Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Gunthor the Dwarf

Tags: #Character Build Warrior  #Character Build Blacksmith  #Rank:Recognized  #Dwarf 
  • Member
    June 27, 2015

    Playing on Master was one of them. I've played this lots of times in lots of ways, and I found that if I use the DLC runes like Frenzy and Poison, he just becomes ridiculously OP, so for that purpose I do recommend just using the vanilla runes.

    This guy does have a bit of a weakness in the sense that he's not brilliant at crowd control. His beefiness and attack power makes it just so that being swarmed is still manageable, but at high levels you do still have to work a bit. I've also had times when i've just kept him in Steel Armor instead of upgrading to Nordic or Dragonbone (I just like the aesthetic of steel to be honest). Also, whilst his armor rating is pretty high, his magic resistance isn't, and at the higher levels it's the mages that pose the biggest threat, especially since Gunthor lacks any long-range attacks.

    With the crafting skills, you also have to be disciplined enough to not abuse it, either. You can quite easily use the alchemy/enchanting loop to craft some insane enchanted armor, but that gets very dull very quickly.

    TL;DR: At high levels on Master, you'd be surprised.

  • Member
    November 21, 2015

    Interesting, surprised I've never liked this befoe

  • February 9, 2017
    It needs more substance. I would add a perk list, a race, and some quest ideas. Other than that, it is a nice idea
  • February 9, 2017
    Sorry, my phone glitches and did not show the build itself