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Character Build: An-Xileel Warrior

Tags: #Character Build Warrior  #Race:Argonian  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    An-Xileel Warrior

    When Mehrunes Dagon's forces entered Tamriel and wrecked havok across the land, a mysterious faction within the Black Marsh appeared to throw them back. A powerful faction that did so without any help from the Imperials, as many had abandoned their posts. Pushing them back into Oblivion, they fought them, defeating them, and the lieutenants closing the gates from the inside. This faction then held off all invaders until peace was restored with Martin Septim's defeat of Mehrunes Dagon.

    In retaliation for their years of slavery and forced rule, they pushed out and destroyed all Imperial and Dunmer control within the region, nearly destroying the Dunmer themselves in vengeance for their years of suppression.

    Now the Argonians are a powerful and independent force to be reckoned with, and believed to still be ruled by this mysterious native faction. A faction of powerful warriors who could appear from the mists, wreck an entire Imperial Squadron, then disappear back into the mists, with no trace.

    You are one such warrior, a leader of a small raiding party, fighting the Thalmor who believe they can conquer your people again. Caught by a Thalmor infiltration squad you and your comrades refused to give up any information, some even escaping their grasp, others dying from torture, but you did not. For such defiance you have been sent far from your home, to the cold reaches of Skyrim, to die far from your home, far from the Hist Trees of your lands, to die and never be reborn.

    Yet killing one such warrior is not always so easy...


    Race: Argonian

    Stone: Warrior or Thief (For Leveling) Lady Stone (Once You are Leveled Enough)

    Stat Placement: 2 Health / 1 Stamina

    Major Skills: One Handed, Sneak, Block, Light Armor

    Minor Skills: Smithing, Archery

    Weapons: Mace and Shield, Bow

    Armor: "Natural" Light Armors (Hide, Leather,(DB and TG) Scaled, Dragonscale)

    Suggested Quests: All Argonian Quests ("Extracting an Argonian" for a Companion), Dark Brotherhood Questline, Thieves Guild (For Linwe's Armor)



      An An-Xileel Warrior is the combination of the stealth and ambushing power of the Argonian marshland guerrilla tactics alongside the power and stamina that the Argonians possess due to the Hist's Blessing. They can handle themselves in a fight against most enemies, from Thalmor to Imperials they smash head and armor alike, crushing enemies beneath their mace and shield. On the other hand should they find their enemy unawares they utilize stealth to prepare an ambush or a sneaky attack in order to start the fight on their own terms.

    However they are not durable to face an army alone. Best found in small squads these warriors can take any force down with a combination of surprise, arrows, and speedy assaults. Therefore they are tactical and dexterous, not so brutish as Nords, nor Redguards, these Argonians use more brain then brawn in their ambushes.


    Early Game Gear

    Head: Linwe's Hood

    Chest: Scaled Armor

    Hands: Linwe's Gloves

    Feet: Linwe's Boots

    Weapons: Steel Mace, Hide Shield, Imperial Bow

    This gear not only fits the look of an Argonian Warrior but also fills in skill bonuses that are needed early game where perks are lighter.

    Level 25 Perk Spread

    One Handed: (3/5) Armsman, (Fighting Stance)

    Sneak: (3/5) Sneak,Muffled Movement

    Block: (3/5) Blocking, Power Bash, Deflect Arrows

    Light Armor: (3/5) Agile Defender, Custom Fit

    Archery: (3/5) Overdraw, Eagle Eye

    Smithing: Steel, Elven, and Advanced Armors



    Late Game Gear

    Head: Linwe's Hood

    Chest: Dragonscale Armor

    Hands: Dragonscale Gauntlets

    Feet: Dragonscale Boots

    Weapons: Dragonbone Mace, Dragonscale Shield, Dragonbone Bow

    By now the upgrades on the armor are no longer needed, though the hood looks more akin to the style. The upgraded armor also allows for Smithing upgrades and maximizes the armor bonuses.

    Level 50 Perk Spread

    One Handed: Armsman,Fighting Stance, Bone Breaker

    Sneak: Sneak, Muffled Movement,  Light Foot, Silent Roll, Silence, Shadow Warrior

    Block: (3/5) Blocking, Power Bash, Deflect Arrows, Power Bash, Elemental Protection, Block Runner, Disarming Bash, Shield Charge

    Light Armor: Agile Defender, Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Deft Movement

    Archery: Overdraw, Eagle Eye, Power Shot, Quick Shot, Bull's Eye

    Smithing: Steel, Elven, Advanced Armors, Glass, and Dragon




    The best way to utilize this build is to sneak and attack either via bow and then charge in or sneak and make the first move using the mace, whichever is most tactical to the situation. Use the shield in conjunction with the mace to disarm, stun, and otherwise knock the opponents senseless till they are dead. Or use the bow to pick off the weaker ones before switching to your shield and mace to take on whoever is left. This build is not necessarily against the usage of Magic, however playing it pure, one would try to not use any, as a true An-Xileel warrior has more power within him then having to resort to the powers of the Aetherial Plane. However the use of the Hist is always acceptable, and when fights get rough you will find it come in handy, especially in conjunction with the Lady Stone.



    As a An-Xileel of the Black Marsh you worship and respect all Argonian traditions, and will always help a fellow Argonian in need.

    You have a great hatred for both the Altmer and the Dunmer as conquerors and slavers respectively, while you may not attack them on sight (Thalmor excluded) you are not willing to aid them in any way unless absolutely necessary (Again Thalmor excluded.).

    You look on the Imperials as a challenge (As they once ruled your people) and see the Stormcloaks as having similar wishes as your people did under the Empire, so you may favor the Stormcloaks over the Imperials.

    You respect the Dark Brotherhood as Sithis is the creator and master of your kind and therefore serving with the Dark Brotherhood is a great honor (In fact you could even be a Shadowscale.)

    You refuse to use unnatural or elven materials as they are the creations of weakness and slavery to protect yourself and to arm yourself respectively (No Elven Weapons or Armor and No Heavy Armor.)


    Last Thoughts

    While this build is built on speculation of both the beliefs of a relatively unknown faction and the beliefs of a still relatively unknown people I believe this does capture some of the ideas and culture of the Argonian people. As for changes to the build, Alteration can be used to supplement armor as the "Hist" can be used to create a tougher skin and absorb more punishment, as well Restoration may also be used as the "Hist" is used to heal your wounds. As well  the hoods can be changed for the Dark Brotherhood Gear, as well as the boots, I just find Linwe's armor has more the look and the right bonuses for this build. It is meant to be simple, easy to understand, but somewhat difficult to play as you restrict yourself to the culture and weapons of said culture. Otherwise have fun with this build, and all constructive criticisms and comments are welcome for my first build.




    If you have the time I ask that you please read, comment, and play my other builds as well:







  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    Love the ESO images! It's a fairly standard concept, and sometimes the simplest builds are the best ones. I think you pulled it off really well, but IMO you should have a proper perk spread, the current one is kind of an eye-sore...

    Apart from that, you did a really good job! +1

  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    Thanks for your comments and glad you like it, but what would you suggest for the perk spread, I would be happy to improve the build.

  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    An Argonian picture for the perk spread background, with white writing in the 'Magic Cards' font, might look pretty good...

  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    Alright, thanks for the suggestion. I'll see what I can do when I have a moment. Thanks again for the help.

  • December 23, 2013
    I was just going to do a similar build to this but you got it first. Anyway good job on it
  • Member
    December 23, 2013

    Thanks, glad you like it nonetheless.

  • Member
    December 24, 2013
    Phew... When I saw An-Xileel, I expected a guerrilla warfare fighter, but was pleasantly surprised when I saw this. Nice build.
  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    build looks great! I will have to try this very soon!

  • December 24, 2013
    Really good! Also impressed how linwe's hood looks on Argonians :P