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Profile Remake: Marudil Two-Bears

Tags: #rp:profile  #MarkusMasterThief 
  • September 23, 2016



     "I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle." ~Sitting Bull

    His name is whispered in fear amongst travelers, particularly those crossing through the plains of Whiterun where he makes his home. His strength is the stuff of legend; some say he has torn many foes apart with his bare hands, savagely ripping into their bodies with all the rage and ferocity of a wild beast. With a sky-piercing war cry he rides headlong into battle upon a mighty horse named Geronimo, daring any and all intruders who challenge his strength to face him... and to date, he stands as the one and only person whose reign of terror has left the Aldmeri Dominion afraid to confront the warrior called...

    Age: Roughly 40

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 300lbs

    Birthplace: Valenwood

    Eye color: Deep brown

    Skin color: Dark tan

    Birth Sign: The Warrior

    Occupation: Wanderer; one-time underground brawler

    Weapon of Choice: Tomahawks, Spear (horseback), or Fists

    Affiliations: None

    Religion: Tribal faith (though he greatly dislikes the Creator)

    Personality traits: Cranky, curmudgeonly, quick to anger, standoffish, distrustful of others

    Likes: Horses, open space, the thrill of combat

    Dislikes: The Thalmor, authority figures, people in general

    Trivia: He vehemently despises the province of Cyrodiil, as in his opinion their "civilized" culture has completely neutered the local Bosmer population and left them all as foppish cowards who are afraid of even the most meager fight.

    Backstory: What little is known of Marudil Two-Bears is generally drawn from a mixture of local legend, rumors, conjecture, and even the occasional fact. What is known is that he once belonged to an indigenous tribe living in Valenwood, and was in fact the favored son of the chief himself. His nation became feared by the Aldmeri Dominion during their attempts at conquering the Bosmers' homeland, and when the Altmer made the mistake of bringing horses to Valenwood, things went from bad to worse in the blink of an eye once their tribal adversaries got their hands on them. But sure enough, after making alliances with other forces in the nation (in particular, rivals of Marudil's tribe), the "savages" were put to rest in a final clash in the city of Silvenar. Allegedly, it was Elenwen -- the Dominion's now-ambassador to Skyrim -- who led the climactic last stand against Marudil's people (nicknamed "Chiricahua" by the Dominion's Bosmer allies). And it is Elenwen that the tribe's last survivor Marudil has been hunting for the last several years. Not merely for the elimination of his people, but also for the murder of his only true friend: his one and only sister, whose name has been lost to the sands of time.

    Whatever other details there are involving Marudil's personal history are, at this time, unknown. His impact on the province of Skyrim, meanwhile, is very clear and terrible; having taken up residence in Whiterun's open fields, he has all but claimed the land as his own and, as such, travelers must be wary of running into him -- particularly on a bad day. Jarl Balgruuf has attempted multiple times to flush out the renegade warrior from his land, but each detachment of guards that he's sent has often returned in pieces... if they even return at all. But while the casual traveler is only at passing risk while passing through the plains, agents of the Aldmeri Dominion are doomed as soon as they set foot in the Hold; Marudil does not take prisoners, save for the occasional coward that can possibly inform him on Elenwen's whereabouts... though these precious few only last a slight bit longer than the rest. Ultimately however, Marudil's quest for vengeance can only lead to a life of violence, death, and misery... can he forsake the path he's chosen before it's too late to go back? Is this what his sister what have wanted for her brother? None can know, but time will tell of Marudil's ultimate fate...

    Aside from his desire to murder Elenwen, Marudil's life up until this point has been a very diverse one. He's spent a handful of years with numerous Orc tribes, learning their trades and honing his warrior skills; once he was a participant in illegal underground cage fighting, of which he was one of the fiercest warriors (and to date he stands undefeated in single combat); he was involved in the New Elsweyr Movement, fighting alongside of the Khajiit to drive the Dominion out of their homeland; it's even been rumored that he was once held captive as a Dunmer slave in Morrowind (although how exactly someone would go about catching, let alone keeping, such a barbaric warrior is dubious at best)! Indeed, many tales have been spun about this great and powerful wanderer and his numerous feats throughout Tamriel, each one of them bloodier than the last. Where most of Tamriel's warriors are honored and celebrated, this one is feared and avoided; no songs are sung of him and his deeds, although some say that you can hear him singing ancient songs of his native land, deep in the plains of Whiterun at the darkest hours of the night...


  • Member
    September 24, 2016

    Ah Good to see a remake of the old mer.

    (well technically he's like 40 which is quite young but you know what i mean)

  • September 24, 2016

    Sedrys said:

    Ah Good to see a remake of the old mer.

    (well technically he's like 40 which is quite young but you know what i mean)

    Eh... 40 in elvish years I guess. I'm not quite sure where the Dominion's conquest of Valenwood took place. Anyway, thanks!

  • Member
    September 24, 2016
    Glad he is back.
  • September 24, 2016

    ShyGuyWolf said: Glad he is back.
    And revamped. :) I plan on updating the profiles for pretty much all of my primary cast of characters: the Northwings, the Blackwells, Sevria, and all those other wonderful people.