Recent Entries

  • So, what's next?

    I've had little time lately to play Skyrim, although a part of this has more to do with feeling disappointed with Dawnguard then necessarily being busy (though I am). And just reading about Hearthfire's concept, when modders have done things as extraordinary as Moonpath to Elsweyr, just reinforces t...
  • New Adventures in Telekinesis

    A small adventure, really. I'm stubborn and prone to wasting time on things I can't change, and my disappointment with Telekinesis is one such example. However, I stumbled upon something I haven't seen documented elsewhere, and even updated the Wikia with this. While I'm not sure why this happens, ...
  • Out of (h)arm's way

    I'm thinking of starting new builds, but not really sure how to go about them. It might help clarifying I'm interested in less travelled, quirky or unexpected builds. My Blight Priest build was an attempt at that, and now I'm considering other stuff.One is a different take on the Monk/unarmed charac...