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A Roleplayer's Copybook: The Lazy Bard Challenge

Tags: #RP  #Story  #Challenge  #Writing 
  • Member
    October 26, 2018

    Well i meant what his goal is ^^ And that will take some time so i'll probably join a Faction to have more opportunitys to visit different enviroments ^^

  • October 26, 2018

    Good idea))

  • Member
    October 26, 2018

    Time to Think

    The Storm subsided in the Morning and Ostium went down to Riverwood to sell a few things. He bought a Ring that increases his Skill with the Bow. After selling of a few Potions Ostium went on to travel back to his Shack. The walk there was uneventfull and after arriving he stored some items and decided to keep going on to Riften to wait for the Khajiit.He arrived in Riften and rented a Room. 

    He sat down on the Bed finally having some free Time to think about some things. He noticed that he had gotten pretty used to his new Vampire Life. He touched his neck where he was bitten, he could still feel the little holes in his Neck, they healed but a Scar will always be there. He had learned so much about this land and about Alchemy in the last Weeks. He made friends with people he would have never met if he had stayed back in Cyrodiil, this proved to him he made the right choice. 

    He wanted to work on something, something that would give back to Skyrim the Land that accepted him. He decided to write a Book, an Encyclopedia about Alchemical Ingredients and Recipes. He would require to Travel across Skyrim and work together with other Alchemists but it would be worth it. 

    He already had some Recipe Notes he got from Lami, Angeline, Arcadia and Elgrim. He needed a place to Study. He often heard talks about The College of Winterhold, if they would allow him to study there? Ostium laid down on his Bed thinking of everything he would need to start his Journey until he slowly drifted of to Sleep.

  • Member
    October 27, 2018


    I think i'll put Ostium on Ice for now. 

  • October 27, 2018

    Ice? Like in a fridge?))))

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    :D I dont really know how to go on with his Story it feels like its getting Boring. ^^

  • October 27, 2018

    Hmm... Maybe you'll resurrect Edel then?))) His story was quite interesting.

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    Edel will get his own Real Story in the Story Corner. I'll take the Entrys of the Grimoire Challenge and rewrite them into a Story. I wont change things just use better wording longer Chapters and so on 

    I biee thats the problem i had with Ostium, i didnt think him through. i just knew i wanted Alchemy so i made a buid instead of an actual Character.

  • Member
    October 27, 2018


    Or i sit down and work on Ostium. Right now he's basicly a Stealth Archer when i wanted the Alchemy to be the main form of attack

  • October 27, 2018

    That's what I was talking about when I asked you about the goal. His whole adventure seems a bit random, like he is just wandering around without a real intent.