Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Event Build: Aspect of the Quagmire

Tags: #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Summoner  #Character Build Mage Armor  #Race:Breton  #Rank:Event Recognized  #Event:Celestials 
  • Member
    December 15, 2014

    It was definitely tempting early on to throw some points in sneak, but late game with high enough sneak and IllusionĀ I didn't find it necessary. You could swap some perks out if you wanted to, or if you find some boots with muffle to disenchant, you're probably better off swapping out the fortify sneak for muffle on your boots, or use Shrouded Shoes if you feel like you're being detected too easily.

  • Member
    December 17, 2014
    Hm, guess you're right. Can I offer a suggestion? If people want to play with 100% spell absorption, they could use necromancy instead of summoning. You could present it as temporarily making other Aspects to serve you. And vampire suits this well. The boost to illusion spells is useful.