Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Event: Deities

  • Member
    July 9, 2015


  • July 13, 2015

    I hope nobody has forgotten about this event. How are those builds coming along?

  • July 13, 2015
    I hadn't forgotten but I for once won't be able to finish this. My attempt with my Mage build just never really took off, the build was mediocre at best and I'm just not happy with it. So take me off the list guys, I guess Deities just isn't for me.
  • July 13, 2015
    I just don't have time. But if you want to hear my ideas I was working on, friend me or PM me, Fellow Nightingale Builders. I will have the build complete soon, but I don't know if it will be in the deadline
  • July 13, 2015

    That is a shame mate,  I'm sure you worked hard though, perhaps it will suit something else. Good Luck with it tho

  • July 14, 2015

    I have a good concept going and have been playtesting this week. But the hardest part, I thought, was lore-delving on the Alessian Order. There's so little on them that I ended up reading a lot of Michael Kirkbride's non-canon esoteric stuff--and let me tell you, that gloriously weird stuff can give you a headache in not time at all. Dude writes like Julius Evola on a bad LSD trip. I confess that I'm probably gonna end up going "screw it" and using my own theories in the Alessian god. Fair's fair, right?

  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    Shors bones! I'm still going to participate but I would like to change my entry to Shor.

  • Member
    July 15, 2015

    Sorry for backing out again (for the third time?), but I'm not going to post a Deity build. I never should have let someone talk me into it

  • July 15, 2015

    Ok I'll change your entry. I hope you're not just starting this now. We're down to 10 days. 

  • July 15, 2015

    Well thats unfortunate, but ok.