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Character Build: The Guerrilla

Tags: #Rank:Recognized  #Stealth  #Guerrilla  #LightArmor  #character Build TwoHanded 
  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Character Build: The Guerrilla

    Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians experts in guerrilla warfare, and their natural abilities make them equally at home in water and on land. They have developed natural immunities to the diseases and poisons that have doomed many would-be explorers and conquerors of the region. Their seemingly expressionless faces belie a calm intelligence, and many Argonians are well-versed in the magical arts. Others rely on stealth or steel to survive, and their natural agility makes them adept at either.



    “Others rely on stealth or steel to survive”. This build implements both. The Guerrilla is an Argonian Fighter who uses Light Armor to keep quick, Stealth to keep low, and Two-Handed to keep slaughtering hapless enemies. The focus of this build is to have a good, solid fighter capable of opening with a surprise and taking down enemies quickly. I also decided to implement some lore and background into this build, so I hope you appreciate the effort.


    The Build

    The Guerrilla is a fast-paced fighter class designed to hit fast and hard while still maintaining protection from damage. It is focused around sneak attacks, hit-and-runs, and all around Guerrilla Warfare.

    Race: Argonian. This is good for the roleplaying and lore element, and even though it utilises only two of the Guerrilla's skills, the disease resistance and Histskin ability makes the Argonian the only class for this build.

    Stone: I chose the Lady for the health and stamina regen, but in the midst of battle, the Lord can help you sustain yourself. You could also choose the Serpent. It's power is great for the surprise attacks detailed in the gameplay part.

    Stats: 0/2/2, or 1/2/2 if you use restoration magic in place of potions, which I would not recommend. Magic isn't going to be helpful, seeing as you get most of your supplements from potions and food, and switching from greatsword to spell is a clunky process that can leave you vulnerable. You can also roll 0/1/3 if you want to focus more on speed and stamina.


    Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians experts in guerrilla warfare.

    Major Skills

    Two-Handed: One of the defining skills of the build. Two-Handed will help you greatly when taking down enemies, as you can simply pop out with a poisoned Greatsword, power attack a few times and be done with it.

    Light Armor: Another defining skill is Light Armor. While sneaking, you want to stay low, and when you're in battle, you want to stay quick. Light Armor is the perfect solution for both of those situations. Eventually, after maxing out the skill, you'll be quick and have more protection than a set of the finest heavy armor!

    Sneak: What do you call a sneak attack without the sneak? Bloody stupid. Sneak is essential to your gameplay, or else you'd just be an idiot running in with no armor and a great big sword. Although this is a minor skill, sneak is an essential skill in this build, no matter what you think. It's great for getting around and launching surprise attacks, especially when you have the right perks.


    What is a sneak attack without sneak? Bloody stupid.

    Minor Skills

    Alchemy: Ah, alchemy. This is one of my favorite skills in the game. It didn't make it major league, but it's very useful and almost essential for this build. It negates the needs for most spells, and makes magicka obsolete. I mean, why take the time casting a fireball when one arrow from a poisoned bow will do? Alchemy completely replaces the need for any form of magic, and I like it that way.

    Archery: Archery is an excellent skill to compliment your sneaky surprise attacks. One well-placed and well-poisoned arrow taking lodge in your victim's neck can leave the most powerful member of a group twitching, and lying face down in a pool of his own blood. If you're approaching a group of people or a convoy, always single out the most powerful member, the biggest threat, and put him down before anyone else. Not good to be near death after slaughtering countless enemies then suddenly facing a powerful head honcho you forgot to put an arrow into at the very start.


    The sneaky Guerrilla prepares to strike...

    No, this is not roleplay. That comes after. Gameplay refers to your form of fighting, and how you get the job done.

    When approaching single targets, plan your attack. Does it have any resistance to poison? Will it detect me? How powerful is it's weapon? It all depends on the type of enemy you're dealing with. If you see a lone Draugr in a tomb with nobody around, you can just charge in with your sword and slay him. But if there's three of them, perhaps you should take a step back and plan. Here's an example scenario.

    There are three Bandits at the bottom of the stairwell. After a good deal of inspection, you can tell that two are Highwaymen, and the one in the middle is a Bandit Chief. Equip your bow and use a strong damage health poison. Open your attack by sneak firing an arrow into the Chief. After which you charge in and finish him off with a blow from your sword. Power attack the Highwaymen to the ground, use poison if necessary.

    When dealing with groups, such as Bandits or a Thalmor Convoy, always single out the most powerful member in said group, such as a Thalmor Wizard compared to regular Justiciars, or a Bandit Chief compared to Highwaymen. Find a good hiding place, then open your attack with a posioned arrow to said Wizard/Chief. From there, pop out of your hiding spot with a great big sword and hack them all down. If you spot two or more high-priority targets, then consider which one poses a bigger threat. Is it the armored Orc with a hammer, or the nimble Elf with the bow? If you cannot decide, then choose one randomly. Take out one of the threats by putting an arrow into them, after which you run away and hide. After becoming once more incognito, go back to your spot and take out the second threat. A foolproof plan that takes a fool not to follow.


    "If someone tries to sneak up on us, I'll smell them coming. Or maybe not. We'll se- URGH"

    -Not a Guerrilla

    When dealing with large battles, such as the civil war, then stay back behind the lines for a while. Strike the high-priority targets while your comrades hack away at the others. If you lust for blood though, then charging in with a poisoned Greatsword is a good idea, if you be careful about it. In the midst of battle, spam power attacks and stamina potions until you drop. This should allow you to fight indefinitely while mindlessly slaughtering your hapless foes. If the need does arise, however, to heal, then by all means do so. Potion up and keep fighting. If potions cannot sustain you, then activate your Histskin, a useful ability that lets you regenerate health ten times faster.

    Perk placement, level 20:

    Perk placement, level 40:

    Perk placement, level 60:

    After level 60, perk placement is your choice.

    Special Moves

    Blitzkrieg: Requires Elemental Fury. Use Elemental Fury with Histskin in the midst of battle to wage Lightning War. The full shout makes you attack twice as fast, pair that with Histskin and you're an invincible killing machine.

    Allure: Requires Aura Whisper and Paralysis Potion. Use your voice to lure an enemy towards your location, then paralyze him with your arrow and sneak in for the closing blow. Can be used multiple times. Good for taking out targets without being detected.

    Forward Dash: Requires Whirlwind Sprint and Great Critical Charge. Burst out of your hiding spot and quickly beat down enemies with a sprinting power attack from your sword.

    There seems to be a strange lack of spears in Skyrim...


    Ah, one of my favorite parts of playing a character! As you can see, I've held off with the roleplay in order to explain the gameplaying part to you. But now I can let it all out! Now, there are the basic, sometimes fundamental things about roleplaying, such as eating, drinking, walking and all that. When on PC, I usually get hunger and thirst mods, and occasionally Frostfall. But for all you console users; do not despair. You can still simulate things like that in a realistic fashion.

    Now, the build, unless specified otherwise, is based around an Argonian. And Argonians have never been on the friendliest of terms with the Dark Elves, so that's one thing to keep in mind. Argonians, and your character, resent the Dunmer for the Arnesian War and their enslavement of native Argonians. Even after Black Marsh invaded Morrowind in the early Fourth Era, Argonians are still extremely prejudiced against the Dark Elves. Likewise, treat any and all Dark Elves you meet with prejudice and hate. For example, when doing Revyn Sadri's Ring Quest, rat him out to Viola, and frame Brand-Shei when doing the Thieves Guild recruitment quest, if you do it at all. It's pretty simple; Blame the Dunmer.

    But then there arises the matter of the civil war. This was a tough one for me to choose, especially since I have a bit of a bias for the Stormcloaks. But in the end, I did choose the Stormcloaks, because every province except for High Rock (and just barely High Rock) hates the Empire, with Morrowind and Hammerfell being the two most outspoken. Need I mention Skyrim? But none of these provinces are united in their hate, as proven by the Argonian invasion of Morrowind. And there is reason for Argonians to despise the Imperials too. After all, the Argonian people were all but abandoned by the Empire when the Dunmer enslaved them, even though they were in a pact. And the fact that they couldn't stop the Argonians from occupying Morrowind just shows that the Empire is not fit to rule. Likewise, you should join the Stormcloaks, and help the Nords reclaim Skyrim. You are a staunch nationalist in these terms, not only for Argonia, but for all of Tamriel. Because, as you realize, just as Black Marsh belongs to the Argonians, Skyrim belongs to the Nords, and they should be able to keep it that way and worship whoever they want. The so-called racism of the Stormcloaks is an added bonus for your vendetta against the Dunmer, even if Argonians live on the docks.

    "Pssht... they like it there... or at least they should."

    -My Character

    Guild-wise, it's your choice. If you want to join a guild, go ahead. Just make sure to keep the prejudiced attitude. It's more fun that way. I wouldn't particularly suggest any guild, so choose at random.

    Taking the gameplay alignment test, the Guerrilla would most likely turn up in the middle of a triangle, between Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil. The Guerrilla will rightly support a cause he declares just, yet will not hesitate to bend or break the rules when they do not apply.


    Every lonely soul needs someone to follow them to the brink of death. To keep you company, here's a list of companions I recommend to follow you in your journeys:

    Meeko: Meeko is a noble war dog that can be found beside his dead owner in his own shack, sitting patiently and obediently for an adventurer to come and take him in. Likewise, pick up Meeko as a follower. He'll provide nice company to keep you from loneliness, and in the early levels, can be quite a useful hound. I would, however, recommend making him a house pet if you have Hearthfire, because at the higher levels, he'll be nigh useless, and more useful to keep at home. Nevertheless, Meeko is a great addition to your personal fellowship, and should always be considered.

    Derkeethus: Derkeethus is a great follower, talented in combat and a great person to have following you around. Simply rescue him from a cave, and he'll provide a fighting force for the next few levels. If your character is female, or homosexual, Keeth is also a great choice for marriage, and makes a great companion to keep you company on your journeys, especially when paired with Meeko. He can do some fantastic archery support as you charge into battle, or even assist you on the frontlines. I would recommend giving Keeth Light Armor and a one-handed weapon, to serve as backing for your quests.

    Lydia: Lydia is the Housecarl you get for doing the main quest in Whiterun, and is one of the first followers you can receive in the game. She is great with Heavy Armor and One-handed, and okay with archery, and would make a great tank to use as a distraction while you mow down enemies. She provides witty dialogue, and her constant whining about carrying your burdens makes you feel royal.

    Hit List (Optional)

    Here's a fun part that is not mandatory in any way. These are a list of targets, all of whom are Dark Elves, that are targets for your Guerrilla, should you choose to make him an assassin too.

    Jenassa: While Jenassa may be a fantastic archer, she should be avoided at all costs for being Dunmer. She can be found in the Drunken Huntsman, and if you've killed Anoriath, you can slay her unseen when Elrindir is out hunting.

    Teldryn Saro (DB): Crime: Pretentious Snobbery. Found in the Raven Rock Tavern. Make a scene if you like.

    Athis: If you can somehow lure Athis to a secluded location, kill him. Maybe befriend him and have him as a follower, so you can stab him in the back as soon as possible. Make sure you're not being followed and nobody's with you, though.

    Erandur: Accept the Dawnstar quest begrudgingly, and at the end (SPOILERS!), kill him to get the Eye of Vaermina. Serves him right for being a Dunmer AND a former Vaermina worshipper.

    Brelyna Maryon: If you choose to join the mages guild, deal with her as you would Athis. You cannot risk letting a member of a Dunmer house live.



  • December 7, 2013
    You can't like your own builds.
  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Just felt like it. Unliked. But thanks for liking.

  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Honestly, this feels a little too similar to the Black Marsh Vanguard for my liking. That being said, great job on the presentation and writing of the build. The only thing it might need in that regard is a few more pictures to break up the text.

  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Fantastic build. I've always searched to make a way to roleplay as a Two Handed / Archer and you just did it! +1 from me.

  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    I know. I was all set to make the build when I found the Vanguard and I was like "Damn, too late!" But I tried anyway. About the pictures, like I said, I'm trying, but it's hard to find just the right image.

  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Thank you very much! Two-Handed Marksman, huh? Well, I'm happy to have given you an idea!

  • Member
    December 7, 2013

    Yeah, I hear ya. Finding good pictures is always a struggle for me.

  • Member
    December 10, 2013

    And event the screenshot request thread isn't working. It's tough.

  • Member
    February 21, 2014

    Updated with pictures, corrections and a shiny new companions section!