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Profile: Hunter of the Unnatural

  • Member
    June 22, 2016

    Check out the full build here.

                     You come from a long line of hunters like yourself, your father was a hunter, and his father and father before him, and so on and so forth. You learned everything you know about hunting and fighting from your father when you lived in Cyrodil, where you were born. You had grown up with him your whole life, until you were 22 years old, learning everything he could teach you about the wicked and evil abominations that roam Tamriel, how to find it, track it, and most importantly... kill it. Unfortunately his actions weren't always praised, and he was seen as a criminal. Dead bodies and burned corpses in his trail seemed to contribute to that belief. And when the Empire of Cyrodil is faced with the problem of a vigilante for long enough, it devotes more attention to it. This led to two high ranking Imperial Officers being assigned to the task of finding your father, and putting an end to his crime spree. They searched everywhere, finding old safe houses that belonged to you and your father, until one day, they discovered a letter from another hunter, detailing where you two would be headed for your next hunt.

               So, in a small shack, in the woods, in the northernmost forest of Cyrodil, close to the border of Skyrim, early in the morning, your father heard horses in the distance while he was out gathering supplies. When he approached a hilltop overlooking a clearing in the forest, he heard stamping and hushed voices in the quiet forest, he peered out and caught a glimpse of at least six horses, anywhere from ten to fifteen men, all dressed in Imperial garb, marching off of the road onto a beaten path, directly toward him.  In this instant he realized when he had been made. Back a few miles, at an inn just off the road, he asked the innkeeper, a young, blonde Nord woman who, as soon as she laid eyes on him, seemed nervous, almost like she was scared. She answered his questions about recent vampire sightings quickly, as if she was trying to get him to leave as soon as she could. He now realized why she had acted so peculiar. She must have seen him on a wanted poster around town, and called the guard as soon as he left. You, however, had actually just finally gotten to sleep. You were having issues sleeping lately due to the frequent travelling. Well, you and your father had always traveled a frequently, but since the search for your father was expedited by the Empire, moving around had become extremely common. Common enough that sleep was becoming a precious commodity. This night was no different. In fact, as soon as you shut your eyes, you were shook to consciousness violently by your father.

                      He told you what he saw. Instinctively, you sprung out of bed, grabbed your bag, which contained nothing but your dagger, food, and a coinpurse. You rushed out of the door to follow your father. You hadn't the slightest idea what the plan was, but you have no time to ask, because as soon as you step out of the door, your dad bolts to the left, behind the house. You follow him closely. When you round the corner around the shack, you lay eyes on two horses, one is white with brown spots, and the other is brown. "Where did these come from?" you ask as he gets on the brown steed and motions you to get on the other. "From the stable, I had them delivered here while you were in bed, payment pending" he said with a light chuckle.

                     Then he motioned for you to stay quiet, while he listened for the soldiers. Then in that moment, a soldier peered around the corner. "Come quick! I found the Wi-" the Imperial's shout cut short by your father's blade piercing the man's chest. It was too late, and the sound of galloping horses grew louder and louder, the ground shook and the branches on the trees vibrated and leaves fell. "Go! NOW!" your father yells, "What about you?" you shout as you scan the opposite direction for a path to flee. "I'm right behind you, Just GO!" he commanded. He then used his sword as a paddle to hit your horse, it reared, and as soon as it's front legs landed, you were off.

                     With no time to argue with your father you headed for the clearing, and follow the path in front of you. All throughout this path, you were so focused on escape, so blinded to the reality around you, blinded by fear. Fear of capture, and disobedience. You were so distracted, yet so driven, all at once. So disconnected from the world behind you. Excited with adrenaline from that fear, you failed to listen for even the slightest sound behind you, the smallest sign of pursuit. This notion made you glance behind you, and pull back violently on the reigns of the horse. Sliding to a stop in loose dirt, you saw nothing.

                    There was no sign of your father, not even sign of Imperial's. This worried you, severely, fearing the worse you leaped back onto your horse. You were prepared to go back, even fight the soldiers if you had to, but you didn't. You realized what exactly happened. You knew, and you had no idea how you could have been so ignorant, so... obedient. Blind obedience put you in this situation. Your dad, he lied, you knew him long enough to know exactly what he would do in a situation like this, maybe it was the adrenaline, that kept you from realizing it, you're unsure. But you are sure of one thing; your father had no plans of getting on the other horse, he knew he wasn't walking away from that shack.

                     He ordered you to run, knowing you would obey, and fought them off, all the soldiers. Long enough for you to escape. He couldn't win, you knew that much, and you knew was going to happen. They were going to kill him. In this second you could hear his voice in your head, saying that he did this for you, so you could go on, and protect the family legacy. He was the only family you had left, and you didn't want to let that go. You considered returning to the shack, but you decided that you wouldn't end the family tradition over your own emotions. You were better than that, and you were raised to so better. You were raised for hunting and killing the unnatural. You would continue the family business.

                   Not just for your grandfather, or great grandfather, but for your dad, and the sacrifices he made for you. You knew that it was your duty to help others, and destroy anything supernatural.
    You made the most important decision you'd ever make, you decided to turn around back toward the path, and keep going. leaving your father, and your past, behind you.

  • Member
    June 22, 2016

    Hey Santiago! Glad to see you joining in with the RP lot. Personally I love the idea of making an RP Profile to complement a build. I think what you've done here by flipping the standard of 3rd person writing style (about the character) into more of a guide (2nd person) is really interesting! And the concept is really cool too!

    My only two suggestions are maybe bulleting out a few physical and personality traits, so that it's a bit more skimmable for someone interested in playing the character, since it accompanies a build. Those sorts of details tend to get lost in paragraph form, so from a guide perspective, calling out basic things like alignment, maybe weaponry, perhaps some background information on faction, flaws or motivations might be of use to the reader. As far as the physical stuff goes, maybe add in if someone interested in playing it should think about things like scars and/or war paint for some flavor. I totally get not rattling off specifics like "he should have this color hair, and eyes, and weight, and age" but just some basic ones might be a nice addition.  Or not! Your call.

    Either way though, you should definitely add RP:Profile to your tags at least! 

  • Member
    June 22, 2016

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely work on making it more skim-friendly! 

  • Member
    June 23, 2016

    I am pleased to see this Santiago  You could go the whole Henson hog and have a profile, a build, a blog series and a picture gallery... as far as creativity and this site goes the sky really is the limit. Why try squeezing it into one place when it can breathe better specialised places? 

  • Member
    June 23, 2016

    Completely agree with this. I love seeing projects branch out across groups to create a set piece. :)

  • June 25, 2016

    This is coming along nicely. I'd also suggest bulleting traits and stuff. Makes it easier to read.