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WiP Character Build: Heroic Spirit - The Winged Bull

Tags: #Fate/Elder Scrolls 
  • September 23, 2017

    Archer - The Winged Bull

    I am a bull, and therefore reckless in my wit. I think I would go and gore our prisoners if you had left any alive. You are blood-made-glorious, uncle, and will come again, as fox animal or light. Cyrod is still ours."

    The Hawk is the blessed Kyne, whose storms, whose Voice, whose winds reign supreme in the Land of the North and whose essence has permeated the entire land. Cyrod and Skyrim, the two homes of the Winged-Bull are entwined with that of the Mother of Men through the breath she gave onto the world from it's Throat and the life she breathed into man. Together the Hawk and Bull, fight the unholy abominations and all evil that dares to try and take Cyrod or Skyrim from them and shall bring down a Holy Storm upon those who dare try and destroy them.

    Race: Nord or Imperial

    Standing Stone: Morihaus was born under the Lord, and while this doesn’t give him any unique powers the connection to the Lord Stone that exists in Skyrim is undeniable and unbreakable.

    Stats: The build doesn’t have an exact S/H/M ratio, and instead is supposed to just be grabbing what you need when you need it. I don’t find Magicka as helpful since I rely primarily on the bow in combat, so I focused a lot less on that than Stamina or Health.

    Primary Shouts: Unrelenting Force and Whirlwind Sprint are basics for just about any character, but Storm Call, Cyclone, Ice Form and Ice Breath can all be used as more offense shouts that fit in with Kyne’s relationship with Storms.

    While Archery, Heavy Armour and Light Armour are the main skills, this build also works with Destruction, Smithing and Speech to different extents in order to make it shine. Destruction is mostly used with Lion's Arrow which was briefly mentioned above and can be perked as little as just Destruction Mastery or take up large chunks of the Frost or Shock paths in order to make the fighting style a lot more powerful. Smithing might not be needed, dunno still working on it.

    Speech however, is the closest to being a major skill, and is only minor because it isn't technically required for the character to mostly function. Speech with Ordinator can really boost the power of your Shouts but if your working with Thunderchild (like I am) it becomes a little too much when you combine perks, new shouts and the boosts that both give you. I'll be perking it but not to the extent of the other skills.

    Servant Stats:

    Strength - B

    Agility - A-

    Endurance - A

    Mana -C+

    Luck - D

    Noble Phantasm - B


    Divinity (Kyne) - A

    Morihaus' divinity is unquestionable, while he may not literally be the Son of Kyne (though most sources tend to lean towards the fact that he is), the Winged Bull is still one of the most perfect examples of a hero chosen by a single god to become their champion and this lends him an otherworldly power that most other heroes, even divine ones, can't hope to match. 

    Independent Action - C

    While it isn't the highest rank due to him not commonly being known as an Archer, Morihaus has the ability of Independent Action, allowing him to function without his master's consent to a much higher degree than other servants. This is also what allows him to leave his summoning location of Skyrim for longer periods of time, including the entry to his old home Cyrodiil, though only enough to make it into Bruma County.

    Magic Resistance - A

    Morihaus is incredibly capable of resisting magical attacks from all sources, only being effected by the most powerful spells of his enemies and only other Servants if they have a Mana ranking of A+ or higher.



    Noble Phantasms

    The Armour of Morihaus (B+) - While the Lord's Mail itself is lost to time, it's undeniable that it is closely linked with the legend of the Winged Bull in a way that no other item is. When summoned as a Heroic Spirit of the Archer Class, it operates as a Conceptual Phantasm, giving him the ability to protect himself from injury when entering combat and shielding him from magical attacks.

    The Lord's Mail, sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus, the Gift of Kynareth, is an ancient cuirass of unsurpassable quality. It grants the wearer the power to regenerate lost health, resist the effects of spells, and cure oneself of poison when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one.

    Kyne's Bow of Storms (C+) - The Bow of Storms is a lesser known artifact that Morihaus was given by Kyne, but one that is just as powerful as the Lord's Mail. In life he was able to use this bow to create arrows made of pure lightning or frost, and send them burtling down into legions of Ayelid Warriors and Mages. As a Heroic Spirit it maintains most of it's power, but is weakened slightly by Kyne's decline in worship, and instead simply acts as a carrier for spells that Morihaus uses. It's no less deadly, but still less powerful than the bow of legends.

    For Kyne, Mistress of the Storm I give my life

    For Kyne, Hawk of the North I give my death

    For Pelinal, Lord of Bloody Carnage, I give my Bow and my Fist.

    For Alessia, Queen of the Empire, I give my Heart

    For Cyrod, Home of the Winged Bull, I give Everything.


    Imperious - Races of Skyrim

    Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

    Apocolypse - Magic of Skyrim

    Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim

    Thunderchild - Epic Shouts

    Beyond Skyrim: Bruma


    Atmoran Totems - The Hawk by Paul England which, honestly is always going to be a bit of an inspiration for any of my Kyne based builds, and really anything based off of Lore.

    On the Nord's Totemic Religion by Lady Nerever for a bit of cool information on the Totems, and how they all connect and interact with each other.

    Crafting Motif 39: Minotaur and Phil's now deleted project that was showing off all the gear.

    The Outsider by Lissette for the artwork, sorta, I took her base idea of the layout but she does it better than I do (by about 600 times)

    The Lord's Mail by Mason - used for the picture for the Lord's Mail

    The Bow of Shadow by Mason - used as the picture for the Bow of Storms

    Referenced Sources

    Crafting Motif 39: Minotaur 

    Tamrielic Lore by Yagrum Bagarn

    The Song of Pelinal v2. On His Coming 

    The Lord's Mail by Lady N

    Closing Notes

    All those little quotes in the pictures are just written from me, but the style is copied from a lot of in-game books describing the First Era, mostly to do with Cyrodiil. 

    I still need to work in the Fate stuff but I'm taking that as a secondary concern here after playing it and really nailing the Kyne stuff. Artwork will be coming and some of the titles are going to dissapear so the build flows rather than jumps from section to section.

  • September 23, 2017

    Playing through Beyond Skyrim:Bruma at the moment, and damn it's good. Better voice acting than Falskaar and I reckon, the main game, real pretty world and it kind of blends in seamlessly with Skyrim. Haven't really gotten to the story yet, but we'll see

  • Member
    September 23, 2017

    Huh, never knew Minotaurs used bows? Granted, I've only run into the Oblivion ones

  • Member
    September 23, 2017
    The unreliable narrator applies strongly to this source, Capernius is a bigger fanboy of the 'tors than DB is :p But it's a source and so good enough for me to be satisfied.
  • September 23, 2017

    Well this looks like this is gonna be super cool, Deebs. And I am very flattered that you drew inspiration from the Outsider. 

  • September 23, 2017

    Huh, never knew Minotaurs used bows? Granted, I've only run into the Oblivion ones

    Honestly, yeah it's flimsy evidence at best, seems almost tacked on if I'm honest. But that's fine, if it lets me write an interesting build (for me at least :P) that's good enough IMO.

  • September 23, 2017

    The unreliable narrator applies strongly to this source, Capernius is a bigger fanboy of the 'tors than DB is :p But it's a source and so good enough for me to be satisfied.

    Ain't my fault that Morihaus is one of the more interesting characters around. Besides a real fanboy would've worked on more than three builds, a lore articl...shit yeah fanboy it is :P 

    Well this looks like this is gonna be super cool, Deebs. And I am very flattered that you drew inspiration from the Outsider.

    Couldn't help it :D It's such a cool build and if I'm looking for inspiration on how to change my style a little, I figured that you were the best place and it was my favourite in terms of presentation :D

  • Member
    September 23, 2017

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Ain't my fault that Morihaus is one of the more interesting characters around. Besides a real fanboy would've worked on more than three builds, a lore articl...shit yeah fanboy it is :P 


    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Honestly, yeah it's flimsy evidence at best, seems almost tacked on if I'm honest. But that's fine, if it lets me write an interesting build (for me at least :P) that's good enough IMO.

    In fairness to the source, the author did spend time observing them in his other book. I think the subtext of it is that while he is an "unafilliated scholar" and so his works are frowned on because they go against the orthodoxy. I do like the conclusions he has come to as they ring true to my ears. Biased ears, it might be said :D

  • September 23, 2017

    Damn Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is massive as all hell, I was just going to jump over there and hopefully finish before Level 30 but I'm rocking Level 12 and I haven't started the Main Questline there (in fact I just got my first non-misc quest). Real awesome, real fitting too but I don't want a build to be entirely based off of it even if it fits the character really, really well.

    I don't does fit extremely well (Morihaus focusing on protecting Cyrodiil and using Bruma as his base) but I'm not sure if I want to make a build based entirely around mods to the extent that it doesn't even touch on Skyrim's Shouts, Morthal, the Civil I dunno, this might end up as a freaking massive build (I can easily see this getting to 60 at the moment).

  • September 24, 2017

    So I've more or less finished Beyond Skyrim:Bruma, and I'm at Level 20 so I figured this would be a good time to head back to Skyrim and start doing some quests there (luckily the mod sped up quite a bit towards the end, there was a point where I was thinking I might hit 30-40 by the time it finished). Anyway, to start things off I'm going Main Quest/Civil War (at roughly the same time) and then probably Dawnguard/Dragonborn...I dunno, I don't like Dawnguard that much and I've played Dragonborn a lot but I can't deny that they're fitting quests.

    Oh and I'm so glad that installed the 'Perk Points at skill level 50, 75 and 100" Mod (Might not be the real name) because even just getting the few extra points is extremely useful. I'm looking at a lot of perks and even ending up with 15 extra perks might save me.