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The History of the Elder Scrolls

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    So in downloading Morrowind for Steam just now I was reading some articles and this one popped up.  I thought it might be a nice trip down memory lane for those here in the "Classics" and maybe open some discussion.

    Here's the LINK to the PC Gamer article.

  • January 3, 2016

    The beginning immedietely grabbed me by balls. 

    There’s a theory that no one ever loves one of Bethesda’s open-world games as much as they love their first. Whichever of the Elder Scrolls games was your introduction to the format will be the one that sticks with you forever, the theory goes, and none of the others will measure up

    I love you, Oblivion. You´ll stay in my heart forever. 

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    And I've always felt good about Arena and felt none of the followups matched up.  Til Skyrim I should say as it's the most engrossed I've been in any TES game.

  • January 3, 2016

    So the theory is probably right. 

    Don´t get me wrong, I see Oblivion´s many flaws, but because it´s the game that introduced me to TES and I love it, I ignore those flaws. 

    It´s harder with Morrowind for me. I love that game´s world and lore, yet I can´t really enjoy the gameplay and combat. That´s why I´m really looking forward to Skywind. (Which reminds me, I should post some news again) 

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    Ooh, aliteration and an element of suspense.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    each new game makes significant changes, and many of those changes seem like responses to common criticisms of the previous one. It feels like Bethesda pays attention to the things people complain about and use mods to fix, though the company rarely gets credit for it.

    Yeah, normally because with the other hand they are taking something much loved away.

  • January 3, 2016

    Thought the same thing when I read that. 

    Though I was kinda suprised to find out Oblivion is actually bigger than Morrowind. I always thought Vvardenfell was bigger than Cyrodiil. In-game of course.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    “We wanted to get back to the more classic Arena and Daggerfall feel of a fantasy world that felt more refined and welcoming, a place that you instantly understood. But in that, we sacrificed some of what made Morrowind special: the wonder of discovery.”

    I remember this from the forums of the time but back then I had no frame of reference and was new to TES. Loads of people were moaning how the Cyrodiil they got to see was dumbed down and generic compared to the one they had been expecting based on PGE 1Ed. I think this is where the Todd Howard quote about canon comes from, a bit of PR damage limitation.

    To me the world was perfect but nowadays when I look back and can see how my expectations changed for Skyrim, I can also see why Morrowind fans were so vocal about the dumbing down of TES.

    the Elder Scrolls games have largely done their own thing. They’ve become influential, but only rarely been influenced. That changed when Skyrim not only added crafting but companions and romance options—rudimentary ones, but still. It’s an example of a willingness to borrow from other RPGs that’s new.

    This may have been true but it must change for the next game. With Fallout 4 looking and feeling a couple of years old on release it is clear that Bethesda need to reinvent themselves again, especially with the likes of Witcher 3 and DA:I  proving they can out-Bethesda Bethesda themselves.

    Hmm, very interesting article John LeBlanc, thanks for sharing

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    Meh, I played Oblivion first and it kept me away from RPG's for years... Gave Skyrim a chance and now RPG's are my favorite genre of game.

    Maybe it's less of a theory and more of a philosophy.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    Why did Skyrim resonate with you yet Oblivion didn't Steez? Was it the interface and general feel of gameplay?