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Debate: Sneak Archery

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  • March 6, 2015

    Not really. I guess it can help, especially outdoors, where you can pick people off at such long range that they don't even aggro on you.

  • March 6, 2015

    Sneak archery isn't overpowered or boring when you combine it with a weak or armor-less character.  I use a lot of stamina-only builds on legendary difficulty because it forces my sneak character to play the way it is designed to play; purely stealthy and with a lot of misdirection tactics to survive.

  • March 12, 2015

    Well,its overpowered mostly because

    1)people use low level difficulty

    2)people use damage taking bows

    I on the other hand play on master or expert(I forget)and used a long bow...the entire time.and it was perfectly fine

  • March 12, 2015

    Yeah,my character uses clothing because its an roleplay idea,and arxhery is more of a non tank character

  • March 13, 2015

    I normally play on Adept/Expert most of the time, and I still only use that good 'ol Long Bow I got from Helgen. I prefer the speed of Long Bows over the damage of, say, a Daedric Bow, which is probably one of the reasons why Sneak Archery has never become over powered for me.

  • Member
    March 15, 2015

    Sneak+Archery can be WAY to overpowered at times. For Example, combine Zephyr with Quick Shot and Shadow Warrior (Did this with a Necromage Vampire), You can clear you waves of enemies with pure sneak-type arrows with no effort at all. At the same time, if one manages their style, it can be a quite effective tool.

    Sneak on its own: Adds the Shadow Warrior to the mix of abilities and you can obtain complete control over the battlefield.

    Archery: Combined with its paralysis perk and a Paralyze enchantment, you increase your chances of paralyzing a foe with your shot, allowing for even more control.

    Personally though, Someone should try this on Legendary: I combine the two mentioned above with Alchemy and Enchanting (Yes, no armor or Alteration OR smithing.) with my Alternative Vampirism and Lady Stone (Augmented with Fortify Restoration to reach +100% Health and Stamina Regen), Ring of Namira AND Argonian.

    Surviving is DAMN HARD once the Argonian Racial runs dry (So no waiting in one spot once it runs out, and I never made my character sleep). See what happens maybe? XD

  • Member
    March 19, 2015

    Hello all, new guy here. I just had to comment on this. Skyrim is my first TES game. I play it on the 360 so I of course have to live without all those nice mods and commands that the PC players can have. A friend of mine just loves showing me his PC game where he started out by giving his level 1 character Deadric armor and 100000 gold during Helgan. What is the point in that? Anyway I am rambling.

    Ah yes the sneaky archer. My second character was one such hero/villain. The moment I gained the Bound Bow spell that was it. He used it for everything long range and even up close. What appealed to me about the sneaky archer is the pacing. That slow approach as you spy the targets. Picking out the dangerous ones and marking them for the order they will die. There is something all too satisfying about lining up an extreme long range shot. (Yes the game doesn't allow truly long range what with the arrows dropping to relatively 0 damage and clipping through the enemy after a certain distance) The ultimate reward for me is the kill cam of the shot. Seeing that arrow fly, the camera rolling slowly to let me see the hapless bandit ragdoll over the edge of the fort or into that slumping pile of armor amid the bushes is just priceless. Then the sheer gleeful smile that comes to my archers face when the other enemies all rush over to check on their fallen pal. Arrow to the back? Don't mind if I do.

    Yes Slow Time makes it just too easy sometimes, but let's face it. There are times when its supposed to be that way. I mean how would it be if Robin Hood or Legolas put three arrows into a standard enemy and they just kept coming? One shot kills are just part of your standard cannon fodder's job description. Its when you line your shot up and the arrow does little more than cause the boss level baddie to turn and look right at you that you know what terror is. Because all that sneaky light armor and lack luster up close fighting skill isn't going to save you when things go poorly. So it makes you plan, makes you careful, and yes punishes you for missing. Hey it happens. lol

    I remember feeling like a sniper for a good while with my archer. Then I decided to try a giant on for size and he made a big bowl of archer butter out of me.

  • March 19, 2015

    Archer butter is the tastiest when it's been flung higher than the peak of High Hrothgar and then bounced around for a while before coming to rest in a different hold than it originated.

    Too bad it's hard for the giant to find the butter again after launch.

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    Not to mention having to pick out all those pointy bits of bone and arrows that can often clutter up the butter. Then again if they strain it through something like, oh I don't know, all those small stones under your feet right before they smash you. I'm sure it will be just fine.

  • March 20, 2015

    As far as the Daedric Armor and million gold at level one, that's not fun cheating. I view that like skill grinding. Why should I stand on this fire trap with the Atronach Stone to level Restoration when I could just lift the cap of training per level and get Colette to teach me with hard earned gold, so I could quest and work it off?

    I personally despise sneaky characters because TES has never really gotten stealth mechanics "right". Perfect example is x30 damage. Dual wielding. Silent shout-Elemental Fury. I mean... there is not enough room in my head for the eye rolls that must take place. My biggest achievement was one-shotting an Aspect of Alduin (a mod-added dragon that's about 3x as powerful as the most powerful vanilla dragon; it's the modder's way of screwing with people).

    I like playing characters who "scout" or take one shot off with a bow, like a skirmisher, but all out stealth? It's fun until level 20, when the allure of being a ninja wears off and I'm just an overpowered bastard who shoots/stabs things because people can't see the vampiric Khajiit rolling across the floor in the daylight with glowy purple weapons. I have to instate personal restrictions or be able to enter melee without fear, because otherwise it becomes so insanely immersion-breaking (and I'm not the biggest immersion freak out there) that I have to quit.