Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Skyrim Character Build: Pandora

Tags: #Illusionist  #Archer  #sneak  #Conjurer  #Bound Weapons  #one-handed  #Skooma 
  • September 4, 2017

    Skyrim Character Build - "Pandora"

    Breton Female

    The Thieves' Guild
    The Nightingales
    The College of Winterhold (Optional)
    Thane of every City, but will not use a companion
    *Not official faction* Skooma Dealer

    The Thieves' Guild Storyline
    All Thane Storylines

    Standing Stones:
    The Lady Stone/The Tower Stone

    70% Magicka          30% Health          0% Stamina

    Conjuration          Illusion          Archery          One-Handed          Lockpicking          Pickpocket          Sneak          Speech

    Perks (Level 84 for all perks):
    Conjuration (4 points): Novice/Apprentice/Adept Conjuration                                                                                                                               
                   Mystic Binding
    Illusion (13 points): All Perks  
    Archery (10 points): Overdraw 4/5
                                Eagle Eye
                                Steady Hand 2/2
                                Critical Shot 3/3
    One-Handed (8 points) Armsman 5/5
                                      Bladesman 3/3
    Lockpicking (11 points): All Perks
    Pickpocket (12 points): All Perks
    Sneak (13 points): All Perks
    Speech (12 points): Everything except Intimidation

    Any Non-Enchanted Circlet
    Any Non-Enchanted Necklace
    Any Non-Enchanted Ring
    Any Non-Enchanted Clothes

    Muffle (Apprentice Illusion)
    (Adept Illusion)
    Pacify (Expert Illusion)
    Rout (Expert Illusion)
    Invisibility (Expert Illusion)
    Harmony (Master Illusion)
    Hysteria (Master Illusion)
    Mayhem (Master Illusion)
    Bound Sword (Novice Conjuration)
    Bound Bow (Adept Conjuration) 

    Pandora grew up in a small village near High Rock, where her family and friends would use magic in everyday life. Telikinesis for cooking, invisibility for Hide and Seek, you name it. It was a good life. By the time Pandora was 10 she was already the most popular girl in school, with plenty of friends, but she could never be truly happy, for her family was one of the poorest in town. They were farmers, and as the climate grew colder, the crops started to die, reducing their income by half. When Pandora was 12 she got her first boyfriend. He was a nice and polite lad, and wouldn't stop spoiling Pandora, something she had never experienced before. They were together for 8 years before he asked her to marry him. Pandora had gotten used to the expensive gifts and jewellry and was beginning to get bored. She thought if they got married, the gifts would stop, and she'd go back to being poor. She broke his heart then and there, but to keep him quiet from telling everyone her true intentions in the relationship, she cast a high-level Illusion spell on him, stopping his flood of tears and bringing back that merry smile he always had. She was a master of Illusion, using it to get what she wanted. After this, she decided to go to the richest family in her town and proclaim her 'love' for the eldest son. She, of course, got what she wanted, and ended up tricking him into giving her his mansion and wealth before she ended it the same way. However, one day when she went to visit her parents at the shack they called a home, disaster struck. She found blood stains on a battered door, and her old parents on the floor of the shack. They had been bludgeoned and robbed of what little gold they had. Pandora laughed. If a bandit was going to go and steal from someone, why them? Because they where easy targets? As she was in hysterics, a bandit high on skooma wacked her in the head and, thinking he had killed her, left her in a bush on the side of a road on the border of Skyrim. When she came to, she couldn't remember the spells she once had, the family she once loved as a child, nothing of her life at all. There was one important idea, however, embedded in her mind, the last thought she had before being knocked out. 'This world runs on money, and so money is what I shall get.' It is here that an Imperial soldier picks her up, putting her on a cart to Helgen to be executed. After her escape, she will seek out the Thieves' Guild, and try and become Thane of every city, putting on a fake 'goody-two shoes' persona, while pickpocketing and drug dealing in the shadows. After realising life in Skyrim is difficult, she will try and regain her former strength as a spellcaster, heading to the College of Winterhold for training. She will not wear armour as that will put off the rich and sexist Lords that want her in the kitchen. Pandora will do anything for money.

    Pandora will cast Illusion spells on her enemies, depending on the type of situation she's in. If there's a particularly strong opponent, she will use a high level calming spell, before turning invisible and slaughtering them from behind with a Bound Sword. If there is a group of enemies she would rather not get too close to, she will cast high level frenzy spells while picking them off from afar with a Bound Bow. If the situation gets too serious, she will cast high level fear spells and invisibility before running away. She will keep her pockets empty, so that she can bring back bags of gold and valuables to sell after her thieving sessions. In the back streets of cities and towns, she will sell skooma to addicts, whilst removing rival dealers from the picture. She will always choose the nicest options in conversation if it suits her needs.

  • September 4, 2017

    Hi there Evolved, welcome to the CB group and the site in general. So I had to rewrite my comment because, well I had second thoughts about my opinions here. I do like that you've posted a build, I'm always glad to see a new builder start up so all my comments are only meant to help and not to belittle your build or anything. So I'll quickly state the positives.

    The presentation is rather unique, I actually really enjoy the way you've spaced out everything and just arranged the text, it does need at least an image (if not two) but the actual formatting is rather cool. And your writing is definitely good. However, ah, there are a lot of things that I would recommend changing. The first thing is just, man it just feels very bloated. I mean, Level 84 is a rather hefty target, I suppose really that it's fine if your sharing this character just as a character that you've enjoyed rather than a build to share with others so they can play it, but if it is the second one, well not many people are ever going to play a build that's Level 84. So it's just something to think of if you post other builds, a lower level is really quite useful for letting people understand the character a little more.

    I said that your writing is good, and it is but I feel like you've kind of glanced over. I think a section dedicated to the skills and perks would really help you show off the character a little bit better, to be honest, I didn't really get why this character chose to become a Thief at any point. Her early life feels like she just wouldn't need to, and would have no way to develop the skills later on. I mean, I do get that she wants stuff, but I just don't see the need for her to be a thief to get a bunch of money and never be poor again. I think it might help if you included a few sections talking about some heists you know, really get the character feeling like she is a thief.

    I'll drop by if I think of anything, but really I just think that you could expand on the gameplay and the role-playing a little bit more. You've got a really good starting point Evolved, and I'd love to see what you'd do if you expand it a little bit. Let me know if you have any thoughts or just want to talk about your build a little bit more :D


    Edit: Oh, and also you should change the title to Character Build: Pandora, rather than Skyrim Character Build.

    Edit 2: Heh, oh and here are some official tags too, just s your builds will properly end up in the Archives.

    Character Build Mage, Character Build Archer, Character Build Bound Weapons, SE Rank: Novice, Race:Breton

  • September 4, 2017

    @Dragonborn1921 Thanks a lot for the advice. This is my first uninspired build that I've done and I only joined the site yesterday. I'll definitely try and use your tips in future builds. Thanks for the compliments on the writing and format!

  • September 13, 2017

    Hey EvolvedHuman welcome to Skyrim CB.  I meant to comment on this sooner but I've been distracted with Modern Masters and this build (as well as your other one) both just slipped my mind. 

    Anyway I have to second just about everthing Dragonborn said about this build.  I actually like your character and I think there is a very interesting playstyle possible here.  Your presentation needs some work though, all that empty white space leaves the build feeling more like an outline or work-in-progress and not like a finished product.  A few images or a perkspread could go a long way in selling the character.

    Your build could use some explanation as to the choices you made.  Like why you picked the Lady Stone, why you chose those skills and perks.  Why your gear choices etc.  Right now it feels very bare, I can build the character per your checklist perking all the same skills and obtaining all the same gear but at the end I don't know why i'm doing it or how to use it in game.  Your playstyle section touches on this briefly and your backstory hints at the characters personality but it would be nice to have the other sections more fleshed out to better understand how you intend the build to be played.

    You have an interesting concept here and I hope you expand upon it.  Probably the best thing to do is to read some of the other builds on this site and see what others have done.  That's how I learned when I started out building, by trying to emulate other successful styles and adapting them to my needs and limitations.