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Game debates.

    • 409 posts
    September 24, 2012 10:07 PM EDT
    So to tell you why I started this discussion I have to tell you a story. I was at school the other day talking to my friend about assassins creed and how I was looking forward to 3. But next to me was a CoD fan who starts telling me how much better CoD is than AC. He then went on about how AC 3 is going to suck and how CoD black ops 2 was going to be the best game of the year. We got into a heated argument and I think it was about the time when he said that the Cod story lines were better than AC's and all AC's fighting mechanics was button mashing that I flipped and sent him crawling into the hole from once he came. So this brings me to the topic what gaming debates have you gotten into? Discuss.
  • September 24, 2012 10:17 PM EDT

    The best Elder Scrolls game. I played through most of Morrowind and I can honestly say I didn't enjoy it, the storylines were better and almost every character had a purpose in a quest( though they didn't really live out their lives). But the gameplay was not fun to me in the slightest, maybe D&D fans would enjoy it, but I hated the chance to do damage when I clearly hit them. It was only one aspect but it was the most important aspect that failed for me. Also I get into CoD arguments with my friend( though they last for only 2-3 minutes).

    • 708 posts
    September 24, 2012 10:24 PM EDT

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 was better than Battlefield 3.

    Sure, the kits weren't as customizable and we didn't have jets and huge maps and 64 players and all that,  but it was just more fun. Battlefield 3 had this big fancy destructible environment engine, but very few of the maps had it featuring strongly. BC2 on the other hand, had it as an integral part of almost all maps. It felt like something truly unique at the time, while BF3 feels a bit like 'just another shooter'. Don't get me wrong here, I enjoyed BF3 quite alot, but it got very stale after about 40-50 hours of MP.

    • 409 posts
    September 24, 2012 10:26 PM EDT
    Never played Mortowind for those same reasons. Ya after I beat the kid in the argument he left then came back later and I beat him again after he ran out of things to say to defend his precious CoD he started calling me stupid over and over. -_-
  • September 24, 2012 10:29 PM EDT

    Also... the cliff racers( rages inside).

    • 409 posts
    September 24, 2012 10:29 PM EDT
    I enjoy battle feild 3 and I agree that like most FPS it gets boring after a while. Never played bad company 2 though always heard it was good.
    • 10 posts
    September 25, 2012 12:56 AM EDT

    I happen to enjoy both Mw3 and Bf3, it depends on how I feel like playing, they are both have their strengths and weaknesses, but it is hilarious to stumble upon a massive argument about the two.

    • 409 posts
    September 25, 2012 6:17 AM EDT
    Ya both are FPSs and I have to say battlefield 3 is superior. Sometimes I feel sad there are so many CoD fans and most of them think CoD are the greatest games ever made and the sit there and rip on games like TES, AC, and Halo because they don't understand that not every game has to be a FPS. No offense that is obviously not any of you CoD fans on this site since you are even here I'm sure you have good taste in games.
  • November 12, 2012 2:11 PM EST

    Idk much good arguments that the usual COD vs Battlefield vs Halo, Whether WOW is good or not, etc.

    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:08 PM EST

    AC3 and CoD? Don't get me started on those.

    I've had many discussions on this very site about AC3. Lets just say I don't like what they've done with the series.

    I don't have too much of this kinda discussions in real life, we're a like minded bunch of people, allmost everyone in the neighbourhood dispises AC3, CoD, WoW, LoL, just about anything I don't like, so there isn't too much to discuss.

    I do often get in the discussion of wich ES game is the best one. Morrowind, period.

    • 271 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:12 PM EST
    Ho, ho, ho! You know how it is, Alduin. ;)

    Everybody loves Ac3 deep into their hearts!
    • 952 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:17 PM EST
    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:20 PM EST

    Why bother with a game who has guards that have guns but instead of shooting, try to run and stab.

    While you are killing horrific AI controlled weird enemies. I'll be doing this:

    • 271 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:31 PM EST
    If i may....They ARE shooting and after that, instead of reloading those guns, they are charging in with their blades! B-)

    And also...why bother with a game with ONLY a single-player campaign. And graphics like it is from 2002? xD
    (maybe kidding a little with the last thing, but you know what i mean...)

    And that picture reminds me of when i saw that alot of peoples thought that Dis(cogame)honored would be BETTER(?) then Ac3. I mean...COME ON?! Really? ;)
    • 158 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:38 PM EST
    My only beef with AC3 is that it's not actually the 3rd game.
    • 271 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:51 PM EST
    Yes it is. Brotherhood and Revelations isn't 3 and 4. That was an Ezio-"thing". Ac3 is the REAL 3.
    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:54 PM EST

    Have you played Dishonored? The graphics are awesome. *Atleast on PC*

    The combat is better done than AC, and the stealth is superb, way beyond anything AC has to offer dispite it being about assassins..

    They wouldn't just charge, their bayonets are purely for self defense, they would just stand there and shoot unless you come to them or they run out of ammo, and even so, for one man, only 2 guys would charge per time and the others would stand back and shoot you in the head, muskets at that time were quite accurate, so your head wouldn't be intact long.

    And I actually don't give a shit about multi-player.^^

    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 3:57 PM EST

    Its the same thing like with CoD, CoD 6 doesn't exist yet.. It's all MW or Black Ops now.

    • 271 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:02 PM EST
    Hehehe, The mountin is shaking! ;-O

    *Sigh* The graphics are.....okay. For a week or two! ;)

    Ac3 is so much more then poking in the shadow with a dagger. Ac3 is a game with rich history and choices that can teach you more then a teacher can. THAT...that is a game! :)

    When you play Ac3, you don't just play it, you feel it! xD
    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:10 PM EST

    Except that the history they teach is mostly wrong and thus you are not learning anything at all..^^

    Play Dishonored, the stealth is better, the combat is better, the story is better, the atmosphere is better, the setting more intresting, the graphics are good, they were given a watercolour to fit the overall theme and feel of the game.

    • 285 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:16 PM EST
    Except for the Templars vs. Assassins the revolutionary period iss accurate including dates and locations of battles and signifigant events.
    • 966 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:22 PM EST

    Aye, the big things, but through all AC games I noticed they got most minor things wrong. Besides, their whole reasoning with the templars and assassins strikes me as odd too.

    • 285 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:23 PM EST
    Dishonoured graphics are pretty good but not nearly as good as AC3.
    • 271 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:50 PM EST
    • 952 posts
    November 12, 2012 4:50 PM EST

    AC multiplayer is the most retarded concept possible if you ask me. If there would be a co-op campaign possiblility it would be fine but since it's only short matches in an "open world" game it's pretty much an empty concept.