventually fly away. Our hero visited high hrothgar and was named from Lost, to Last. This part of the story is where you take over. At least, you must take out Alduin, then take out Miraak for a final confrontation.

    For gameplay, you'd want to go through the dragonborn dlc and the main storyline. Make this guy, or girl, as dragonborny as possible and even go through missions that would give you unique items like the Gualdor amulet quest. Collect all of the dragonpriest masks of course and then get Konahrik to feel so damn awsome!


    HEAVY ARMOR - Juggernaut 5/5, Well fitted, Tower of strength. Your going to want to suit up in heavy armor as it takes more punishment and the armor used for this character is heavy armor.

    LIGHT ARMOR - AGILE DEFENDER 2/5, UNHINDERED. Light armor is secondary as it is only used for the night build so don't invest too many perks into it. But at the same time, it can be useful.

    ONE HANDED - Armsman 5/5, Fighting stance, Bone breaker 3/3, Critical charge. This tree set is the most important one. There are a few weapons I thought worked well with this build including things like Miraak's sword and dawnbreaker. This is what allows you to get your offence out quick and easy.

    BLOCK - Shield wall 1/5, Deflect arrows, Power bash. Block is necessary only if you bother using the shield, which I personally don't. It can save you from more than you think and it shows the true warrior side to the character build.

    This seem to most people to just be a warrior, right? Well yeah. If you don't like it then that's you. Anyone still with me? Let's keep moving then.


    The shouts needed for this character are DRAGON ASPECT, DRAGONREND, FIRE BREATH, SUMMON ODAHVIING and SUMMON DURNEHVIIR. Summoning dragons is amazing fun and combining this with dragon aspect feel all round awsome! Durnehviir is a part of the dawnguard dlc.

    MORA'S BOON - 'Restore you Health, Stamina and Magicka to full'. This is an ability from the dragonborn dlc that lets you fill you stats in a second. Really good as I use it for all my characters.

    VOICE OF THE SKY - 'Nearby animals won't flee or attack your'. This is an ability that no-one knows of.If you read of tablets up to high hrothgar, you get this. It allows you to be around animals where they don't flee or attack you, until you attack them. It's just a nice ability to have overall I think.


    RACE - Nord. Ideal as they were the race for dragonpriests, or any other human race.

    STONE - Warrior will be your starter stone then get the Steed stone asap! It helps a lot with this character.

    STATS - Magicka/Health/Stamina = 0/2/1. If you like magic then build your magicka and try to only use spells that relate or benefit to this character.

    EQUIPMENT - Hero by day = Tulius's Armor, Dwarven Boots + Guantlets (for golden look) Konahrik, Spellbreaker, enchanted ring/amulet of choosing. Dawnbreaker or Miraak's sword.

    EQUIPMENT - Villain by night = Penitus Oculatus Armor, Daedric Boots + Guantlets, Shrouded Hood or Konahrik, Ysgramor's Shield and enchanted amulet/rings of choosing. Miraak's sword or any evil looking daedric artifact. I'd recommend using the Mace of Molag Bal

    During the day, you are a hero. You'll save anyone in trouble and wear the 'golden' gear and respond to people in a polite way. This is when you do quests like the main storyline and the companions. You're brave and wanderous and hope that the challenge is good.

    At night, you change mood completely. You're now a dark lord, like Alduin in human form. You spray terror and destruction on the people of Skyrim as the inner dragon wants to be freed but knows it can only do so through a huge rage! This is where you can either just go mad and kill the one NPC that you really hate! OR, you can join the dark brotherhood and thieves guild. BUT ONLY AT NIGHT!!!


    Dragonborn DLC storyline, Main storyline Daedric quests, Forbidden Legend sidequest. These are primaryfor the character. If you want to play any othe quests, go for it!

    Thats my first build! Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far and enjoy yourself, this is unique yet probably attempted before. P.S - my youtube channel is here which has 145+ episodes of quick 90 second builds. Be nice please, I didn't have recording gear early on! ;)

    YOUTUBE ->

  • Member
    May 22, 2015

    This is pretty good for a first build, buy anyway, if you are on mobile, its simple to have someone in the Art Group make a screenshot or two, then just copy and paste it onto here

  • Member
    May 22, 2015

    ok cool. Thanks a lot!!

  • Rob
    May 22, 2015

    You should probably put the equipment in a separate section of the build... It's kind of a generic warrior build, and you only have three skills. And your hero uses light armor at night, but you have no perks in light armor??? You also don't list any shouts you used or how you played it. It's lacking in a lot of key areas... And pictures would be nice, but not a necessity. Try and expand this build, it's got potential. 

  • Member
    May 22, 2015

    ok thanks for the feedback. It is my first and thats never the best

  • Member
    May 22, 2015
    Nice build. But try developing it further. Lots of potential. Discuss better what should we do during the day and what to do during night time.
  • Member
    May 22, 2015

    ok, i've added that at the generic info bit. Thanks for pointing that out ;)

  • Member
    May 22, 2015

    Seems like a build with plenty of potential. What I want to know more about is where killing Alduin comes into play here... was it because of the Dragonborn being banished, or some other reason? Is that just a roleplay choice?

  • May 22, 2015

    You're going to need pictures to catch the reader's eye. You're also going to need to greatly elaborate on the hows and whys regarding this character's day and night persona. 

  • Rob
    May 22, 2015

    Also, the thieves guild isn't inherently evil. Nothing they do is actually considered evil, they just steal stuff from people... Dark Brotherhood on the other hand, they're pretty bad. I'd understand that.