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Khajiits vs Argonians,who is the better predator?

    • 14 posts
    May 15, 2013 10:30 AM EDT

    So guys i was wondering who you think is the better predator don't go by they're attributes like the unarmed thing khajiits have im talking about as a beast race as a animal. for example say there is five imperial guards walking down by a river and also the area has rocky hills and lots of flora and tall grass (this is for the setting so the khajiit and argonian have both habitats mixed togeather) what would the khajjit do to take them all out? what would the argonian do to take them all out? here is my thoughts, i think the argonian is a better predator because firstly the imperials couldnt conqour black marsh because the diseases that flooded the place and also because the argonians were to hard to kill because they were being hunted by the argonians say form example a imperial goes near the river and gets pulled in by the argonian he gets killed and the other imperials cant find him because hes in the water and on land they can hide very quietly in the tall grass pretty much like a khajiit and kill just as same. So tell me what your thoughts on this is? oh and by the way this is my first disscusuion so feel free to correct me if you want i know im not really good at grammar so sorry.

    • 1913 posts
    May 15, 2013 10:34 AM EDT
    Khajiit are better predators on land, Argonians are better predators in water
    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 10:54 AM EDT

    This depends entirely on how you look at it, and where the Khajiit/Argonian actually is.

    If it is on land, in any setting aside from a forest, I would give this to Khajiit, as they have proven their battle prowess on land.

    If this is in a forest, or swamp, or water, then Argonians get this hands down. They are proven to be better skirmishers, better guerrilla fighters, and better suited for these environments than 99% of the Tamrielic races.

  • May 15, 2013 11:00 AM EDT
    So it's 3 imperials vs. 1 Argonian? Well one would be killed silently (from the water), and he would attempt to kill the second quickly, most likely using poisons (Argonians are skilled alchemists). Then for the last one (who has spotted him), the Argonian would attempt to tire him out, as Argonians are difficult to fatigue, and kill him after the imperial is too tired to put up a fight.

    But I unfortunately don't know much about Khajiiti warfare other than their intelligence and agility make them great warriors.
    • 952 posts
    May 15, 2013 11:01 AM EDT

    The lizardman will see a warm rock in the sun and decides to go lie down on it for a couple of hours and gets killed by the Imperials while he's warming himself.

    • 1483 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:09 PM EDT

    This is a description of fight against Bosmer, who used the trees as vantage points for their archers. The narrow ground level of the forest where melee Argonian fighters will stay, is another thing. They can use their natural camouflage and agility to lay ambushes to the enemies, and those will never see them coming. That is to say Khajiit can use this tactics too (although to a less extent IMO). Khajiit, however, will dominate in desert environments IMO with only Redguards as possible rivals.

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:16 PM EDT
    You can't even begin to compare Bosmer to Argonians.

    If you can find an accurate description of a fight between Argonians and Khajiit, then MAYBE this argument will be valid. MAYBE.
    • 1483 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:19 PM EDT

    As another thing Khajiit may be better in the night, or dark cave environments due to their ability to see in the dark.

    • 856 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:23 PM EDT

    I would not dismiss so easily any advantage in height.  For example, khajiit in trees could easily by-pass any ground ambushes, and set their own.  But ultimately, I would call 'forest' a draw - with advantage for either depending on the type of forest, and troops and tactics involved.

    Elsweyr is a desert, except when it is not.  (a large expanse is forest).


    • 490 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:27 PM EDT


    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:29 PM EDT

    But they aren't better in forests. Most of Elswyr is desert, most of Black Marsh is forest.

    It would likely be a draw (as Rune said below), but that's only if the Khajiit are capable of counter-ambushing the Argonians.

    If the fight was in Black Marsh then the Argonians will win due to support from the Hist. The Hist would tell the Argonians of any threat, as they always have.

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:31 PM EDT

    As I said before, it depends. If it's in Argonia then the Hist trees will alert the Argonians of the Khajiit presence and the Argonians will be able to counter their every move successfully. 

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:33 PM EDT
    Elsweyr is a harsh expanse of badlands and dry plains; only in the south, near the oceans, does the land become somewhat fertile. Rainforests cover this area, and various crops, such as sugarcane or the semi-illegal moon sugar.

    Straight from the wiki.

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:34 PM EDT

    Because the Argonians and Hist (along with disease) would likely wipe them out. 

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:37 PM EDT

    Yes, the southern half of the province is just that, half of the province.

    You seem to have missed the part where it says "near the oceans". Meaning that it isn't half forests. More like 25% forests.

    • 856 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:42 PM EDT

    This post also has some interesting discussion on the topic.

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:43 PM EDT

    Actually you can't say that. We don't know how many breeds of Argonians there are since we do not know all of Black Marsh. We do know that there are many breeds (some may even be capable of flight), but until we know exactly how many we can only speculate. 

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:44 PM EDT

    You also seem to have chosen to omit the part that says "somewhat fertile", meaning that not all of that land is capable of supporting plant life. 

    • 856 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:45 PM EDT

    There are also many types of saxhleel.

    The Argonians themselves are very diverse, evolving by their own co-dependent relationship with the Hist to best suit their environment.

    Argonian Part 1

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:45 PM EDT

    The amount of prey does not make one a better predator. 

    Even if it did, we could only speculate as to the number of prey in each province.

    • 557 posts
    May 15, 2013 12:48 PM EDT

    "...only in the south, near the oceans, does the land become SOMEWHAT fertile.."

    • 14 posts
    May 15, 2013 1:12 PM EDT

    I think screw attack on youtube should make a Death battle between a argonian and khajiit that would be awsome.

  • May 15, 2013 1:20 PM EDT

    When I look at an argument along the lines of "Who is better" I first try to apply a scientific approach to the question. The one thing I've always pondered is, the the Khajiit and Argonian have been sentient for so long, how come their more primitive aspects have not yet become vestigial. 

    Humans used to have robust jaws and longer canines, back before we mastered fire and were able to remove rocks and other impurities from our grains. Over the centuries this has caused us to change, this same change should be present in TES.

    At this point, the argonians and khajiits should look more "civilized". I think neither is an apex predator anymore, throw a man or mer in the jungle as long as any of them and I feel that person would develop into just as deadly a predator.

    Conclusion: Neither due to social "softening".

  • May 15, 2013 1:41 PM EDT
    Neither would be very softened. Argonians live in one of the harshest environments in Tamriel.

    A human race will almost never be as skilled in a swamp as an Argonian, especially Black Marsh. Their disease resistance, water breathing, natural stealthiness, and skill in guerrilla fighting make them better at fighting in a swamp than almost any race (even Redguards, who are the most naturally skilled swordsmen in Tamriel and my favorite race).

    The Khajiit are not 'primitive', they are the most skilled hand to hand fighters in Tamriel. Yes, a man/elf can become quite skilled, but a Khajiit still has pure natural skill on their side (and that's not even taking their claws into account). They have a clear hierachal system, dozens of martial arts temples, etc.
  • May 15, 2013 1:48 PM EDT

    Hi Matt. The point of my post was not so much on who is the better predator. I wanted to stress how the argonian and khajiit are not showing proper signs of evolution. They have been sentient so long they should be losing their more robust features. If you eat cooked meat, eat bread and use flour devoid of sand or rock (because you have the skill to distill it better) you lose unneeded features.