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Character Build: The Wetboy

Tags: #Rank:Exemplar  #Assassin  #Illusion 
  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    Wetboys are to assassins like a tiger is to a kitten

    "I am Sa'kage, a lord of shadows. I claim the shadows that the Shadow may not. I am the strong arm of deliverance.I am Shadowstrider. I am the Scales of Justice. I am He-Who-Guards-Unseen. I am Shadowslayer. I am Nameless. The coranti shall not go unpunished. My way is hard, but I serve unbroken. In ignobility, nobility. In shame, honor. In darkness, light. I will do justice and love mercy. Until the king returns, I shall not lay my burden down."

    The wetboy's mastery of blades, poisons, stealth, along with the Talent make them the world's greatest killers. The Talent is what separates lowly assassins from Wetboys. The Talent gives them powers that include, but are not limited to, invisibility, muffling footsteps, throwing voices, and enhanced speed and strength.


    Race: Unimportant

    Stone: Lover then switch to Shadow around level 17

    Stat Distribution: 1/1/1 drop stamina at 200 and magicka at 250


    Major Skills

    Sneak: a wetboy has to get around those pesky guards.

    One Handed: a wetboy is skilled in the art of the blade.

    Illusion: the Talent lets the wetboy turn invisible and muffle his footsteps.

    Alchemy: wetboys are experts with all forms of poisons


    Minor Skills

    Archery: wetboys are skilled with all bows as well as blades

    Smithing: a wetboy has to keep his weapons sharp






    Only the deader dies

    A wetboy doesn't love death and slaughter, a wetboy loves challenge. Getting in, killing the deader and any witnesses, and getting out. A wetboy is a cold, calculating machine, planning his entry, kill and exit. When a contract doesn't have a due date, a wetboy often experiments with different poisons, and how they react with each other. When on a contract, kill only the target, you are a professional, not some assassin. 



    The Talent:

    In the absence of the Talent in Skyrim, these are the spells and shouts that will replace it

    Shouts: Throw Voice, Slow Time, Whirlwind Sprint

    Spells: Invisibility, Muffle, use Calm to simulate being invisible before you can use invisibility.


    Level 40 Perks


     Special Moves:


    Shadow Pounce: Invisibility + Silent Roll + Critical Charge

    using his talent to aid his approach, the wetboy leaps out of his invisibility, blade going for the deader's neck


    Shade: Slowtime + Invisibility + Sneak Attack + Shadow Stone

    talking to her lord, the servant girl gasps as he suddenly falls to the ground dead, throat cut, wind blowing in through the now open window.


    Blink: Quiet Casting + Whirlwind Sprint

    creeping down the corridor, the wetboy sees a door open. A blink of an eye later, he's up in the rafters.






    Head: Shrouded Hood

    Chest: Shrouded Armour, or Guild Master's Armour

    Hands: Ancient Shrouded Gloves or Nightingale Gloves

    Feet: Ancient Shrouded Boots or Nightingale Boots



    Ebony Dagger (for your poisons)

    Ebony Bow/Nightingale Bow

    Ebony Sword/Nightingale Sword/Blades Sword


     Quest Lines:

    Dark Brotherhood (of course)

    Thieves Guild (good rewards)

    Main Quest line (for shouts)

    Collage of Winterhold (to gain access to Expert Illusion spells)

    any bounty from innkeepers (practice your assassinations on Bandit Chiefs)





    any criticism is welcome, thank you and goodnight. 

    also, if you were wondering, this is inspired by the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks 





  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    A few presentation errors, capitalization, white spaces, and all different text sizes. Pretty sure we already have a Wetboy build as well, so you may want to change the name. I do like the pictures, but the build isn't in-depth enough for my +1 yet. I'm not seeing enough gameplay explanations. 

  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    The name, dear god, that was fantastic. I would give you +1 for the name, but also, the content is good so yeah :D

  • August 26, 2013
    I mean... "wetboys"? Wet... boys...? But awesome pictures and an overall good build! :)
  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    Per-fect. No comment. The unique build that suits my gameplay. Good job bro!

  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    Instant like for the Night Angel build.

  • August 26, 2013
    I second what miraak said. In addition some of the pictures just take away from the presentation. The worst offender is that poorly blurred photo with the glowing eyes. And I hate to beat a dead horse but the name wet boy is pretty weird.
  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    Similar to wetworks...  As in wet with the victim's blood.

  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    Are you sure about the "a wetboy is to an assassin as a tiger is to a kitten?" My cat would love to meet a tiger. A local St. Bernards won't come in fifty feet of the 'lil princess and her brother, Spotacus.

    It's a pretty good build. As others have said, work a little on the presentation. +1 from me!

    Anyone mind telling me what fiction this is from? About the talent and such? Seems a little like my kind of thing.

  • Member
    August 26, 2013

    It's probably one of the best fantasy novel series I've read: Brent Week's Night Angel Trilogy.