New Adventures in Telekinesis

  • A small adventure, really. I'm stubborn and prone to wasting time on things I can't change, and my disappointment with Telekinesis is one such example. However, I stumbled upon something I haven't seen documented elsewhere, and even updated the Wikia with this.

    While I'm not sure why this happens, I noticed that the Eagle Eye perk from the Archery skill tree actually improves the range at which one can begin "seeing" items with Telekinesis. I went to the market in Whiterun with TK equipped and, sure enough, items start being shown from a certain distance. An example: if you stant to the left of Belethor's store with TK, you'll notice that the product from the vendor in front of you can be "read" (as in, it shows item name, weight and value). With the perk, however, I could sense the item further away - all the way behind Breezeholme (sp?), in fact.

    I'm inclined to believe that with Silent Casting and Invisibility, this might prove interesting for magically-oriented Thief characters, though I guess that requires more testing. The only drawback though, is that if you try to TK them from this distance, the magicka drain is larger because you have to sustain the spell for a longer time (nothing that Alteration cost reduction gear can't solve, of course).

    Unfortunately, I still haven't found a way to make the spell a viable source of offense  Slow Time lets me TK in a safer environment - sometimes I can even TK the same item by pulling it just as it's bouncing off an enemy - but there's still the same lousy damage ratio unless I'm throwing multiple items, and when time slows down, so does an item's trajectory. Oh well.


  • BloodBane
    BloodBane   ·  October 23, 2015
    BloodBane here with a nice note:
    I don't know how much the speed or velocity impacts the damage of a thrown item, but you can use a spell like Incinerate to increase the weapon is thrown.
    I love the whole Eagle Eye booster for distance as well...  more
  • CounterfeitFrenchman
    CounterfeitFrenchman   ·  April 19, 2014
    Hi. I know this is kind of an older topic, but I was wondering about Telekinesis, since you seem to be the go-to guy on the subject, I though I'd ask:
    Does throwing a weapon at an enemy using Telekinesis do any extra damage? I'm sure I don't need to...  more
  • zulfir
    zulfir   ·  July 15, 2012
    @Ponty: that one's pretty rad! I know I kinda arrived "late into the party" with Skyrim, but I enjoy finding out little touches like these. There are lots of similar things I still want to try out :)
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  July 15, 2012
    Something I've tried with spellcost gear is to disarm an enemy, then use Telekinesis to fling it around. Sometimes they'll chase after their weapon if there isn't any others around.
  • zulfir
    zulfir   ·  July 15, 2012
    @Emer: Cool, do let me know! I'm off to do some testing as well, forever convinced one day TK will open its secrets to me
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  July 15, 2012
    Interesting. I may have to test this once I'm able to. I'll let you know if I figure anything out.