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The Most Memorable Quest

  • August 10, 2015

    This one isn't a quest, but leaving Seyda Neen for the first time and seeing that wizard drop out of the sky took me so off guard I started laughing.

  • August 10, 2015

    Yeah, that one was like: "What the f...?" Someone got his Levitation license just recently I guess...

  • Member
    August 10, 2015
    I've always had trouble finding that! I've heard of it, and even spent time looking, but it seems to be a no go lol
  • Member
    August 22, 2015

    Will stealing most of expensive thing vivec at level 1 count?

  • Member
    August 26, 2015

    Oblivion's Ultimate Heist is a masterful end to an epic quest line. The Mages Guild's Ulterior Motives was very well done and I had no idea the Count of Skingrad was a not only a vampire but a nice one at that.

  • August 26, 2015

    I´m surprised that only you mentioned Ultimate Heist. That one is really epic! Especially when you realize that all the other quests were just preparation and gathering means for that Heist.

    Count of Skingrad was a nice vampire? Phil, why you´re doing this to me? You can´t really say he was nice vampire, he was member of Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order. You just can´t say that this Order is nice. They are gathering political power, right? We just don´t know for what purpose. I wouldn´t say he is a nice vampire. I would say that the game just didn´t portray him as bad guy.

  • Member
    August 26, 2015

    I couldn't possibly list every memorable quest from Oblivion otjer wise we'd be reminiscing all day That Thieves Guild series were magnificent though. I know back in the day everyone raved about the DB but even back then I didn't get it.

    As for Janos, well I'll happily debate that with you. Are you sure this is the place, though?

  • August 26, 2015

    Well, I actually like DB more from Skyrim, but I´ll always consider Morag Tong better than Dark Brotherhood. MT were professionals, not sadists and fanatics.

    Grrr. And where would you like to discuss a character and it´s motives from Oblivion? So far we haven´t really breached the blurry surface of Lore

  • Member
    August 26, 2015

    Right you are, the Morag Tong is something I cannot argue against. They truly are cool.

    Ok we can discuss the nice vampire here

  • August 26, 2015

    Oh. Thanks you´re allowed me to discuss character from Oblivion in my group

    But tell me what makes you think he´s nice guy? That he was trying to heal his wife or something? It is true that the game doesn´t really show you if he´s bad.

    But for example that Thieves Guild quest. There you´ll learn that he has a secret room where his follower (I mean that she-vampire) is dragging prisoners and sucks every drop of blood from them. I highly doubt this would be happening without him knowing about that. In his own castle. And most of his guard being his thralls. (Just speculation this one.)

    The the Mage´s Guild quest where he wants you to get rid of those vampire hunters. He don´t want you to kill them in Skingrad. Means he doesn´t give a crap if they die, as long as it´s not happening in his town. I understand his reasoning that it would only attract more hunters and that they want every vampire dead and he happens to be one of them.

    Also, killing some vampires in caves because they are mindless beasts to him. Of course they are, he is the aristocrat of vampires.

    And how about that thing about his steward, guards and servants? I mean, come on, they really don´t know he´s vampire? I highly doubt that. He has them under Vampire Seduction for sure. Nobody would serve a vampire.