Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Event Build: The Magna-Ge Spellslinger

Tags: #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Enchanter  #Rank:Event Mythic  #Race:Altmer  #Event:Celestials  #Kael 
  • Member
    November 1, 2014
    Wow! Really like this... especially the lore. I'm happy to see the people who tackled the apprentice stone were able to make it enticing. I've never even bothered to try that stone because the downside always seemed too great. But now... Who knows? :D Again, great job!
  • Member
    November 1, 2014
    Thanks a lot Shin! Means a lot coming from you :) I don't think many have tried the apprentice before, but it's actually a great experience. It does require more of a specialised character though, so perhaps don't go with it on your standard skyrim run. It's great fun being so squishy though. It's like back in the day, being an oblivion Altmer.
  • November 2, 2014
    Man we both had the same idea with the enhancing of the Apprentice only you stuck with it and I run away in fear anytime a mage even looks at me funny, but hey you're way more specialised then my character. Anyway I have to say I really like the whole academies thing and it's pretty much the coolest element of any build in this event so far and excellent choice with the backstory and lore. easy +1 from me.
  • Member
    November 2, 2014
    Thanks :D
    I actually use that academy roleplay thing a lot. It's one of my favourite uses for hearthfire (apart from the alchemy). Glad you like it so much!
    I was wondering what the rest of those who chose the apprentice stone made. Is your build up yet? It would be great to see. And you're right, fighting the mages was pretty scary, but also pretty fun. At later levels, my fortify resto potions were so ridiculous I had something like a 500% weakness to magic. No joke, standing in a dragons frost breath for even a fraction of a second would kill me. But I guess that's what wards are for!
  • November 2, 2014
    Hehe my build, well my build is 4 levels short and has an introduction written so luckily I have no work shifts to destract me from a tonne of writing. I went with a physically bulkier character and sort of forgot about wards, which would make it easier. Of course I have no Magic resist or absorbtion to go along with this crippling weakness but hey that's why I like not being seen. And whoah man %500 I can't imagine how bad my character would be with that much weakness I mean seekers would be a nightmare for me, they seem to track me and well even my usual tactics don't work against them.
  • Member
    November 2, 2014

    Sounds fun (and sneaky). You've still got 6 days to get it done. Just hope Ning co-operates. Physical strength cannot hope to live up to the power of the Magna-Ge!

    And Seekers were another thing. This guy isn't your typical rush in without surveying the situation type. If he was, I would've died countless times in Apocrypha. A DiD playthrough with this might be a bit of a challenge. Heck, even Lurkers were trouble!

  • November 2, 2014
    He that's why I like my Characte combining a tank with a character that has the sneak ability of well a shadow is so much fun and surprisingly enough I've only used a little actual planning before battle so it's been trial and error followed by more errors and then finally success. Anyway I don't want to spoil my build to much so that's enough free information for you anymore and it'll cost you big time. And man if Ning doesn't co-operate I'll just quit building for life (not really). See ya around.
  • Member
    November 6, 2014

    Ah, the old Advanced Apprentice trick. It's difficult to go back to normal magicka regen after experiencing the joy of a mana pool refilling in three seconds flat, isn't it?

    You're using Temple Priest Robes I see. Interesting.

  • Member
    November 6, 2014
    So true. Once you have regen that high, normal regen is like torture. Temple priest robes were actually minimally, vampire royal is what I aimed for for the regen. Master robes are also an option, but I personally hate the look of them.
  • Member
    February 11, 2015

    yay for hidden gem spotlight this has less likes than my first build but i think this has much better presentation and is better how did this get overlooked