Photo 116 of 454 in My Photos

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Sevria Eager And Curious

MarkusMasterThief's Album: My Photos

  • Overhate
    Overhate On a side note, there actually is a thing like heavy metal armor in this game
    And, yes, the clipping sux
    December 26, 2015
  • Jeffrey
    Jeffrey @Three Dog

    To be fair... Fallout doesn't have a crime system ;D Andras shall face no justice.
    December 26, 2015
  • Vazgen
    Vazgen Dat gun :D Gauss FTW! 
    December 28, 2015
  • Overhate
    Overhate So far the Gauss Rifle is the best long range single shot rifle I've found with 365 per shot dmg with 4/5 Rifleman and 1 Bloody Mess. When I get the last Rifleman perk and 2 more BM perks it will probably go over 400. And if I can find one with the "addit...  more
    December 28, 2015