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Tamriel Tales Hosts..... What can we do for you?

  • Member
    February 21, 2016

    In short? YES!! On Accursed Gloom's idea, YES! (too) (although the idea of the photos gives more freedom overall).

    Just IMAGINE the possibilities! More people would be prompt to participate, it would be a fun and rewarding challenge (something of an inspiration-pool), it would open lots and lots of interesting concepts...

    I'm down with writing something about another person's foto instead of using one of ours. However, I would like to add one bit. I think it would be best (for all of us who can't use their computers/play the games/don't have the time to do the photo) to open the enterees to each member of the group who's willing to participate. Just to incite more people to write and interact with each other.

    It would open the community by quite a bit, imo.

  • Member
    February 21, 2016

    I agree! I'm not sure if there are many, but I did add to my TOC "Based on a build". I think maybe you could include a few categories, like Based off of a build, warrior, thief, mage, good... ect. Then people could find what they are looking for without having to search through every blog post.

  • Member
    February 21, 2016

    We can't acount for every different classification for builds but we will certainly look towards a possible builds tag.

    There are a few stories based on builds. What I am not going to do is differenciate between stories based on the writers own builds and writers who use other members builds. If we add a tag for stories based on builds then regardless to the relevent owners, they would all be included.

    There are also, just to add confusion, builds based around stories....

  • Member
    February 21, 2016

    Oh, like Lissette's? That's the only build I know based off of a story, at least a TT story.

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    You know that thing, which if it has a name I never learned it, where people make a contribution to a story by adding a sentence and it normally devolves into dicks and sex in minutes? Is there a poetry one of them, minus the coitus (or not, I'm easy)?

    Poetry seems to be a thing right now and I wonder what sublime piece of wordsmithery or terrible monstrosity the poetically inclined might create when working together. If there is one could someone point me to it? If there isn't would anyone object to the creation of one?

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    I was thinking of a story like this where we could all pick a character and one NPC each.

    I was considering giving a limit of say a 100 words and members can’t add to it until someone else had. I've already got the introduction set out. (I've picked Sotek and Aela)

    If you wish to start the poem off Phil then go ahead and try it.

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    Now that sounds cool, Wolfie. Have you a theme in mind and would you like the poetry one to be connected somehow, either dealing with the characters or NPCs or something like that?

    Or it can be an entirely separate beast...

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    I'll leave it up to you but this is what I have in mind to start. Should the other members be interested then I might seriousely consider starting it. It's a simple case of letting it roll and see where it goes.

    A Tale of Tales

    Leaving Jorrvaskr behind, Aela led Sotek towards the Bannered Mare. Upon entering the Inn she was taken aback by the stench of spilt mead and sweat. A mixture of assassins, paladins and everything in between were sitting around tables or on benches alongside the fireplace. Several conversations were going on, each one progressively louder as they tried to blot the others out.

    Sotek peered over her shoulder and whispered to her.

    “Where are we supposed to be going anyway?”

    Aela shrugged her shoulders.

    “How the hell should I know? Move it you lazy bastards. We’re late as it is!!”

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    Right. So the mixture of paladins, assassins and everything in between are having their conversations and sometimes one gains dominance: cue member one with their story?

    Then member two adds their story in that same scene? It feels like a table top rpg in a way, only in story form. Can the members take control of the previous character or is that out of bounds? Like:

    Aela strode over to the bar, noticing a knight deep in conversation with his squire. The knight said, "..."

    Or rather, Aela is your NPC and so cannot be interacted with in any way by other members? In that case it would be:

    Leaning against the bar was a knight in old fashioned armour, deep in conversation with his scribe. The knight said, "..."

    Does that make sense? Maybe the poetry theme could be "tavern ballad" to set the background tone to this part of the story? Just spitballing...

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

     So the mixture of paladins, assassins and everything in between are having their conversations and sometimes one gains dominance: cue member one with their story?

    Exactly, I feel the Inn would be a great start and having both Aela and Sotek state that they don't know where they are going, leaves it wide open for other members.

    Aela would be tagged by me so although she can be interacted with, ie asked a question or spoken to, attacked ect.... Her responce would be for me to decide.

    I suppose it would/could turn into a table top RPG. Hmmm I might have to ban myself from TT for a few days and repost it in RP if it kicks off .

    Tavern Ballad sounds like a win to me.