Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

3 new upcoming builds from a noob

Tags: ##The Artist #The Runemaster #The Deceiver #Builddrafts #Neeewb #Pick one 
  • January 15, 2017

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to this community (merely two weeks) and this is officially my first post!

    I have been working on several builds and created some backstories along with roleplaying aspects. I know backstories shouldn't be too long, since you guys only care about the perkspreads ( in my opinion those suck and I do enjoy a good backstory), but I just wanted to show you three of the builds I have been working on.

    I get my inspiration from playing different games and stories and having too much free time.

    Those who are willing to read the entire stories, thank you very much, those who are not, you can also only read the roleplay segment and tell me which one you like the most, although that would make me a sad panda.

    The one with the most likes will be the first one I will use/test in-game and I will publish the entire build on this very site!!!

    (A little disclaimer: these stories are drafts, may contain mistakes: grammar or lore, builds are not finished, feedback is however welcome, I like builds where you become someone instead of being someone, may contain strong violence)


    With no further adue, let's get started:


    Builds Skyrim

    The Artist

    The Artist is a wandering swordsman, gifted with one-handed combat. He used to work on his family’s farm working the lands and tending for the animals. He always looked up to the imperial guards when they marched through their town, crossing the border into Skyrim and dreamt of becoming one when he grew older. He practiced with his father’s sword in his spare time and became fairly good with it.
    At the age of 17, he heard the news about the murder of High King Torygg and decided something had to be done. He packed his bags, took his father’s sword and left a note which said his farewells and telling his family he was off killing Ulfric Stormcloak.

    He traveled to Windhelm and by complete accident came across a convoy lead by Ulfric. He stood in the middle of the road demanding a duel with him. Ulfric reluctantly accepted and fought the Artist. Even though the Artist was very swift and could parry some of the attacks thrown at him, his much more experienced foe managed to break his father’s sword in half, rendering it useless.

    The Stormcloaks laughed at the Artist, telling him to go home and called him ‘cheesebrains’. The laughing soon stopped when the first arrows started to fly; they were led directly into an imperial ambush. Amidst the chaos the Artist tried to escape, but got hit by a mace and fell unconsciousness. He woke up on a cart riding into Helgen.



    You were young and naive to think that you could take down Ulfric Stormcloak using your father’s old rusty sword. You’ll travel across Skyrim looking for masters to truly become an Artist with the sword.
    When you first enter Riverwood, a blacksmith named Alvor teaches you how to smith your own weapons. You will come back here to learn more from him and for smithing your weapons.
    Once you have a decent amount of experience you will join the Imperials and the college of Winterhold. The first seems obvious: you want a rematch with Ulfric, the latter is to learn about sustainability. Your travels have taught you that enemies who attack from a distance aren’t intimidated by your sword. Therefore you’ll learn about Alteration and Restoration to block those attacks while closing the distance.
    Upon learning that you are Dragonborn you’ll use your newly found powers to their full extent.



    Alteration (clothing)

    Lord stone



    The Runemaster

    The Runemaster was in his younger days a powerful orc warchief. He had a daughter who he loved more than anything in the world.

    One day, he saved the life of a Breton. The Breton thanked him and offered in return to teach about magic. The orc warchief first declined, however the Breton insisted. He told about creatures that dwell in the night, feeding of the living, making them their thralls, how they are an unstoppable scourge who cannot be defeated by merely hammer or axe. The orc accepted for the sake of his people and thus became the Runemaster.

    The people from his stronghold frowned upon their chief learning about magic and his growing friendship with the Breton irritated them.
    the Runemaster’s training sessions secluded him from his people. Even though he was their chief, he became an outcast. His daughter took over command in the absence of her father.

    On one fateful night the orcs stood up against him and demanded him to step down as chieftain. The Runemaster took his warhammer, pointed it over the heads of the orcs and said: ‘they are here’.

    An army of undead came from the forest and were climbing the walls of the stronghold. The Runemaster took the lead. He roared a mighty roar and stormed into battle. This proved to the orcs that the Runemaster did not forget the orc way and followed him into battle.

    The Runemaster prepared for an attack and cast many runes around the stronghold; enemies who tried to flank them, stepped into a pool of flames.
    Bones were breaking, shields were splintered. They fought valiantly but were heavily outnumbered. All runes had been used, but the enemy was still coming. They were surrounded, but when all seemed lost the undead simply fell to the ground.

    They were victorious, but at the cost of many. The Orc Runemaster looked for his daughter and the Breton, who he hadn't seen the entire fight.
    Nearby, he heard a long howl, everybody froze. The Orc Runemaster ran to the place where the howl came from to witness his daughter standing over a dead white werewolf and a dead vampire.

    'Did I make you proud, father?' she asked.
    'Of course you did, my warrior', he said smiling, greatful to Malacath that his daughter was alive. He walked towards her.
    'Father...father... did I make you proud?' she asked again.
    The Orc Runemaster stopped. He looked at the blue aura around her of what he first assumed was the moonlight.
    The Orc Runemaster slowly walked towards his daughter and hugged her. They fell to their knees. He weeped. 'yes, my love, everyday'
    'Father, did I-' She stopped mid-sentence.
    The Orc Runemaster was helpless as his daughter turned to ash in his hands.
    He heard a hollow laugh coming from the trees, as he sat there. A dark winged creature with glowing red eyes flew into the sky.



    The Runemaster has gone into self-chosen exile, staying away from civilization, living of the lands and finds himself years later traveling through Skyrim.

    After the events at Helgen and learning that he is Dragonborn, he believes it’s time to step back into the world. The Runemaster will fight with warhammers and rune magic. He will deepen his magic knowledge at the college of Winterhold, learning that he also has a great affinity to shock magic.

    His travels through the wilds of Tamriel gave him a deep respect for nature’s beauty. To get closer to nature, he will join the companions and become a werewolf. After he becomes stronger (at later levels) he masters the werewolf form and gains its strength while still in his Mer-form.

    He doesn’t care for gold and needs no home, but will return to the civilized world to better his crafting skills.
    He detests all undead and investigates any rumor he hears about them.

    And last, but definitely not least: take Borgahk the Steel Heart as your follower. The young fightwilling orc reminds you of your daughter and you love her as such (or you could marry her, you sick fuck). Her level caps at 30, so make sure to enchant & smith her some good gear late-game! 



    Heavy Armor

    Atronach stone



    The Deceiver

    The deceiver is a high elf and a former disciple of the King of Worms. After the defeat of his master, he escapes the Imperial city and hides out in a cave. However, soldiers from the imperial city manage to track him down. The deceiver was trapped in the cave and the only chance to escape was to go further inside. He ran as hard as he could, closely followed by the soldiers. At the end of the tunnel he saw light shining. This was his way to freedom!

    The light was glowing bright-red and as he came closer he realized that it was no sunlight. He had to make a choice: getting slaughtered by the angry mob or taking a leap of faith and jump through the oblivion gate which towered before him.
    He chose the latter.

    He was still in the cave, however the angry mob was gone. He walked back outside and at the entrance he stopped and looked around. He was still in Cyrodiil, but it was not really Cyrodiil. There was no sunlight and he didn’t hear any sound of birds or the wind blowing through the trees.
    As he walked through the forest, the sudden realization of where he was grew a chill down his spine. This was not Cyrodiil, this was the plain of Coldharbour!

    He ran back to the cave, but unknowingly was being watched the entire time. Two Daedra stood before him and struck him hard in the chest. Gasping for air he stumbled down. The two Daedra took him by his arms and dragged him towards the palace of Molag Bal.
    In the great hall of the palace they threw him at Molag Bals’ feet, kicked him in his stomach and face and left him bleeding at their masters’ mercy.

    Molag Bal was sitting on his throne, picked the Deceiver up and smelled him.
    “FEAR, HATE, DEATH”, he said and a satanic grin came up his face. He smelled one more time, but ths time his face turned dark. He turned away disgusted and threw the Deceiver back on the floor. “AKATOSH!” he shouted so loudly that the ceiling was coming down. He went on a rampage destroying half of the great hall.
    The deceiver got on his knees looking up to the Daedra prince. Molag Bal came back to his senses and looked the Deceiver in the eyes. “MORTAL, I STILL HAVE USE OF YOU”.



    You got sent back to Tamriel from the plains of Coldharbour to stop Alduin from devouring the world. Molag Bal wishes to rule Tamriel himself and you are his Dragonborn, beaten into submission. The Deceiver is arrogant, sees no value in the life of others and is above all hungry for power. Even though he was sent by his cruel master, he is not bound to him. He sees himself as his own ruler and will never become a Daedra’s champion, only using their gifts for his own selfish needs.

    He is a master in necromancy, fights with maces, greatswords, illusion and ice magic. He is a reaper of souls, finding the most powerful Men and Mer to bind them to his will permanently.
    He will join the dark brotherhood, but will not resort to sneaking. Instead he’ll use an illusion spell of fury or kill his victims in broad daylight. No cowering in the darkness, for you are the darkness!
    You will join the vampires during the Dawnguard questline, bringing darkness to the world and use your vampiric powers to raise the dead and turn your enemies against each other.


    Heavy armor

    Ritual stone

  • Member
    January 15, 2017

    The first two backstories are my favourite. The first because it feels believable to me, I can definitely see a passionate youth going out and try to kill someone so villified, it's heroic but mundane, which makes the charcater very relatable. Magic might be a bit hard to justify as he comes form a normal background, but in theory everyone in Tamriel has magicka in them so it's not impossible.

    While an undead horde is a tad unrealistic, the ending hit me in the feels and it's not even completely fleshed out yet, which is a very good sign. Could you clear up the whole white werewolf thing for me please? My mind is too tired to comprhehend it right now, but I still really like it, and Orc magic users are a bit of a rare sight here so I can definitely see the build going down well.

    The last has promise, Daedra overlords can make anything happen, but it's not really my style so there's not much more I can say.

  • Member
    January 16, 2017

    Yeah, agree with Zon: The first sings the loudest and is a really good idea. They all are, but there is something very down to earth about The Artist and I would definitely like to see more.

    Welcome to the vault, Verke. Great first post! ;)

  • January 16, 2017

    I imagine the Runemaster using the Dawnguard Warhammer? Being able to set runes on the ground by bashing makes for even better immersion!

  • January 16, 2017

    Caesar12321 said:

    I imagine the Runemaster using the Dawnguard Warhammer? Being able to set runes on the ground by bashing makes for even better immersion!


    Yes, that is the plan. however, it is not an necessity. Volendrung, The Longhammer and a bound Battleaxe are also on the what-to-get-list.


  • January 16, 2017

    Zonnonn said:

    The first two backstories are my favourite. The first because it feels believable to me, I can definitely see a passionate youth going out and try to kill someone so villified, it's heroic but mundane, which makes the charcater very relatable. Magic might be a bit hard to justify as he comes form a normal background, but in theory everyone in Tamriel has magicka in them so it's not impossible.

    While an undead horde is a tad unrealistic, the ending hit me in the feels and it's not even completely fleshed out yet, which is a very good sign. Could you clear up the whole white werewolf thing for me please? My mind is too tired to comprhehend it right now, but I still really like it, and Orc magic users are a bit of a rare sight here so I can definitely see the build going down well.

    The last has promise, Daedra overlords can make anything happen, but it's not really my style so there's not much more I can say.


    Hey, thank you for comment.

    You have a point about the Artist using magic. However, I believe a balance has to be made between roleplaying and making an actual build. If the game would allow it, I would only use block and One-handed as skills, but the leveling process would become very slow and tedious, so I had to do something about. Using minor restoration spells like wards and fast healing could solve some of those problems.
    I also had the idea of using paralyze spells + slow time to truly freeze time and be able to cut an enemy down before he hit the ground.
    My idea for the Artist was that he would grow as a person and swordsman, learning how to overcome his weaknesses. Magic would be an important part in that achievement, but by having a low magicka pool, it won't be the spill of the build.


    I had to cut some parts of the Runemaster story for easier reading and the part of the werewolf was by mistake left in. With this build I wanted to approach the Orsimer not just as a grunt, as they are often depicted, but as a person with emotions, (without getting too soft, ofcourse.) The story is slightly based on 'The Last of Us'.
    This build would also have small magicka bar, but by using (here it comes, special move!) circle of protection + atronach stone + Runes/Lightning magic, I wanted to create a magicka pool (defensive rune, circular spells, I interpret as runes for this build) from which the Runemaster could draw power to increase his abilities. (Not tested yet)


    The Deceiver was my interpretation of early Sauron & the four horseman (not a band). He would go around skyrim, looking for the most powerful warriors and magic wielders and bend them to his will. But if it's not your cup of tea, then ok.


    Seriously, thanks for posting. Only by answering your questions, gave me great ideas for further expanding these builds.

  • January 16, 2017

    Phil said:

    Yeah, agree with Zon: The first sings the loudest and is a really good idea. They all are, but there is something very down to earth about The Artist and I would definitely like to see more.

    Welcome to the vault, Verke. Great first post! ;)


    Thanks very much, Phil!

  • January 17, 2017

    Welcome to the Vault Verke00 I'm glad to have you and look forward to seeing some of these build ideas developed. 

    However, I'm gonna have to be the big bad wolf, and ask that you move this discussion into the Workshop.  Since this is in essence a WIP and not a completed product.  I have sent you a friend request so please PM me once this discussion has been moved and I will comment on it with my thoughts about these three concepts.  Thanks.