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Profile: Graverobber

Tags: #D3LTAFOX  #Graverobber  #Roleplay Profile 
  • July 5, 2017

    Hello and welcome to my Graverobber Roleplay Profile. This was made for my upcoming Skyrim build.

    Graverobber's Profile


    Name: Lara Fodcrum (latin for gravedigger)

    Race: Imperial

    Gender: Female

    Age: 25


    Skills: She is a smart and capable of defending herself. She is highly skilled with a bow and arrow and a dagger.

    Place of Birth: Anvil, Anvil County, Cyrodiil

    Religion: She worships all the gods of the Imperial Pantheon

    Residence: Proudspire Manor, Solitude, Skyrim

    Political Stance: Supports the Empire altough she wants no matter in the war

    Occupation: Noblewoman, Tomb raider

    Food and Drink: Loves Black-Briar Mead and salmon

    Interest: Exploring and looting ancient tombs

    Flaws: So focused on her treasure hunts that she doesn't even try to develope her social life and has few friends she can depend on

    Backstory: Will be included in the build and here after I come up with one.

  • Member
    July 5, 2017

    Well first I've gotta say I love the name, two very applicable references in there! It's always fun to call your character something that relates to who they are, I think thats part of the reason why Argonians are so popular.

    I know this'll be included in the backstory, but I'm nosy so I'll ask anyway. What's the character's motivation to treasure hunt? I'm assuming she's always been a noble, as they often are, so money doesn't seem like a logical answer... is it the thrill of the chase? The payoff at the end of an adrenaline fuled dungeon crawl is amazing for a player, so for a character it must send them over the moon, but why isn't her goal to kill the biggest thing, or to do XYZ in record time etc? Shiny things motivate less and less when you end up surrounded by them.

    How does the court feel about her little escapades? Is it well known, and if so is she like the bad girl of the arisocrats? Or does she cheekily sneak off inbetween days socialising and feasting to kick some Draugr booty? And what reprocussions have come from these actions? For the former, is she shunned or celebrated as something for the young uns to aspire to? Does she get a lot of male attention from the self-titled warriors and adventurers of the nobles, or do htey turn up their nose? And if this is the case, what's her relationship with the common folk? And for the latter, has she ever been accused of more nefarious activity because of her absense (vampirism, theivery, Daedra worship etc.) or is she so good that no one notices?

    There's waaaay more questions there than I intended, so don't feel like you have to answer all of them, just thought I'd serve up some possible food-for-thought incase your mind was getting hungry!

  • July 5, 2017

    Don't worry Zonnonn. All those questions will be answered in the backstory, and I don't want to spoil anything for you. One word can ruin an entire page.

  • Member
    July 5, 2017

    Anvil! Southwest Cyrod, by the sea. The very best come from there :D

  • July 5, 2017

    Yes they do! :D

  • Member
    July 5, 2017

    D3LTAFOX said:

    Don't worry Zonnonn. All those questions will be answered in the backstory, and I don't want to spoil anything for you. One word can ruin an entire page.

    Gah, I don't want to wait! I've already thought of followup questions to those questions. And followups to those questions. And followups to those -

    Yeah I'll just wait.


    Paws said:

    Anvil! Southwest Cyrod, by the sea. The very best come from there :D

    Apart from mighty Bruma, which is obviously miles ahead of any other city which isn't described as northen. Then again, I suppose Bruma is kinda like the midlands of Tamriel... now I don't know how I feel about it.

  • July 5, 2017

    You're going to ask so many questions, I won't even bother to answer them. :P

  • Member
    July 6, 2017

    D3LTAFOX said:

    You're going to ask so many questions, I won't even bother to answer them. :P

    Yeah well...


    Shut up!

    Yeah, I really got you there :P

  • July 6, 2017

    Lara Sepulcrum, obvious name is obvious, though I will ask why did you pick Sepulcrum as a surname? I am curious because that would be a weird surname to use because her name means Cheerful Grave/Tomb now. You could go with Fodcrum, which combines fodiens sepulcrum, and it would mean gravedigger, but at the end of the day it is your choice, and I look forward to this build. :)

  • July 6, 2017

    Never actually thought of gravedigger. I just had TOMB translated to latin. Thanks for the advice. It's very welcoming since this is probably the biggest project I ever did. A build, a roleplay profile, a roleplay journal and gameplay videos. It's huge.