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Building In... Dragon Age

  • February 24, 2016

    Dragon Age is probably one of the bigger RPG series ever released, and it's also one that's excellent for Building in. So, in my new series (Building In...) I wanted to discuss some of the more interesting topics in regards to building in the Dragon Age series

    What type of Character do you play?

    Do you prefer Roleplay or Gameplay?

    Is your team based on power or how much you like the character?

    Do you have a set team or roll everyone?

    What ratio of Mage/Warrior/Rogue do you use?

    What's your favorite game in the series?

  • Member
    February 24, 2016

    I have had a few, but my latest was a human tank 2h.

    Roleplay, but gameplay is still ket

    Character preference, yes, as I find I can reset people to how I like them regardless.

    Depends on the character, but last time I rolled Cassandra, Dorian and Varric.

    Depends again, but usually roll two ranged and two close fighters.


  • February 24, 2016

    What type of Character do you play?

    I tend to run as the main damage dealer, no matter what Class/Race I play, I tend to prefer being able to unleash massive damage on enemies while the others support me. The only exception to this is by playing a Healer, I don't trust those bloody AI to heal me properly 

    Do you prefer Roleplay or Gameplay?

    Eh, to be honest I probably Roleplay more in Dragon Age than any other game, the sheer amount of quests, and the ones that have massive world changing options are too awesome to skip. But even though I do that, as I said I tend to play the OP character of the group.  

    Is your team based on power or how much you like the character?

    Ah...Well, I'll admit that I don't give a crap about how powerful a character is, technically I think Wyyne was the best Mage in DA:O but...Morrigan guys, I can't skip her, or Alistair even though Sten's more powerful in the long run (Though Templar...), plus their reactions are the best.

    DA:2 I can't skip Varric, even on my Rogues I don't skip him, he's just too bloody awesome. Oh and I pretty much always pick Merrill as my mage, can't really stand Anders.

    Do you have a set team or roll everyone?

    At most I swap one character out with another, for instance if I'm running a Warrior I swap out Iron Bull and Cassandra constantly (and add Varric and Solas, mostly because I don't like the other Mages). I just like building up a party with the same characters for the whole thing, makes it seem more real.

    What ratio of Mage/Warrior/Rogue do you use?

    Always Two Warriors, One Mage and 1 Rogue (Unless Varric is involved in DA:2), with one of the Warriors being Two-Handed and the other being the Sword and Board Tank.

    What's your favorite game in the series?

    Gameplay wise I prefer Dragon Age 2, it's much easier to construct a build around it because it breaks the game up so cleanly. Dragon Age Inquisition has the most content but Dragon Age Origins has the best  story... All up though I honestly think 2 is my favorite.

  • February 27, 2016

    What type of Character do you play?

    I always like to play Mage in Dragon Age. For some reason it´s the most appealing character for me. The fact they are feared and caged is something that makes Mages in DA universe very interesting. As for the role...I actually played little bit of jack of all trades mage. Little bit of damage, healing and crowd control, that´s how I rolled my mages in every game (though DA3 kinda screwed that healing part). I even run tanking mage in Origins, as well as dual wielding mage. But I mostly stay away from Blood Magic - you can say I´m one of those mages who never was tempted by it´s power.

    Do you prefer Roleplay or Gameplay?

    Roleplay or Gameplay? Hm, I´m not really sure. DA is game that really manages to bind both together quite nicely, but I guess that I usually make my characters to have fun gameplay, because the game takes care about the roleplay really well.

    Is your team based on power or how much you like the character?

    Lol, do you really have ask? Of course I build my party on characters I like the most. Though it´s interesting that my setups are usually well put together gameplay wise. I think that only in DA2 I was rolling character I didn´t like much on my every playthrough. Aveline. It´s really hard with proper tank there.

    Do you have a set team or roll everyone?

    Hm, I usually roll somewhat with everyone from time to time. To get their disposition and such.

    What ratio of Mage/Warrior/Rogue do you use?

    2 Mages, 1 Rogue, 1 Warrior. Best combo you can use in all games. Rogue is usually ranged, but from time to time I use melee rogue too. It just all depends on how much micro-management I feel like doing.

    What's your favorite game in the series?

    Well, you´ll probably crucify me for that, but I like 2 the most. Because of Hawke´s story, because of the overall story. Because of Hawke. And Varric of course. Combat there is great (if not for the endless waves of enemies), effects are coold and everything.  Origins is great with it´s more classics gameplay mechanics, it´s actually more tactical game, while DA2 is more fast paced, so Origins is one the second place. I like the Inquisition the least. And you probably ask why? Because the game still haven´t convinced me to play it for second time or even buy the DLCs, which previous games did without second thought.

  • Tom
    February 27, 2016

    I've only played Origins, but DA2 and Inquisition are on their way.

    What type of Character do you play?

    Mostly wizard. I've done two complete game plays as a wizard, but I've played two warriors for a bit.

    Do you prefer Roleplay or Gameplay?

    Role play. Some of the game play gets needlessly tiresome, mostly dungeon crawls and random encounters that are just scripted fight scenes designed to give me experience. The fade puzzles where I have to run around all the time are especially annoying.

    Is your team based on power or how much you like the character?

    Both. My years of MMOs have made the tank-healer-dps combo hard to break away from, and functionally you need it in this game. I really like Shale as my tank, Wynne for heals, and usually Sten for off-tank and melee DPS. I don't like Alistair or Lelliana (I really don't like the Chantry). I don't trust Zevran. Ohgren is a bit obnoxious but he isn't terrible. Morrigan is love interest but her spellcasting leaves me wanting. Dog is dog, and dog guards my camp.

    Do you have a set team or roll everyone?

    Once I get the companions I like, it's usually set.

    What ratio of Mage/Warrior/Rogue do you use?

    Mages and Warriors. Rogues aren't very useful in my opinion.

    What's your favorite game in the series?

    Yet to be determined.

    EDIT: I'll be sure to update this once I've played the others.

  • February 27, 2016

     All up though I honestly think 2 is my favorite. - DB

    Well time to bring out the ole cross and nails, I hate it when people agree with me 

    I definitely agree with you about Dragon Age 2, the faster combat, and more compact story (IMO) makes it a much better game than Inquisition, and probably as good if not better than Origins. The story for both is, well I can't really compare them, but in the end graphics (Which I liked best in 2 as well, I kind of hate DA:I's character creation) and gameplay win me over slightly. 

    As for your love of Mages, I definitely like them most from a Roleplaying standpoint, they're just more interesting in a world where Mages are killed left and right, turned into Abominations and so on and so on. Templars don't get enough special dialogue to make them interesting (PC ones)  so they're role in the grand story is slightly smaller but the evolution of Mages from feared to hated, to understood but feared throughout the games is awesome

  • February 27, 2016
    People mostly complain about DA2 and yeah, I agee with few things like waves of enemies, repetitive maps and such, but the story which is about you getting into crossfire and dealimg with it is something I really enjoyed. It was nice change of pace to most of games where you have to save the world.
  • February 27, 2016

    Yeah, the maps are a bit of a problem, I'll admit that but I never had much of a problem with the enemies, most of the waves still had a unique enemy or sequence that made it work differently. 

  • Member
    February 28, 2016

    What type of Character do you play?

    Sword and board, baby. I have a picture of my DA: O character I created back in the day. Do you prefer Roleplay or Gameplay?

    With a mug like that? Roleplay.

    Is your team based on power or how much you like the character?

    That's hard. Hated Leliana but give her a bow and she was the nuts! But it's a Bioware game so squad dialogue is all important so I tend to pick the ones I find most funny.

    Do you have a set team or roll everyone?

    I try and mix things up. Feel sad for the ones who don't get a turn. Heh, do you remember the gag about that in ME Citadel?

    What ratio of Mage/Warrior/Rogue do you use?

    I tend to like the enantiomorph in my play throughs.

    What's your favorite game in the series?

    Origins then Inquisition. Origins because it was new and raw and visceral, inquisition because it had more nuance. Haven't played 2.