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Character Build: The Twisted Guard

Tags: #Race:Nord  #Character Build Agent  #Rank:Bloodworks  #Character Build Villian 
  • March 8, 2015

     The Twisted Guard

    It all began when he took an arrow to the knee.

    The Twisted Guard was a Whiterun guard who went mad when his wife was murdered. Your goal is to kill her killer, even if every Dark Brotherhood member must die. This build mixes dark magic, stealth, and a little shield bashing. It also uses necromancy for more than just a little extra damage.  In my personal opinion this is my favorite build to role play. I tried some from the blog with my own twists but being insane is just to much fun. 


    Ever since he was a small boy, he wanted to become a guard just like his father. He dreamed to join their ranks, protect the Jarl, patrol the roads, and watch over the citizens. He practiced with sword and shield to the day he was accepted as a guard. A year later he met an Imperial woman and they became married. One day, while on patrol, a voice in his head told him to return home. He brushed off the feeling, assuming it was nothing. When he returned home that night, he regretted ignoring the feeling. He found his wife dead, assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood. He went mad and ran off into the wilds where he stumbled upon a Necromancers Cult. They took advantage of his fragile state of mind, causing his descent into darkness. He began murdering, and feasting upon his victim's flesh. Months later he was captured by an Imperial Camp, caught eating the corpse of a wandering soldier. He was sent to Helgen to be executed on charges of cannibalism.



    Race:  Nord

    Standing Stone: Lover to Serpent The Twisted Guard likes the blood to run down his own fingers and not an army of the undead. He does like to company of one or two just to distract his prey.

    Stats per 5 levels:3/0/2  No point in health because it adds the need for stealth and makes Skyrim a bit harder.

    Major Skills: One-Handed, Sneak, Conjuration, Block

    Minor skills: Destruction, Illusion (only for quiet casting), Smithing, Enchanting

    He gained loads of skill with a sword and a shield since he was young. The necromancers taught me how to raise the dead, cast runes and enchant. Smithing is a skill he picked up with the cult, they all couldn't do it to save their lives and someone had to do it.

    Only smith up your dagger because that is all The Twisted Guard knows how to make. The dagger smithing  puts focus on stealth. You really have to plan out your strikes if you do so.

    I know it is a lot of skills but Illusion, Destruction, and One-Handed is very lightly perked.



    Early Game- Whiterun Guard Helmet and Cuirass.

    Leather Boots and Bracers

    Whiterun Shield and Steel Axe 

    End Game- Twisted Helm(Whiterun Guard Helm with fortify Conjuration + Destruction)

    Twisted Cuirass (Whiterun Guard Cuirass with fortify Conjuration + Destruction)

    Twisted Boots (Vampire boots with Muffle +  fortify One-Handed)

    Blood Stained Bracers (Stormcloak Officer Bracers with Fortify One-Handed + Magicka)

    Bloody Necklace (Bone hawk Necklace with Fortify Conjuration + Destruction)

    Ring of Namira

    Hand of the Mad God (Dragon Bone Dagger with Chaos Damage + fiery soul trap)

    Targe of the Blooded   For the bleeding damage. The Twisted Guard loves to see his prey bleed before his meal. 

    Optional- The Wabbajack for those who want to take the build a little less seriously. Information for those readers in the roleplay/quest section.

    Perks: Level 48 perk spread



    Stalk your when you are hidden and deliver a fetal blow. Resurrect any defeated foe to so they can distract the enemy. The poor soul must suffer like The Twisted Guard did before him. Misdirection is key when in stealth, the should never see what's coming for them.


      When caught cast a rune in front of them, I only use runes when caught because they don't benefit from quiet casting when they explode. They rune is for some chip damage because this build's niche is not head to head combat.Once they are damaged shield charge them down, you don't want to be hit at all do to your limited health. Try to return to the shadow to deliver the killing blow your self, or let your undead servant finish them off. The enemies by now would have heard the explosion and group up. Keep track of them and kill them as they return to their post.Absolutely do not take on opponents head to head you would die in a matter of seconds. 

     Leave no soul in peace, soul trap them and make them your slave. But that is not enough pain, their body must also be disgraced. Feast on their sweet flesh and if they are unfit to serve you strip them of their gear. Try to leave the bodies some place visible like on roads or the middle of town. 


    For those who want to change up the build and make him Dragonborn

    I'm only going to give you two tip on taking on dragons because in my game he is not dragonborn. I made become dragonborn on a save I will not be using just to see what is like to fight dragons. Take cover and have someone or something else take in the damage. It would be a long fight and you will most likely die.



    Role Play/Quest

    You are not Dragonborn!

    Your mean, evil and twisted so act like it. Pick the meanest dialogue in all situations. Help people to gain their trust so you can assassinate them later. You don't care about anyone or thing so don't even bother getting married. Don't buy a home in any hold, store your gear in the cabin outside of Riverwood after "dealing" with the old woman. He likes the silence. As stated before leave the bodies of your unfit victims in visible places to drive fear in the hearts of Skyrim's citizens. Murder only at night, you may be crazy but you have some common sense.

    You may also be delusional. You still murder and want revenge but the loneness scrambled your brain even more. You now see things. On your adventures or rampages stop to look at the sky or run off. A two headed Orc could have just flew by or you might just smell so cheese in the distance.  Just remember dancing with Hagravens and Skeevers may be fun but keep your eyes on the prize.  One this side assassinate in public and even feast in front of guards. It's not like they can catch you while your on your unicorn. Throw all common sense out the window!


    Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!

    The Mind of Madness

    Thieves Guild

    The Taste Of Death  


     Backstory written by Nevik Drakel

    Sorry about no perk sheet or gear sheet I lack the software to make them

  • Member
    March 8, 2015
    I recommend not centering everything. I also recommend sending this to the workshop. Alright hold on, I'm going to read this all.
  • Member
    March 8, 2015
    Yep definitely needs work. Perhaps you should look at more popular builds to see how they're formatted. That might help this look better. Also, definitely send his to the Workshop. They'll help a lot... Probably.
  • March 8, 2015

    I Just was thinking that.  But how is the concept and such and is there any other way you could help me?


  • Member
    March 8, 2015
    I'd say a decent concept. Story needs proofreading. I could try to do that.
  • March 8, 2015

    thanks! Any suggests on what to add?

  • March 8, 2015

    Can I email you the basic story so be can bounce ideas and proofread or take it from the recycling bin when it gets deleted.

  • Member
    March 8, 2015
    Ever since he was a small boy, he wanted to become a guard just like his father. He dreamed to join their ranks, protect the Jarl, patrol the roads, and watch over the citizens. He practiced with sword and shield to the day he was accepted as a guard. A year later he met an Imperial woman and they became married. One day, while on patrol, a voice in his head told him to return home. He brushed off the feeling, assuming it was nothing. When he returned home that night, he regretted ignoring the feeling. He found his wife dead, assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood. He went mad and ran off into the wilds where he stumbled upon a Necromancers Cult. They took advantage of his fragile state of mind, causing his descent into darkness. He began murdering, and feasting upon his victim's flesh. Months later he was captured by an Imperial Camp, caught eating the corpse of a wandering soldier. He was sent to Helgen to be executed on charges of cannibalism.
  • March 8, 2015

    Thanks bro

  • Member
    March 8, 2015
    The concept is actually pretty cool... a hold guard with an axe to grind, and no moral compass to temper his revenge--I like that concept a lot, and I think the workshop would be a great place to get feedback and polish some of the rough edges.

    BTW--"It all began when he took an arrow to the knee" is only the greatest opener EVER xD