Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Suggestion Box

  • Member
    June 6, 2015

    I would only support that. But (judging from myself) new builders will likely be reluctant of asking for help or just any advise. I know I was working in seclusion for about two-three months until asking Vix a question about the character's lore background (IIRC I was quite cryptic in the message and didn't even specify that it was for a build). His reply basically created the whole basis for the character's backstory, motivations and goals. 

    Why am I saying this? Because people have a little hard time getting into a new community, even as open and friendly as ours. Sometimes it just takes time for them to acclimate. And no amount of events or workshops is going to change that. Just my two cents. 

    Personally, I think that articles in CB Guides section cover pretty much everything authors should know when presenting the build. Sadly, I rarely see people who read through all the articles in that section.

  • June 6, 2015

    The resources are there. The horse can be led to water but he cannot be forced to drink, as they say. I assure you that anyone with any interest in creating a great build will take the time to do their research. 

  • June 6, 2015

    Well I'll chime in here. The problems are quite simple. While it would be the preferred option for new members to always listen to advice, and always continue working on builds and eventually produce quality stuff it generally doesn't happen all that often. Most of the time they post a build or two, maybe the aren't up to standards and then they either leave or give up on Characater Building. We have the Buddy System, the Help Desk, the Workshop and all of those other guides dedicated to helping new builders, not to mention all the older builds posting quality content to base builds off of.

    And yet we still quite often get builds that don't follow the two basic rules (Character Build: title and Perk Spreads). In the Workshop builds are given plenty of advice, people are constantly pointed there and still I personally end up seeing builds that are completely abandoned.

    While new builders need help a lot of the time with producing good quality or even non Deathmatch or insta-delete builds it is very rare that they use the people and the resources that can help them reach that level. A lot of people come here, post a build, be told that we have rather high standards and then leave for another site that has lower standards. It's a shame but I think Curse here says it perfectly.

  • Member
    June 7, 2015

    I'm agreeing with Al here. No need for it

  • Member
    June 7, 2015
    I feel like a collab focused event is kinda pointless. The events have always encouraged people to work together, and when you think back a lot of the teams started with Resurection, Factions, Classes, or even the ancient contests (Lozjin, Hainessy, Nebulae, a bunch of other wacky couple-names I can't remember)...

    Then, once you've found somebody you like collaborating with, great! I doubt many out there would refuse a collab, since "you minimize inefficiency and maximize the potential for awesomeness" as Teccam puts it. Plus it's always fun to see what two or three great minds can combine.

    Events are the easiest places to collaborate, and just finding somebody working on the same character/class/stone/deity/etc as you can spawn a kickass group build...
  • Member
    July 5, 2015

    Not a suggestion. I just wanted to let the CB hosts that the make-over to this group looks excellent! Awesome work!

  • July 5, 2015

    Why thank you Boro

  • July 15, 2015

    So this has been suggested a thousand times but is it finally time to change up the ranks system a little.

    As it is Legendary is still the ultimate goal, and for the majority of people it is still at that point. However as well all know there are builds that kind of make the 100 likes requirement seem like a joke (We have builds with 300+ likes these days) and I also think that perhaps the Bloodworks might be too small of a margin. It's not exactly rare for a, mediocre build to escape the Bloodworks simply because of the Deathmatches and I think raising Bloodworks to 25 likes would both make it more of a challenge to escape and also make it an accomplishment. 


    Ranks after Legendary (175, 225, 300+) 

    Bloodworks scaled to 25 (Maybe scale Recognised and Exemplar by 5 as well) 

    Mythic and Legendary remain the same

  • Member
    July 15, 2015

    8 ranks?

  • July 15, 2015

    Sure, wouldn't exactly mean anything to most people but hopefully it would get people in the higher ranks to move their asses more to move up (Which could mean more content )

    Maybe 200 and 300 only...