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Character Build: The Spartan

Tags: #Character Build Juggernaut  #Character Build Warrior  #Character Build Blacksmith  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • April 20, 2012

    War is all he knows, and he has spent a lifetime perfecting the art of it...

    Now I’m aware that a Spartan build isn’t the most original, but Skyrim has some perfect armour and weapons for it, so I couldn’t resist!

    The Spartan is the greatest of all warriors, his skill is without equal. His sword is just an extension of his arm, his armour is a second skin, and his shield is both his greatest defence and a devastating weapon. The Spartan does not retreat. He does not use magic, and only uses archery when he is forced to – close-quarters combat is the Spartan’s speciality!


     Skyrim has a number of fairly unique items that are perfect for this build. Here’s a possible setup, and where to find it:

    Closed Imperial Helmet [Heavy Armour] - the ‘Spartan’ helmet. This helmet is perfect for a Spartan build, it looks like the Spartan helmets always shown, it’s pretty awesome to look at too! It can be found at the Shrine of Talos at Autumnwatch Tower, in Kilkreath Temple during the Meridia quest (must be minimum of level 12), and during the thieves guild quest line.
    Banded iron shield - the most similar shield to the Spartan one that I’ve come across in my travels. Very common, easy to make and is sold by most blacksmiths.
    Imperial sword – similar to the sword used by the Spartans. Again very common and easy to find.

    General Tullius’ armour [Heavy Armour] – very cool and authentic looking! But unfortunately you can only get it by completing the Stormcloak quest line.




    Penitus Oculatos armour [Light Armour] – another really suitable armour this build! It’s worn by the Penitus Oculatos agents in Dragon Bridge.




    RACE: Redguard for the starting boost in 4 skills, plus being the 'most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel' fits with the Spartan theme!. Imperial's also get boosts in block, one-handed and heavy armour.

    RECOMMENDED STONE: The Warrior Stone. Combat skills increasing 20% faster is ideal for a purely combat focused build.





    Block – The Spartan’s shield is both a defence and a weapon. This is possibly the most important skill for a Spartan build, since the shield will always be used, and the perks can be chosen to make it even more effective. Key perks are Block Runner, Power Bash and Shield Charge.

    One-Handed – The Spartan’s blade is but an extension of his arm, bringing death with every blow. Since you’ll be only ever be using a sword, pick the Bladesman perk.

    Heavy/Light Armour – The Spartan effectively lives in his armour, so it has become like a second skin for him. Depending on what armour you choose, pick either heavy or light armour as a major skill.



    Smithing – either to forger armour for your character, or simply just to improve what you already have.

    Alchemy – since magic isn’t an option, it would be useful to produce potions for battle.

    Archery – Spartan’s would occasionally used archery when the situation required it. Use it only when needed – melee combat is you true speciality!

     For every 3 levels, put 2 increases into stamina, and one into health. This ratio could be increased if you want, e.g. 3:1, 4:1. You’ll need lots of stamina to shield bash and use power attacks, as well as sprinting into combat. This build uses no magika so increasing it would be wasted.



    Engage opponents in melee combat whenever possible. Your shield is both a source of defense and an extremely effective weapon. Well timed bashes and charges can leave your enemies vulnerable to your attacks. Against multiple opponents use your shield bash to knock some back, allowing you to focus on just one or two. When facing enemy archers or mages, close the distance to them quickly. Sprint and use either a shield charge or a power attack.

    For all you 300 fans... It’s possible to create Leonidas in Skyrim. You could either use the armour suggested above, or if you’re brave enough you could go without a main armour piece, wearing just a helmet, boots, gauntlets and a shield for protection! You can even follow instructions in order to make your character look like Leonidas. I’d post a link but I’m not sure what the rules are about linking to other sites?

    As always feedback and suggestion is welcomed!





  • April 20, 2012

    This is a roleplayers build if ever i saw one! I'm a massive fan of the rare closed imperial helm as its tough to find and really sets the standard! I like this build, i believe that there is a mod to create the perfect 300 look somewhere on the net.

    I'm currently in the process of completing a build that i think you will like the look of Matt.... HERE

  • April 20, 2012
    Nice build. I especially like your skill descriptions, and combat style. I have always pictured the Spartans as spear and shield wielders; too bad spears are not available in Skyrim.
  • April 21, 2012

    If only spears were an option! I'm syre there's a mod out there that gives you the option of a spear, but i'm a 360 player, so i'm having to what i can with whats available!

  • October 13, 2012
    There is a fur armour that can be found during the proving honor comapnions quest that has a bear chest it can be found on a silver hand warrior anf looks perfect.
  • CBR
    October 13, 2012

    Cool build.  Minor historical quibble - the Spartans didn't use bows.  They disdained archery as warfare for cowards.

    Otherwise, nice stuff!

  • November 25, 2012

    Very, very nice, build. I tried it out, but with a few changes. I'm thinking about making a spartan 2.0 build, but is that against the rules?

  • Member
    November 25, 2012

    Great use of the Pentius Ocilus armor, I love the way it looks. If you want stronger armor you could do the Stormcloaks and get General Tullius's armor, it is basically the same but lighter and more fancy, with a much higher armor rating.

  • November 25, 2012
    Am i the only one the noticed that the Spartans did not wear armor? Only helmet and bracers(simulated with hide bracers)
  • November 25, 2012

    That was only in the movie