Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Insulated Pyromancer

Tags: #Rank:Bloodworks 
  • Member
    June 28, 2016

    In Collaboration with Santiago.


    This build uses Destruction magic in one hand and a Heavy Shield in the other to be able to block as much damage as you can while dealing as much damage as possible without being outside of melee range so you  can use your shield to block incoming attacks while magicka regenrates  and you can still play that in your face style without having to worry about using conventional weapons.


    For generations the Jeavu (gee-vu) tribe have lived and hunted the lands of Skyrim. They mastered the arcane art of destruction and were always seen carrying around a large heavy shield for protection. They soon evolved there way of combat to use both the shield and magic for an outstanding offensive assault. Each child is brought up and trained as a warrior but to rely on magic instead of as they call it puny sticks of metal and each child is told stealing is ok to get what you need but murder is not necessary. Quickly the tribe spread through the lands of Skyrim but as the soon civil war started the Imperial legion wiped out your tribe and kept news of the tribe a secret from the people to not loose their support,  leaving only you a survivor by a stroke of dumb luck but as your people would call it faith. You being the lone survivor want revenge and as you were traveling you caught wind of the goings on near Helgen knowing the Imperials bastards might be there you took a chance and went, but when you got there you were ambushed along with the Stromcloaks and soon realizing who you were they took you captive to be executed.


    Race: Imperial. Bonuses in Block and Destruction.

    Stone: Apprentice Stone. Regenerate Magicka couples well with the other items in this build. Weakness to magic can be lessened by Elemental Protection.

    Major Skills: Destruction, Block, Restoration, Alteration (flesh spells).

    Minor Skills: Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy.


    Destruction: Primarily fire magic. 

    Block: Heavy armor shield, only thing you'll have that has an armor rating.

    Restoration: This character has a relatively low health pool, so this is useful.

    Alteration: Flesh spells (Oakflesh, Stoneflesh, etc...).

    Heavy Armor: Only use for shield, Only going to get 5 ranks for one perk.

    Enchanting: Again for your shield and clothing.

    Smithing: For upgrading shield.


    You can use your shield to block in coming damage and then stun them with your shield to be able to do as much magic damage as possible while they are stunned.  For dragons use apprentice level spells until you get the elemental protection perk When you get this perk you can use shield to block the fire and ice attacks from them and fight them head on like the rest of this build requires.


    Head: Moreki

    Chest: Archmages Robes

    Hands: Cultists gloves (enchant)

    Feet: Cultists boots (enchant)

    Left arm: Ariels shield

    Right arm: Flames, Firebolt, Firestorm.

    Perk spread

    Level 30

  • Member
    June 28, 2016

    As the first to comment let me be first to tell you that this build needs to be taken to the workshop, look at other peoples builds to get ideas for perk spread designs and images perhaps. Add your own style to make this build you're own. The others will come down hard if you don't act fast. I recently started experimenting using a shield and spell fighting style. Its rare to see it displayed in a build. That's a nice touch.

    If you're looking to use only Heavy Shields, Ariels Shield is classified as Light armor. Your perk spread is misleading, What I really like to see is how this character fights the numerous kinds of foes. The offensive options are few especially if they are immune to fire something you might want to consider. I do like though  a build that uses all three crafting schools. While most on here would frown upon it, I admire it. It may perhaps make up for the lack of other skills this character doesn't take perks in. 

    Best of luck with the editions. 

    I see your Perk Spread link goes to the person you collaborated with build, The Wolverine. That needs to be fixed.  

  • June 28, 2016
    Ry, I'm sure " the others" will sooner come down hard on you if you keep portraying them as the bad guys.
  • June 28, 2016
    I think what this build lacks is a central theme. At the moment none of the elements of this build really seem like they fit together. For example it's hard to imagine people hunting with shields and fire spells. The name of the build itself doesn't immediately get me thinking of a tribe of hunters either.

    What this build does have going for it is the gameplay elements. Shield mages are pretty rare in the group, and potentially quite powerful. I see a character protected by a sturdy outer layer while unleashing fire, and I think volcanos. Not a bad theme to start from and work with.
  • Member
    June 28, 2016

    I don't see any "bad guys portrayal" in Ry's statement. There are people here who come down hard on unfinished builds and that's not exactly a bad thing.

    Maybe he should have skipped the "the", though, now it sounds like he's the only one who doesn't come down hard.

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  • Member
    June 28, 2016

    Also, maybe name the build the Jeavu