Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Jack of Dreams

Tags: #Character Build Thief  #Character Build Assassin  #Character Build Alchemist  #Rank:Legendary  #Jack of Dreams  #Nightmare 
  • Member
    April 20, 2014

    And mythical to boot.

  • Lee
    June 11, 2014

    I'm gonna give this build a shot, I like it.  Btw I know it says any for race, but anyone have a preferred race for this build? Sometimes it's hard for me to decide which race I want a character to be lol. So any suggestions would be nice, thanks. 

  • Tom
    June 11, 2014

    Really liking this build! definitely got a unique feel to it! +1 :)

  • Member
    June 11, 2014

    Mechanically speaking, I believe dark elves have the most statistical bonuses. But I'd take a human race over an Elf race, aesthetically speaking.

  • Member
    June 11, 2014

    Thank you! That's what I was going for :)

  • November 17, 2014

    This is great, I love The Sandman.

  • Member
    November 18, 2014

    Thanks, Neil Gaiman is the man.

  • Myy
    July 9, 2015

    Alright, wow. I'll start out by saying I've been skulking around here for maybe a year or a half, without really bothering to make an account and looking for interesting builds. I usually choose something that catches my eye, play it to test it out, and depending on how I liked it, I might or might not continue it. In fact, only a few builds have caught my attention enough to keep me playing for long enough. //notably Curse Never Dying's Infiltrator, Borommakot's Gaunt Robe and asgard's Nogo the Bow-Saint//. Usually builds require some story or roleplay-element to keep me interested. I'm sure I've browsed past this build before, practically just reading the first sentence and neglecting it for some reason. Now, reading it made me create an account just to comment.

    Not many builds have actually gotten me hyped to try it out. Like properly hyped. But jesus tapdancin' christ, I can't even bear to write this reply, I'm just so exited to try this out. Everything about this build, from the style, backstory, roleplay and it's synergy with gameplay just clicks to me. Amazing work, is all I can say, and I feel like it wouldn't do it justice, haha.

    You rock, man! +100

  • Member
    July 10, 2015

    I'm glad old Jack finally found you -- he finds us all, in the end.

    Your words mean worlds to me.  They are the very reason I made these builds, for people such as yourself to find and find delight therein.

    You do him justice by your very act excitement. Each time his name is spoken, or writ, or dreamed, with each story told, or retold, or sung, he becomes more real, substance from and of the void.

    Thank you, Myy.

  • July 10, 2015