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Tamriel Tales Hosts..... What can we do for you?

  • Member
    February 11, 2016

    Okan started a similar discussion early last year and since then there have been a few changes in Tamriel Tales along with the blog.

    One of which was me (Sotek) becoming a Host of TT.

    I feel it’s time once again to give you, the members of Tamriel Tales an opportunity to speak out about your experiences in Tamriel Tales and more importantly ask you all a question.

    What are your expectations of us Hosts in TT and what can we do better?

    Tamriel Tales is all about having a group where we can all share our stories and poems of Skyrim and TES games without fear or prejudice over our ability or even lack of ability, regardless to our natural writing skills or even our native language.

    At the end of the day, this isn’t Okan’s and my group. This is YOUR group. TT Hosts are only human beings Argonians after all.

    What I’m asking from you all is to give us feedback, criticism, or even general suggestions for event’s and possible discussions. If there is something which you feel we need to do or something we can improve upon then tell us.

    We ask you to be honest with us; if you don’t tell us then we won’t know.

    Help us to help you...

    Sotek, Loyal Hound Of Hircine.

    P.S. This is to anyone who says I should stop talking about Aela and the plains or Howling at members....... Forget it. It’s never going to happen. And no... I will not stop referring to myself as The Bad Wolf of the Blog

  • February 11, 2016

    I will use dream sleepy time to ponder these questions. I vaguely remember this from last year. 

  • February 12, 2016

    Ok, I have one very serious thing that I want from you, Sotek. I know it might sound weird but...

    I want you to always remain just as awesome as you are right now. 

    As for real suggestion, I already had one regarding Events, more precisely Short Stories. I think you remember. 

  • Member
    February 12, 2016

    Hahaha :) Don't worry Karver, Werewolves don't change their furs.

    I haven't forgot about a Short story event based on classic TES games so don't worry about that. In fact, both Okan and myself are looking at possible events like Classics as well as other ideas. One thing I will say though is don't hold your breath just yet. Other plans are in the pipeline first. (You won't be forgotten).

  • Member
    February 12, 2016

    You guys have done an amazing job with Tamriel Tales, Okan's Dragon of the East is the entire reason I joined, but Sotek and the community is the reason I stayed and wanted to be a part of you all. ^^ Our TT hosts are awesome!


    =) Writing Prompts! Especially if they're attached to certain Writing Discussions. They would be centered around Elder Scrolls, of course, but with the intention of strengthening or teaching new skills. They aren't graded, obviously, but it'd be a fun thing to do maybe.

    And some of these can be purely for fun! I follow the blog of author Chuck Wendig (whose advice is always very sound, and the language is delightfully awful ), and he had a writing prompt where everyone was asked to write the BEGINNING of a story that was about 1,000 words or less. The point was not to finish it, because someone else in the comment section next week had to write the middle! And the week after that, someone wrote different wrote the ending. Might be kind of a fun Frankenstein project to see everyone's different writing styles all mesh together.

    More short story events! I completely missed AMOST3, to no one's fault but my own (blame Frost Moon. I really wanted to finish Part I before my classes started), so I would love the opportunity for even more short story events this year.

    If you guys want short short stories, what about flash fiction around a theme? (Location, NPC, Quest, Item) I know shrinking the world of Elder Scrolls and the quests and characters into 1,000-500 words or less would be a huge challenge, and no one ask me how to do it yet, I haven't figured it out I think it would be fun to try. There are plenty of us with long stories in TT that frequently get updated; what happens if we go the exact opposite? It would encourage quite a bit of editing to make sure every line counted!

    There, I've rambled enough. ^^ Curious to see what you guys have in store for us.

  • February 12, 2016

    So I had some time to mull this over. 

    I enjoy what is done here. In the past 9 months that I've been here, the group has really taken off, so hats off to the the hosts for making that happen. The increase in post slots was a great idea and I appreciate it, as it allows posts to remain visible for much longer. It was quite the struggle not to be buried when there was only 5-6 posts visible, so this is great progress. Another positive is the Writer's Discussion. I personally learn from them even though I don't always participate. The banner was also great to see last year and it was beautifully done. Thanks Okan, Aelberon is soooo smexy. 

    I think that Okan and Sotek do their best to keep this section running smoothly, but you all asked about how to improve and I do have some suggestions. 

    1. I third, I guess, the call for more events. AMOST was a blast. I loved it. Loved writing for it, loved reading the other posts, loved the atmosphere of TT during the entire process. I was more creative than ever and everybody fed off the energy.  Themed events would be very cool, as would collaborative events with other groups (Character building, Lore, Roleplaying, Fallout). 

    2. Make a bigger deal out of NaNoWriMo. Sotek kicking my ass got involved and wow, what a great thing to do. Yeah, I'm zonked after that and AMOST so close together, but it was totally worth it. Or... we can stage our own, right? Okan has those awesome word counter thingys. Give us all one and we'll go cray cray. 

    3. Writer's Discussion - Yes, I just said I liked and and learned from it, which I do, when I participate. See, sometimes, I don't feel like participating, if you understand what I'm trying to say. Oh, I still learn from it, but it's a bit hard to explain, I feel like sometimes that because I don't study writing, that my contribution feels a bit, not pointless, but I don't know, it's a complicated feeling to express, almost like it doesn't matter what I say because someone will pop up with the literary definition sooner or later. The right answer. Perhaps, if the discussions were worded perhaps to allow more freedom in interpretation? To allow more dialogue or back and forth between members? I'm not sure. Could well be on my end, that I'm not studied enough to contribute effectively and if that's the case then, well? What can I do? 

    4. Host participation - Now, I have to be honest, having observed this section very closely for a significant amount of time. I understand that a lot of work in Tamriel Tales is perhaps done behind the scenes and I  know hosts have other projects that they're working on and that's awesome, but it makes sense for hosts to participate in Events, right? I think it would be great to see all hosts right in there in the trenches with the members. And it's  not just writing, but general comments. No, it's not about reading and liking every blog that comes in. I think that that is an unrealistic thing to ask for and that's not what I'm asking, I don't even do it, but the occasional high there and hello. In my time as a member of this group, I have noticed a discrepancy in the way hosts behave. There seems to be two branches. One more proactive and very with us, all the time, every day, and one is far more distant.  I know the distant one works very hard too and maybe members aren't seeing that and we need to. 

    Why am I saying this? I'm saying this because I read the post by Paul that was featured earlier in the week (the one about hosts being needed) and my eyes bugged out of my head in surprise when I read through the comments and then clicked on the link offered.  Literally, I had to grab them, all slimy and gooey from my keyboard and pop them back in my sockets. Yes, it ultimately didn't effect Tamriel Tales, thank goodness, but that people were really jumping the gun and volunteering and clamoring for positions when we didn't even receive any sort of confirmation or defined list of available positions frankly, pissed  me off. Have respect for your hosts, man, and always, always your actions will speak far louder than words ever will.

    I want to thank the hosts for what they do and what they are continuing to do and know that I appreciate what has been done for Tamriel Tales and you have my support. I have modded before, a tropical fish website, and I know what it entailed. It is sometimes great, it is sometimes a thankless, sucky job. Okan and Sotek work very hard for our group, whether it's in full view or behind the scenes. 

  • Member
    February 12, 2016

    So far we have some great suggestions. I'll let Okan have a read then we'll see what we can sort out. Keep the idea's and suggestions coming.

  • Member
    February 13, 2016

    Writing prompts sound like a good idea! We could definitely do something like that.

  • Member
    February 13, 2016

    No need to be ambiguous about it - I know I'm that second 'branch.' It's something Sotek and I have been discussing at length.

    Also, thank you for bringing up the Writer Discussions. If the topics I'm choosing aren't of interest to anyone, or if people don't feel they can contribute, perhaps it's time for me to think of some changes. I'm open to any suggestions.

  • Member
    February 13, 2016
    The writers discussions are great, no need to change them.